chapter 15

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Five years have passed, and Moyong Peng had taken the mantle of head of the Moyong family. The elders had followed him and advised him, doing their best to help him in his duties. Meanwhile, his son, Moyong Jing, was locked in a fierce fight with Moyong Yue.

"You bastard!" yelled Moyong Yue, punching him in the stomach repeatedly. "You rotten, unforgivable bastard! You shall die now! Die, die, DIEEEEE!!!"

Moyong Jing fell to the floor, groaning in pain. He looked up to see her icy glares, and he swore he could see flames growing in the background.

"How dare you eat my rice cake!!" she yelled angrily.

Moyong Jing winced as Moyong Yue kicked him in the crotch. A tear streamed down his face. "What are you talking about?" he groaned, his voice strained from the pain.

Moyong Yue stood over him, her face contorted in rage. "You ate my rice cake, you bastard!" she snarled, pointing her finger at him.

Moyong Jing groaned again. "I swear I didn't!" he exclaimed, holding his throbbing groin.

Moyong Yue clenched her fists, her expression becoming even more menacing. "Liar," she spat, "I saw you! You'll pay for this, I swear!"

Moyong Jing groaned again, feeling helpless and afraid. He didn't know how to reason with her, how to make her believe him. All he could do was lie there, waiting to see what she would do next.

In vivid detail, watching a 15-year-old beating up a 20-year-old was almost inconceivable. But if one witnessed the scene in front of them, they would understand why any sane person would cry for the 20-year-old victim. Moyong Yue's rage was palpable as she continued to beat him up.  The fire in Moyong Yue's eyes was blindingly intense as she continued her attack, showing no mercy as she struck him over and over again. There was no doubt that he had made a terrible mistake and was now paying the price for his actions

All of the disciples who witnessed the brutal scene between Moyong Yue and Moyong Jing flinched in fear, many of them praying for the safety of their sasuk. The sheer force and ferocity with which Moyong Yue attacked, pulling his ponytail back as she yelled, "I'll make sure you throw up every rice cake you ate by my hand!!" was simply unthinkable. None of them knew what had transpired to enrage Moyong Yue so much, but they could all feel the intense emotions that were fueling the brutal beating.

They knew that if they interrupted Moyong Yue in her attack, they would be next, so they stayed back, watching in horror as Moyong Yue continued to strike him over and over again. Some of the more seasoned disciples even considered stepping in to help their sasuk, but they knew it was not worth risking their lives for. All they could do was hope that Moyong Yue would eventually tire out or snap out of her rage, and they would be able to tend to Moyong Jing's wounds.

As the scene unfolded, the disciples watched in shock as Moyong Yue stood up, lifted her shoe directly toward Moyong Jing's crotch, and exclaimed, "You shall perish for eating my rice roll cakes!" 

The air was thick with the qi that was flowing around her ankle, and the disciples immediately noticed the destructive power that was within the young girl's grip. Without hesitation, the other disciples quickly grabbed Moyong Yue by the arms, exclaiming in unison, "That's enough!" Moyong Yue struggled in their arms like a monkey, screaming her lungs out, when all three of them came together to restrain her.

 Moyong Jing, on the other hand, panted heavily as the 3rd disciples helped him up. "Sahyung, are you okay?" one disciple asked, concern clear on her face.

"Do I look okay? Why were you all just watching me?" The disciples looked down in shame, not knowing how to answer, and only wishing that they had stepped in sooner to stop the brutal attack.

Moyong Yue was a force to be reckoned with, and her rage was unstoppable. She squirmed and struggled in the disciples' arms, but they held on tight, knowing that Moyong Jing's life could be in danger if they let her go.

"Yue, please, calm down," one of the disciples pleaded with her. "We know you're angry, but this is not the way to handle your emotions."

Moyong Yue glared at him, the light blue aura around her ankle growing stronger. "My emotions are none of your business," she spat, "I have every right to be angry with him. He ate my rice cake, and now he needs to pay the price."

The disciples looked at each other in disbelief, not knowing how to console or calm down the young girl. They knew that she was a force to be reckoned with, and the power of her rage was something to be feared.

"Yue, please," the same disciple pleaded again, "You're going to hurt him even more if you continue with this."

But Moyong Yue was unconvinced, and her grip around her shoe grew even tighter. She looked at Moyong Jing, the anger evident in her eyes. "You will pay for your actions, Moyong Jing," she said through gritted teeth, her voice low and threatening. "You will pay for what you've done. And I, Moyong Yue, will be the one who delivers your punishment."

With that, she brought her foot down, her shoe making contact with Moyong Jing's crotch with a loud thwack. The whole group gasped in shock, and Moyong Jing let out a groan, his face contorted in pain. As Moyong Yue's rage escalated, the air around her was filled with a blue aura that was almost palpable. The disciples were all left struggling to hold her back, while Moyong Jing was left groaning on the floor, trying to recover from the attack.

The other disciples tried to calm Moyong Yue down, but she was still enraged. She didn't want to listen to them or apologize for what she had done. Instead, she huffed and walked away, still fuming with anger. The other disciples looked at each other uncertainly - they had never seen her this angry before, and they didn't know what to do. All they knew was that they needed to make sure that Moyong Jing was okay.

They gathered around Moyong Jing, who was still lying on the ground, groaning in pain. "Sasuk, are you okay?" one of the disciples asked, gently touching Moyong Jing's shoulder.

"I'm alive," Moyong Jing replied through gritted teeth, his body still aching from the attack.

They checked him over and gave him some medicine, and he gradually started to feel better. The disciples were relieved that he was going to be okay, but they still couldn't shake the feeling that they had never seen someone as powerful and dangerous as Moyong Yue before. They had never seen a person with qi around their ankle, and they feared what she might be capable of.

Moyong Yue huffs as she sits down by the riverside, as she often does after a grueling day of training. She lets out a large, exhausted sigh as she looks out at the water, staring with a far-off gaze.

"Sahyung should know better," she mutters, her voice filled with anger. "Ugh, Grandmother, you should come back to the surface and haunt these bastards!"

She directs her anger toward the sky as if she's yelling at God Himself. Her hallucination has turned her into an anger-issue girl who can't seem to calm down. She's been known to talk to the sky or pray as if her grandmother was watching her as if she could still hear her voice and be comforted by her presence.

Despite the peaceful setting, Moyong Yue's rage is palpable, and she's clearly still upset about the events that had just transpired. She needs to let go of her anger before it consumes her, but she can't seem to make her feelings subside. She's become a slave to her emotions, with no one to reign her in.

Moyong Yue sat on the riverbank, her eyes closed as if she could see her grandmother's pissed face. Her grandmother had always been a strict teacher, and Moyong Yue could still feel the heat of her stare even though she wasn't physically there. Moyong Yue smiled to herself, "I must learn how to control my qi...I won't let my qi get consumed by some stupid curse!" She put both hands into the water, splashing it onto her face. 

As the cool water hit her skin, she let out a sigh of relief. She needed to get a hold of her emotions before it cost her too much. She couldn't let herself be consumed by her anger and rage. Moyong Yue knew it was a long journey, but she was willing to put in the work to become stronger and more in control.

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