4 - Error and Ink

718 66 13

Sheena POV

I regretted for gaining my emotions back and now I am nervous. What am I supposed to do here? Fight? I barely use fresh poof to escape from Nightmare's gang! I did not prepare for this. Literally.

I let out of sigh and I think that this is a piece of cake to fight-



or not. Definitely not.

"̴I̷n̷k̵!̸ ̴S̷t̶o̶p̶ ̵c̸r̸e̶a̴t̸i̶n̴g̴ ̵b̶u̸n̴c̶h̴ ̵o̵f̷ ̴a̷n̵o̷m̴a̷l̶i̵e̵s̶!̸"̶

"But Error! Those are still my creations! They're important!"

"̷Y̶o̷u̴'̴r̷e̷ ̶n̸o̴t̵ ̴e̷v̵e̴n̵ ̵t̴h̶e̶ ̶o̶r̴i̶g̸i̸n̴a̶l̴ ̵c̵r̶e̵a̷t̸o̶r̴ ̴o̸f̴ ̶a̵u̴s̵.̵"̸

"Ouch. Good point."

They both desummon their weapons and fell on to the ground in exhaustion.

"Wow, am I an idiot?"

"Y̵e̵s̶ ̵y̵o̶u̸ ̴a̵r̴e̴."

Error and Ink both looked each other and then they laughed.

"Pfft- Why did we even fight in the first place!"

"Y̸e̷a̵h̴!̸ ̸I̶'̶m̶ ̷a̸l̵s̴o̵ ̷a̷s̷k̶i̶n̴g̴ ̴t̷h̶e̷ ̸s̵a̵m̶e̷ ̴q̵u̷e̶s̸t̸i̶o̵n̶!̸"̸"

They continue laughing and I feel like I shouldn't be worry too much since this is not a Fgod. If this is Fgod, I would break Ink's brush into pieces like a pile of toothpicks.

I stayed in behind the rock and carefully not to be seen.

'Yo! Yo! Yo! Wattup!'  Fresh exclaimed through my mind. Ouch, that caught me off guard. It seems like he's awake already. I may have no ears but I can still frickin hear him.

"Fresh! What the heck!" I whispered and Fresh let out of 'Oops'

'Sorry about dat Sheena! Didn't mean to scare yar peach face-'

"My what?"

'uhhh.... look out! Error and Ink in coming!'

I flinched as he mentioned Error and Ink. I poked my skull to take a peek and I could see Error and Ink is no where to be found.

"Where did they go?" I asked myself and then I heard a voice behind me "F̸r̷e̵s̸h̴,̷ ̴w̵h̶a̵t̵ ̶a̶r̸e̵ ̴y̷o̸u̸ ̸d̷o̴i̶n̶g̶ ̴h̵e̸r̸e̸?̶ ̴H̴m̷m̶ ̸.̸.̸.̸.̵l̵e̵t̴ ̶m̷e̴ ̶g̷u̶e̵s̸s̸.̴ ̵S̶t̶a̵l̷k̸i̴n̷g̷ ̴m̶e̶ ̵a̶g̶a̷i̷n̷ ̴a̵s̷ ̴u̵s̴u̸a̴l̵?̴"

I almost jump from a surprise and I turned around. As I turn around, I saw two skeletons was right in front of me. I try to stay calm and keep it cool. Okay. Just, put on an act. Try not to be suspicious.

'Yo. Among us'

'Shut up, Fresh. And a little help here?'

'Just play it cool and put on an act.'


'Act like how I radically act, just pretend to be like me to! and then annoy Error.'

'Nope, I rather not to annoy him and I don't want to get blasted by his gaster blasters or getting tied up by his strings!'

'Yeah true, lol'

I looked at them and I feel nervous. Oh boy. I am definitely going to die again at this point.

"H̷e̷y̴.̸ ̸Y̵o̵u̴'̷r̵e̷ ̵n̸o̷t̵ ̵a̷n̵s̷w̵e̴r̶i̷n̵g̴ ̷m̶y̷ ̴q̵u̸e̷s̷t̵i̸o̷n̶.̸" Error said and he narrowed his eyesockets at me. It's like he's staring at my soul. Oh gosh. I hope not. "Yo! Sorry Error bro! I'm just uhh...bored? Yah! Dats why!" I tried my best to say lingo slang accent and I felt a bit embarrassed. I hope he doesn't notice that I'm not their Fresh.

"You okay Fresh? You know it's been 3 months ever since we last saw you. Where have you been?" Ink asked and Error asked the same question. "L̵i̶k̶e̸ ̶w̴h̶a̴t̸ ̵h̶e̸ ̷s̷a̷i̴d̷,̷ ̴w̴h̵e̵r̸e̷ ̵h̷a̸v̴e̴ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶b̴e̸e̶n̷?̵"

I started to think of an excuse before they find it suspicious. "Uh....just uhhh possessing a new host, avoiding the bad sanses and having a break afterwards yo!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, ya know me! I'm very radical and always needing a break!"

Ink looked very convinced but Error. He find it suspicious.

"Uhhh gotta go feed mAh baby- I mean! Furbies! Yah! Haha! Catch ya on the flip side!" I said and I fresh poof 'FRESH POOF!'


(Meanwhile with Error and Ink)

Ink made an ink portal and jumps in as he teleported back to his doodle sphere. That leaves Error alone and thinking. Error noticed Fresh's behavior is a bit more.... suspicious. It was quite obvious, he is not that stupid.

"F̶r̶e̵s̵h̸.̴.̴.̸ ̶Y̶o̷u̴ ̴d̸a̶m̶n̷ ̷p̷a̷r̷a̵s̶i̸t̶e̶.̶"


"W̷h̶a̸t̸ ̴a̷r̵e̸ ̶y̵o̶u̸ ̴h̶i̴d̶i̵n̴g̴...."

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