chapter 19

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Moyong Yue felt the cold wind of the morning, blowing through the graveyard like the ghosts of her ancestors. Moyong Yue stood at her grandmother's grave, her heart heavy. "I think... this will be the last time I'll get to see you, Grandma," she said, sitting down next to the grave. The early morning sky seemed so peaceful. "I'll be heading off to Mount Hua in Shaanxi. It's a long trip, but I'll manage." She chuckled, her hand on her bag with a deep sigh.

"But one thing is stopping me... I can only last Sham Mirage for only a month, so I'll have to manage and make sure no one sees my hair. My qi is still not used to the technique, but I'll continue controlling it, just like you said."

As she looked down at the picture of her grandmother one last time, she felt a pang in her heart. "Will the Mount Hua Sect elders accept me?" she murmured, her white hair fluttering in the wind. She lifted a small smile and hummed, "I better get going." With a final look at the grave, she stood up. "Goodbye, Grandma."

Moyong Yue took her first steps outside the palace gates, her feet making soft noises on the stone floor. She could hear whispers echoing behind her as if trying to stop her from leaving. Her lips firm, she clung onto her bag tightly and left the palace without looking back.

The wind blew against her back, as if trying to deter her from her journey. Moyong Yue walked away from the palace, her heart heavy. She could hear whispers echoing behind her, causing her to firm her lips and clutch her bag. 

"What the heck is wrong with me?" she exclaimed, scolding herself. "I can finally achieve my dream. Why am I sad?" She heaved a deep sigh. "I'm finally free! I can go after that rare snail I keep seeing in those boring books!" She imagined herself catching it and cackled. "Cerion, you'll be mine! AHAHAHA!" 

Suddenly, she heard her cousin Moyong Jing's voice behind her, his tone deadpan. "I knew it. You're becoming unstable." 

Moyong Yue turned to face him, her eyes wide. "You're the last person I never want to say goodbye to!" 

He scoffed. "Well, too bad. I'm coming with you! My poor hideous cousin won't be able to survive without me!" He barked proudly, causing Moyong Yue to stare at him in shock. 

"What... no, what do you mean, you're coming?" she whispered, her heart racing. Moyong Yue narrowed her eyes at Moyong Jing, her grip on the bag tightening. "What do you mean, you're coming with me?" she hissed, her eyes filled with anger and worry. "You have no business in Shaanxi! You'll get in trouble if you come with me! Your father will punish you!" She tried her best not to raise her voice, but it was clear that she was agitated and upset.

Moyong Jing met her gaze, his own eyes filled with determination. "Father won't punish his own son and soon-to-be head of the sect. And I'm far better than letting someone else come with you! I'll guide you to Mount Hua before going back. It'll take three months to get there. Do you really think you'll be able to survive? You can never do anything without me!" His expression was cocky and confident, which only made Moyong Yue even more angry.

Despite her anger, she knew that he was kind of right. She had never traveled this far, and she was still inexperienced in the ways of the world and the martial arts. Her cousin's ego might be insufferable, but she couldn't deny his skill and knowledge. She sighed, knowing that she might need his help on this journey. "Fine! You'll guide me to Mount Hua, but then you're going back. No exceptions." she snarled, her voice filled with annoyance and grudging acceptance.


As the days passed, Moyong Yue's journey to Mount Hua became ever more challenging. After three months of traveling, she finally arrived at the base of the mountain, her heart filled with awe and wonder. As she dismounted her horse and walked towards the village, she couldn't help but be amazed by the scenery around her. The mountains towered above her, casting a majestic shadow on the village below. Moyong Yue's brown hair was whipped by the wind, making her feel alive for the first time in her life.

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