chapter 12

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In the land of Fujian, there were sects. But among all the sects, the Moyong Family sect was the one that held the highest power. They maintained order and controlled the other sects with an iron grip. Moyong Yue had grown up knowing this truth. 

She had spent countless hours absorbing the knowledge contained in rare and ancient books that even the oldest elders found difficult to comprehend. Despite her exceptional intelligence, she kept it hidden from the public, content with the knowledge that her father valued her for her secret talent.

While Moyong Yue's hunger for knowledge sometimes consumed her, there were moments when her curiosity reached new levels. Eavesdropping on her grandmother and uncle's conversation made her curious about the mysterious treasure they were discussing. She couldn't get past the fact that her grandmother kept it hidden and had vowed never to share its location. Not knowing what it was or why it was so important drove her to uncover the truth. It was one mystery she couldn't let go of.

Despite knowing that it was inappropriate for a child, such as herself, to pry into adult matters, Moyong Yue's burning curiosity compelled her to seek out the truth. She knew she was not like others, her intelligence and sharp wits allowing her to quickly uncover hidden things. As much as she wanted to sneak a peek at the sacred treasure, she chastised herself, "No! You're aiming to become a Taoist, Yue! You can't allow yourself to get caught in such scandals." She slapped her cheeks as a show of self-discipline.

But her curiosity refused to leave her be. 

As the days passed, she found herself thinking about the treasure more and more. She thought about all the knowledge and secrets hidden within it. She thought about the wealth and power it could bring to her and her family.

And most of all, she thought about the fact that she would be the first to ever lay eyes on it. She couldn't resist the temptation any longer. She made a decision. She would go on her own and find the treasure. Even if it means breaking the law. She had to know. She had to have it.

As the sun descended beneath the horizon, Moyong Yue's determination to uncover the sacred treasure intensified. She waited for the moment to strike. When the night had fully enveloped the temple, she made her move. 

Sneaking inside, she moved with the stealth of a shadow, avoiding the watchful eyes of the temple soldier. She knew there would be consequences if her grandmother found out, but the temptation to discover the mystery behind the sacred treasure outweighed any fear. With a deep breath, she walked inside, ready to embark on her secret mission.

Moyong Yue made her way through the temple, admiring the ancient swords that were passed on from generation to generation. They reminded her of the legacy her ancestors had left behind. As she rummaged through the different rooms, trying to find the sacred treasure, she found nothing that seemed significant enough to meet the definition.

"Where could it be...?" She hummed to herself in frustration, wondering if she had made a wrong choice by coming here in the middle of the night. Suddenly, her eyes landed on a small drawer hidden in the corner of the room. She pulled it open, her heart racing with excitement. Could this be it?

The curiosity within Moyong Yue was peaking. She did not know precisely what the sacred treasures were, but she was certain that they were something of great significance. Seeing the hidden drawer made her even more intrigued. She eagerly opened it, eager to uncover the contents inside.

But what met her eyes was nothing but an empty space. Nothing but a drawer without a purpose, as far as she could see. "Why would there be a drawer then? What was the point?" She couldn't help but sigh and close the drawer, wondering why it even existed in the first place.

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