34. Pleasure is Mine

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Sienna POV

I woke up because I thought I heard something. I go out of my bedroom and stick my head out to see what was the sound. And I see Luna go out the front door. Why is she going out this early?

Its four am. Why the hell would you wake up at this time? She's probably going to see Adrian. But why so early?

I go back to my room and I lie down. I pick up my phone to see Hugo's liked my latest picture on Instagram.

Can't he get the message. I broke up with him. We are done. Yes, I still want to be friends and yes we will still have to meet because of Luna and Adrian but like no. Stop stalking me!!!

I decided to get dressed. I can't be assed with this anymore. So I decide to get up and get dressed to go to the gym.

(Sienna's outfit)

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(Sienna's outfit)

I enter the gym and head to the running machine. I run for a good 25 minutes. I go over to the weights, I lift it and start squatting.

The door of the gym opens but I ignore it.

"Looking good in that position Sienna" Robert says with a wink

"In your dreams Rob" I say laughing to myself. He's got a lot of confidence.

"I'll get you some day" he says

"Oh ye. I'd like to see that day. But is that before or after you supposedly get my sister" I say

"Nah your way better looking than your sister" he says winking

"Ye ye. Deffo like you haven't said that to her" I say

"Would I say such a thing?" He says in a innocent tone which makes me laugh.

"Do you want me to squat you?" He asks me and I nod.

He comes behind me whilst I'm still holding the weight and he he holds his hands not far from my waist. I change the weight to a higher one because I'm trying to show off a bit.

I squat around 5 but then I start to struggle. I think Robert knows I'm struggling but he doesn't say anything.

I carry on and do another three then I try and do one more but fail to. And I almost fall with the weight. But Robert grabs me in time and the weight falls to the ground. Robert still has a firm grip of my waist and I now have a grip on his neck.

"Thanks" I say

"No problem Darling" he says

I let go of his neck and he lets go of my waist. He lets go and I feel an empty feeling inside of me.

I grab the weight and put it back and walk out of the gym.

I go back to my room and shower. I dry my hair and curl it. I decide my outfit for the day.

(Sienna's outfit)

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(Sienna's outfit)

I go downstairs and I hear a voice behind me

"Sienna" I hear

I turn around and see my oldest brother Matteo

"Yes" I say

"We have dinner tonight with your brother future wife and her family" he says

"Wait what? Who's getting married?" I ask

"Adriano" he says which makes my eyes widen.

Adriano? He's had barely any girlfriends because he's too involved with his career. I did not see that coming.


Authors note

Hey lovelies

Sorry for short chapter

Adriano is getting married. To who????

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