34. Adoption List

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Song of the chapter
Same dream, same mind, same night by Seventeen


~💙Seokmin POV🩵

Some weeks ago

Me and Joshua were walking in the park hand in hand, even though it was freezing Joshua asked to go on a walk and I just agreed with it

We pass by a small playground where kids were playing and Joshua looks at them, not just him but me too

These past 3 months Joshua's as been working in the orphanage made me realize how kids are important, some people say kids bring a family more together or kids make the family break, not that me and Joshua doesn't have a health relationship, we do and it's amazing I could do anything for him

Joshua leans his head on my shoulder and I hug him by the side

"Baby." I called

"Yes." He said

"Can we talk, but can we go back inside." I asked

Joshua nods and we walk back to our house, it's funny how our house was just nine months ago and now it's ours, we open the house door and enter, we take our coats off and sit in the couch

Joshua is looking around the living room and then to me

"I know we agreed to adopt after graduation but..." I said not knowing how to continue

He looks at me

"Do you want to enter the process?" He asked

"Process?" I questioned

"To adopt a child you have to enter a process of some months where the orphanage will see our records, where we live, if it's appropriate for the child to live, and when all that happens we get accepted to adopt the child." He said

Is there a chance to not get accepted

"Yes there is." Joshua's said like reading my mind

I look down

Did I put to much pressure on him?

I feel Joshua getting up from the couch and sitting in my lap, he pulls my face up cupping my cheeks

"Kyeom, I want to adopt a child, I really do, I just need your signal." He said with a small smile

"I want to Soo, I want us to have a family." I said hugging his waist

He smiles

He gets up from my lap and runs upstairs, I'm a little confused until he comes back with a folder and his laptop

He sits next to me and opens his laptop, when it turns on he searches something up and opens the page

He turns to me

"Heeseung?" He asked

I nod

He types something in the search bar of the website and one profile came up

In the top it was Heeseung's name and a photo of him in the bottom, next to the photo there was his age, height, birthday, likes and dislikes, where he was born and in the very bottom a waiting list of five families wanting to adopt him


"Soo- five families?" I said

Joshua bites his lip and clicks something and starts typing, then he clicks enter and we end up in third place

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