28. Family Dinner

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Song of the chapter
Family Line by Conan Grey


~🩵Joshua POV💙

I never felt so tired in my life, after that winter party I feel like I never want to go to a party ever again, everything hurts mostly my butt but that for other reasons

I was in the shower the cold water hitting my back and Seokmin went out to buy some groceries

I'm so tired and this party was 4 days ago

I turn the shower off and wrap my self in a robe

The thing is I didn't know my boyfriend was home

"You look so hot, fresh out of the shower." He said smiling

I blush

This man is such a tease

I walk to the closet and before I could take my robe off, Seokmin hugs me from behind

"Min..." I said

"Let me enjoy the moment." He said

We stay for some moments like that

"You remember we are going to my parents today right?" He said

Oh no

"You forgot right?" He asked

"Oh my, I'm so sorry Kyeom I really am." I said turning around and cupping his cheeks

He laughed

"It's okay baby." He said putting a hand in my cheek "we are going for dinner so we have time." He said smiling

"Still, sorry." I said pouting

He kisses my pout

"It's okay, hm? Get dressed." He said leaving

I feel so bad...


I totally forgot I bought him something when I went to the mall with the boys

I finish changing and head down stairs, I smell something delicious being made


I run down stairs

"You made pizza?!" I asked

"For later? Yes!" Seokmin said "But for know... there's kimchi stew." He said putting the pizza in the oven

"Well that works." I said grabbing our plates

We sit down and eat the kimchi stew

"It's been a long time since I've seen your mom." Seokmin said

"Yeah..." I said

"Are you guys okay?" He asked

"No we're fine... I just miss her." I said collecting our plates "I begged her to come with me, but in the end she said she needs to finish work and stuff." I said

My boyfriend nods his head


It was time to go to Seokmin's parents house and I was very nervous

"Do I look good?" I asked for the 20th time

"You look amazing baby." He said bringing me closer by the waist "you look dazzling, gorgeous, pretty, sexy, handsome, hot, I could continue until tomorrow." He said

I blush

"Thank you." I said a bit shy

"I'm not lying though you look amazing Jisoo." He said lifting up my chin "Don't care what other people say." He said

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