57. Dimond Ring

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Song of the chapter
Pretty Boy by The Neighborhood


~🩵Joshua POV💙

I woke up sitting in my bed when I felt arms wrap around my waist and a head on my shoulder

"Good morning baby." Seokmin said kissing my neck, sending shivers down my spine

I turn to look at him

"Good morning." I said kissing the top of his nose

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" He asked with a beautiful smile that can light up my morning

"Of course and always." I said pulling him for a slow kiss, my hands go to his hair and he caresses my sides

We separate just in time for a little tornado to attack our room, Heeseung jumps on our bed

"Wake up Dad, wake up appa!" He said in an exciting tone

"Good morning Bambi." I said hugging him

Seokmin hugs us in our hug

"Can I stay at Jake's house today?" Heeseung asked with Bambi's eyes

"At this point you don't even live in your house anymore." I said

"I think it's a great idea." He said winking at me


"A date~" Jeonghan said next to me

"I mean we've been going to a bunch of them." I said

"Well that's good, I mean me and Cheolie don't even have time for dates." He said

"You can always leave Jungwon and Beomgyu with us." I said

"I mean yes but three kids Shua, plus your neighbor's son." He said

"Jeonghan you are talking to the person that has to take care of a class of twenty kids." I said

"Okay." He said smiling


I was getting ready for this date, putting on some random pants and a white loose shirt

"You ready baby?" Seokmin asked me behind the door

"Yeah." I said

He opens the door

"My, how beautiful my boyfriend is." He said making me blush

I try to find my face, he sits next to me and shows me a blind

"Can I put this on?" He asked, I nod and he puts it on me, I feel him leading me somewhere, I feel is going up some stairs and a cold wind hitting my face

I feel the blind being taken off from my face, I slowly open my eyes, we are in the roof top just like our first date, the orange sunset covering the sky, blankets on the floor, pillows and different types of  food, a big white screen and a table with a small projector on it

"Honey, just like..." I said still looking around

"The day I asked you to be my boyfriend?" He said

I nod

"But ten times better." I said smiling

He brings me to the end of the roof top where there was a small bench, we sit down on the ebnch and look at the sun going down

"Words can't describe how much I love you Jisoo." Seokmin said looking at me

"Kyeom..." I cup his cheeks "Not even numbers can't?" I asked

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