8. Bracelet

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Song of the chapter
Enchanted (TV) by Taylor Swift


~🩵Joshua POV💙

"Would you... would you like to live with me?" Seokmin asked.

And I froze

What does he mean to live with him?

"Like in your house?" I asked

"I mean I don't know where else I live," He said chuckling.

"Yeah, why not." I said.

We got to the Jeongcheol apartment and went inside with my spare key

"Hey guys." I said going in.

"Joshua Hyung I'm so glad you're better." Chan said coming to me and hugged me softly.

The boys decided to do a celebration after I got better and here we are.

"Yeah me to Chan." I said hugging him back.

"Hey Shua." Jeonghan comes up to my side hugging me.

"Hey, hm I won't be needing this anymore." I said giving him the spare key.

"Wait- what do you mean." He said

"If you're okay with it, I'm gonna be living with Seokmin now." I said.

"Oh really." He said giving a weird smirk.

"Jeonghan stop being nasty okay." I said joking.

I went to the kitchen and saw so many dishes

"Mingyu, this is so much food." I said standing my hands out.

"Yeah eat how much you want, you need it to get strong and grow some muscles." He said flexing.

I only laughed

I made my way to the table but before I could sit down, a hand pulled me towards the guest room.

"Kyeom what are you doing?" I said

He smiled like the love of his life was in front of him

"I want to give you this." He said giving me a box.

"Kyeom I can't accept this." I said pushing away the box.

"Please Hyung." He said all adorable

How do I resist that


I don't

"Okay."  I said grabbing the tiny box.

I opened the box and inside was a bracelet with tiny charms around it, there was a heart charm, two boys holding each other hand charm, an ice cream charm, and an American flag charm with its back the Korean flag. A wine charm and a bunny charm.

"Kyeom this is beautiful, thank you." I said

He grabs the bracelet from the box and I hold out my arm for him, he clips the bracelet on and it gives little jingles.

"You welcome Soo." He said hugging me.

But this hug felt different from all our hugs like we both felt something. I put my head in the crook of his neck and take a deep breath of the lavender smell. His hands are around my waist and my hands sink through his short but long hair. The moment was calm and sweet like nothing could bother it.

But guess what

Something did bother it

We heard a cough and immediately pulled away

"Yeah so sorry for interrupting the moment but, lunch is ready and they asked me to call you guys." Chan said a little awkward.

"Yeah tell them we're coming." Seokmin said.

"Ok." Chan said closing the door behind him.

"I'm glad you liked it Hyung." He said tucking some loose strands of my hair behind feeder my ear.

"Thanks again." I said a little shy.

We go out of the room and sit side by side at the table, I notice Jeonghan slight smirk.

This boy tsk

We eat and talk about a bunch of stuff, the boys made me eat so much that I almost exploded and they wanted me to eat dessert too, if it wasn't for Seokmin trying to stop them I would've exploded a long time ago.

Right now we are cleaning up and all of us packed about 5 boxes of food for each, yeah Mingyu made a lot of food.

I was separating some stuff so Seokmin could bring it to his house already and he was helping me out.

"Wow, I thought you would bring more stuff." He said putting it in my duffel bag.

"Yeah, I was going to start a new life here in Korea so I didn't bring so much stuff." I said

"Yeah make sense." He said. "Is it okay if I pick you up around the afternoon?" He asked me tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, why thought?" I asked.

"There is this super cute cafe next to my house I want us to go together, if that's okay with you." He said.

"Yeah, but are you trying ask me on a date?" I said looking now at him.

"Humm, yeah." He said looking away

I laughed a little

We were so close, that I could feel his warm breathing.

"I think you should better go, it's getting late and I don't want you driving this late." I said pulling us up from our sitting position to now standing up.

"Yeah okay." He said with a chuckle.

We walk to the front door and I give him the duffel bag.

"Good night Jisoo." He said giving a kiss on top of my head.

"Good night Dokyeom." I said closing the door.

I slid down the door and squealed with excitement

"Wow someone's really in love." Seungcheol said smiling opening the door and going for a walk with Kkuma

"Hey, Shua come let's watch a movie together, as our last night together." He said pulling me up.

"You know it's not the last right?" I said following him. "Like I mean, we can do sleepovers when we want." I said.

"Yeah I know but, let's enjoy it for now." Jeonghan said.

Me and Jeonghan went to the kitchen to make some popcorn and hot cocoa, while Seungcheol went out with Kkuma for some minutes.

When he came back there was candy and every goodie you could imagine on the center table and some snacks for kkuma too.

I sat in the corner while Kkuma was between me and Jeonghan, and Jeonghan and Seungcheol were cuddling. I didn't mind the movie was too good to pay attention to them.

When the movie ended the Jeongcheol couple were heavy asleep on the couch kkuma was still awake so she was following me around.

I cleaned our mess and went to my room, took a shower changed, and laid down. I noticed kkuma wanted to lay down with me so I grabbed her and put her on the bed next to me.

That's how I slept, with Kkuma sleeping beside me and dreaming about Seokmin


Today chapter

Personally I loved this chapter so much fluff 🤧

Did anyone watch Jeonghan's live today morning?

I actually didn't miss it and watched it all

Proud of my self

Thank you carats 💎
~Anyone 🩷

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