chapter 3

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Moyong Yue stood on the snow-covered ground, her eyes fixed on the wooden swords in her seniors' hands. As the warriors moved with a grace and elegance that took her breath away, her heart pounded with excitement as she imagined herself wielding those blades like a true warrior. The wooden swords seemed to slice through the air with ease, and she watched in awe, amazed by the beauty of the martial arts. But as she admired her seniors' skills, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. 

She knew the day would come when she would learn those skills too, but for now, she was still just a child. Moyong Yue knew it would be years before she could fully understand and appreciate the significance of what she was witnessing.

As she looked up at the cloudy sky, she saw an old lady looking down at her. She felt her heart sink at the woman's icy glare, knowing that this was her grandmother, Moyong Ri, who was known for being strict and unapproachable. Most of the disciples were afraid of her. "You need to stop daydreaming and focus on their technique first," Moyong Ri said in a stern voice, breaking Moyong Yue's reverie. "A child like you can never gain knowledge just by staring." 

Moyong Yue's spirits sank further at the words, but she merely nodded, feeling ashamed at her lack of focus. In a desperate attempt to connect with her grandmother, Moyong Yue gathered the courage to break a taboo and ask about the past. "Grandma... when you... were in Mount Hua sect..." she began hesitantly but quickly looked up to find a terrifying expression on her grandmother's face. 

Moyong Yue knew that everyone knew they were never allowed to speak about Mount Hua in front of Moyong Ri, but she was desperate to learn more about her past. Despite her fear, she took a deep breath and continued. "Why did you leave the Moyong family?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Her grandmother's expression remained unreadable, but Moyong Yue's heart raced with anticipation as she waited for a response.

Moyong Yue remained frozen, her eyes fixed on her grandmother's expressionless face, waiting in anticipation for a response. 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Moyong Yue heard her grandmother's voice, low and stern, filling the air with tension as she spoke.

"I left the Moyong family because I couldn't stand their narrow-mindedness," she said, her voice drippy with disdain. "They were obsessed with tradition and had no desire to progress, no thirst for knowledge. I couldn't bear to remain a part of such ignorance."

Moyong Yue's heart skipped a beat as she listened to her grandmother's words, surprised by her sudden outburst of emotion. Moyong Yue had never heard her grandmother speak so passionately before, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her strength and courage.

"But didn't you also say that we must honor and respect our ancestors?" Moyong Yue asked, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"Yes, but we must also honor and respect ourselves," her grandmother replied firmly. "We must have the courage to walk our own paths, to pursue our dreams, and seek knowledge wherever we can find it. That is the only way we can truly honor our ancestors, and ourselves."

Moyong Yue listened to her grandmother's words, feeling a sudden swell of pride and admiration. She had always admired her grandmother's strength and determination, and now she saw that it extended to her beliefs as well. Moyong Yue knew that she had much to learn from her grandmother, and she vowed to do whatever it took to become as wise and courageous as she was.

Moyong Yue took a deep breath before speaking. "Grandma... may I join the Mount Hua sect when I'm older?" She spoke hesitantly, unsure of how her grandmother would react.

Her grandmother stared at her for a moment, before finally giving her response. She scoffed. "That run-down sect... do you wish to go down the same path I went through once more? Ha... a child's mind is always filled with curiosity and admiration..."

Moyong Yue's lips formed a firm line. No one had ever asked her a request like this before. It was out of place for a Moyong to have such desires. She nodded slowly. "Yes... I want to know more than what I know here..."

Her grandmother shook her head. "Be careful what you wish for, child. The Mount Hua sect is not for the weak. It is for those who have the courage and determination to face their fears and overcome them. Are you sure that is what you truly want?"

Moyong Yue's eyes widened. She had not considered the possibility that her grandmother would not support her decision. She took a deep breath before replying. "Yes, grandmother. I am sure. I want nothing more than to learn and grow, to become stronger and wiser. And I know that the Mount Hua sect is the place where I can do that."

Moyong Yue's grandmother studied her closely, her eyes narrowing as she spoke. "My child... You truly remind me of my younger self." She chuckled softly before turning away. "But remember this... do you truly wish to join the Mount Hua sect? Your appearance will immediately get you rejected. No one will want a child with demonic curse qi."

Moyong Yue's heart sank. While she had known that joining the sect would not be easy, she had never imagined that her appearance would be an impediment. She couldn't help but feel disappointed in herself. 

Her grandmother's words echoed in her mind, making her doubt her desire to join the sect. She had always felt limited by the restrictions placed on her as a Moyong, and she had hoped that joining the sect would allow her to break free. 

But now she wondered if it was worth the risk. "Grandmother... what should I do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 

Her grandmother turned back to face her, her expression softened. "Moyong Yue, you must remember that the path you choose is not meant to be easy. If you truly wish to join the sect, you must have strength of will and resilience. You must be prepared to face adversity and overcome it." Moyong Yue nodded slowly, taking her grandmother's words to heart. 

She knew that she had much to learn and that the road ahead would not be easy. But deep down, she knew that she was determined to follow her heart and pursue her desires, no matter what obstacles she would face along the way.

Moyong Yue took a deep breath, feeling her grandmother's words weigh heavily on her. "Thank you, grandmother," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I will remember your words."She watched as her grandmother walked away, feeling a strange mix of emotions stirring within her. On the one hand, she felt a sense of determination and commitment to her desire to join the Mount Hua sect. But on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel a sense of doubt and uncertainty.

Moyong Yue knew that she had much to learn and that the road ahead would be challenging. But she also knew that she was a determined and resilient young woman, with a heart full of curiosity and a desire to learn and grow. And no matter what obstacles she would face, she was determined to follow her heart.

Reminisce the Forgotten Days ~ Return of the Mount Hua SectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora