chapter 2

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Four years later...

As the autumn sun warmed the ground outside, children of all ages played and laughed, having finished their training for the day. Far away from the joyful uproar, a lone white-haired girl with delicate white eyelashes walked by with a book in her hand, her gaze fixed on the pages as she studied. The children noticed her but seemed unbothered by her presence until a boy with a mischievous glint in his eye spotted her.

The boy, with a cheeky grin on his face, spotted her and called out, his voice ringing in her ears. "Hey, demon!"

The girl lifted her head, startled by the sudden interruption. She looked around, trying to locate the source of the taunt, but she couldn't see anyone nearby. Ignoring the comment, she resumed her reading, hoping to be left in peace.

But the boy was persistent. Stepping forward, he reached out and grabbed the book from her hands, a smug look on his face. "Look what I got!" he bragged, displaying it to his friends. The other children laughed and clapped, egging him on.

The girl's eyes narrowed, and she took a step forward, intent on retrieving her book. "Give that back!" she demanded, her voice low and stern.

The boy simply grinned, holding the book even tighter. "What are you going to do about it?" he taunted, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

The girl took a deep breath, trying to calm her rising temper. "Give me back my book," she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.

But the boy was too caught up in his own excitement to listen. He laughed and tossed the book over his shoulder, his friends snickering as the book thudded to the ground.

The girl watched in horror as the pages scattered, her hard-won study time shattered into a thousand pieces. She let out a low hiss as she stepped forward, her hands curled into fists as she prepared to launch an attack.

But before she had the chance, a voice called out, sounding strong and commanding. "Enough!" The children turned, their attention fixed on the white-haired girl's teacher, who had appeared out of nowhere, her eyes blazing with anger. "What's going on here?" she demanded, her voice ringing out across the courtyard.

Quickly fading he realized he had crossed a line. "Nothing, Great Sister. Just some fun," he murmured.

But the teacher's glare intensified, her piercing gaze fixed on the boy. "Fun at the expense of another," she said, her voice dripping with disapproval. "That is not the way of the Moyong bloodline. We do not attack others simply for our own amusement."

The boy swallowed hard, his eyes darting from the teacher to the broken pages of the girl's book. "I'm sorry, Great Sister. It won't happen again," he mumbled, his head bowed in shame. 

The teacher's expression softened slightly. "Very well," she said, her voice firm but not unkind. "You will apologize to Moyong Yue, and you will help her clean up those pages. And I suggest you start training harder because it seems you have forgotten our ways." 

The boy nodded, his expression downcast as he took a few steps towards the girl, who still stood, stiff and proud, her eyes fixed on the teacher. Her white lashes fluttered as she blinked back tears, her lips pressed into a thin line as she waited for the boy to approach. But when he reached out to touch her, she jerked back, her hand curling into a fist as she stepped away from him. 

The other children watched, hushed and quiet, until the teacher's voice echoed out once more. "We are all Moyongs," she said, her voice ringing out across the courtyard. "We stand together, we protect each other. And no one, not even the strongest demon among us, is above that." 

The girl's shoulders sagged as the weight of the day's events finally caught up with her. But with a nod from the teacher, she stepped forward, her eyes meeting the boy's as he approached. "I apologize," he muttered, his voice quiet but sincere. "I was out of line." 

The girl nodded, her voice soft as she responded. "Thank you. And I accept your apology." The children around them relaxed, their relief palpable as they began to gather up the scattered pages of the girl's book. As they worked together, their teacher watched, her expression content as she smiled, proud of the family she had built.

Moyong Yue, the young heir of the Moyong bloodline, walked towards the grand library after the events that had transpired earlier. A sense of determination and resolve filled her tiny form as she approached the towering shelves filled with ancient scrolls and books. She knew that this was her chance to prove her worth and her intelligence to the elders of her family. As she sat down in front of the stacks of books and scrolls, Moyong Yue opened the first book, a collection of ancient tales and fables. In the midst of the chaotic day, this was her chance for escape and solace. 

And yet, she knew that she had to read carefully and thoroughly, for the elders expected nothing short of excellence from her. Despite her young age, Moyong Yue was a quick learner, absorbing the stories and lessons of the ancient texts with ease. As the hours slipped by, she made her way through the library, reading every book and scroll that she could get her hands on. 

The stories of heroes and warriors, of wisdom and philosophy, of love and loss - all of them filled her with a sense of wonder and awe. By the time the sun began to set, the hour of the rooster began. Moyong Yue had read through the entire library. She was exhausted but proud, feeling a sense of accomplishment at the knowledge she had gained. She knew that the elders would be surprised at her ability to comprehend such advanced texts at such a young age.

She also knew that she would have to continue her studies, for the Moyong bloodline was known for its warriors and leaders, not for its scholars. But for now, Moyong Yue was content to take a break and reflect on the day's events. The children who had tormented her earlier may have been stronger and more experienced, but in terms of intelligence and wisdom, Moyong Yue stood above them all. 

Moyong Yue left the grand library, her mind overflowing with the ancient stories and philosophies she had read that day. She stepped out into the crisp autumn air, the night sky casting a beautiful glow across the mountain and the fields below.

As she walked through the night, she noticed a man dressed in a traditional Chinese hanfu outfit looking around nervously. He seemed to be searching for something, or someone. Moyong Yue gasped, realizing it was her father. "Father!" she called out with a smile, waving her arms as she approached him. He turned to her, a look of worry still etched on his face.

But when he saw his daughter, that worry quickly turned to relief. "Oh dear..." he murmured, walking towards her. But as he approached her, he paused, his eyes scanning her small frame up and down before sighing. "Yu-Yue, where have you been? It's past dinner time."

Moyong Yue looked up at her father, her eyes shining with excitement as she spoke rapidly about the stories and philosophies she had read today. Her father smiled, his expression soft as he listened to her, proud of her intellectual capacity. "You really are my daughter," he said, shaking his head in wonder. 

Together, they made their way back to their home, their conversation flowing like a warm stream as they discussed the world around them. Moyong Yue was happy, her love and respect for her father only growing with each passing moment as they walked together through the night.

As they walked, Moyong Yue's father suddenly stopped, turning towards his daughter with a worried expression. "Listen, Yu-Yue," he said, his voice low. "I know you're a smart girl, but you have to be careful. There are dangerous people out there who may try to harm you. I'm not always going to be around to protect you, so you need to be extra cautious."

Moyong Yue nodded, understanding her father's concern. "I know, Father. I'll be careful," she said, her voice steady.

Her father smiled, admiring his daughter's wisdom. "That's my girl," he said, before turning toward their home. "Let's get you something to eat. You need your strength if you're going to keep studying all night long."

Moyong Yue's eye's sparkled as she followed her father towards their home, lost in the wonder of her new knowledge. She was a child, but she was smart, and she was driven. And she knew that with her father's guidance and her own determination, she could achieve great things in her life.

Reminisce the Forgotten Days ~ Return of the Mount Hua SectWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu