chapter 5

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Moyong Yue stood in the middle of the training ground, gripping the wooden sword tightly in her hand. Her footwork was solid and steady, her lower body never touching the ground. She was completely focused on her training, her eyes fixed firmly on the target ahead. Her grandmother sat in a chair on the side, carefully watching her movements.

Three years had passed, and Moyong Yue was a changed girl. Her hair had grown longer, her eyes had become sharper, and her movements became even more agile and fluid. Her wooden sword was a mere extension of her arm, an extension of her will, as she gracefully weaved and swung it through the air.

Moyong Yue's body was a well-oiled machine, her feet firmly planted on the ground, her gaze locked on the invisible enemy before her. Her focus was like a laser, her eyes narrow and her lips set in a determined line. Sweat poured down her brow, running down her neck, as she continued to train, not giving an inch to her imaginary foe.

And all the while, her grandmother watched from the sidelines, a stern expression on her face. She knew that her granddaughter had come a long way, that she had grown stronger, both physically and emotionally, and that was all she could ever ask for. She was proud of her, and that alone was all the reward she could ever need.

Moyong Yue collapsed onto the cold floor, panting heavily, her wooden sword clutched tightly in her hand. She turned to her grandmother, expecting a warm smile or praise for all the hours she had spent training, only to be met with a stern glare. Moyong Ri's face remained unchanged, her eyes fixed on her granddaughter in silent criticism."H-How... Did I do, Grandma?" Moyong Yue asked hesitantly, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

Moyong Ri's frown only deepened at the question, "Terrible." She said, without a hint of a smile. 

The words stung, but Moyong Yue refused to falter.

She was used to the tough love of her grandmother, and she knew that it was the only way for her to improve."Your movements were flawed, and your grip was weak," Moyong Ri continued, her tone unchanging. "You need to work on your stance, and your form when swinging your sword. You're too stiff, and it leaves you open to attacks." Moyong Yue listened quietly, her face set in a determined expression. 

She would take her grandmother's words to heart, and she would train harder than ever before. She would make Moyong Ri proud, even if it meant shedding blood and sweat.

"Even the children junior who are practicing are far better than you." she shook her head with a sigh."

Moyong Yue's heart sank at her grandmother's critique, but she refused to give up. Even the children, who were her seniors and training alongside her, seemed far better than she was. It was a hard pill to swallow, but she was determined to improve.

Moyong Ri shook her head with a sigh. "You have to work harder," she said, her voice stern. "You're not going to survive out there in the real world unless you train harder."Moyong Yue's resolve strengthened at those words. She would train harder, she would improve, and she would make her grandmother proud. She would not give up. Ever.

"That's enough for you. Training's over." Her grandmother waved her off, and Moyong Yue firmed her lips before she put her hand over her fist.

"I will improve," Moyong Yue said to her grandmother with determination in her voice. She knew that her grandmother's words were true, but she also knew that she had the strength and determination to train harder and become stronger.

She nodded at Moyong Ri and turned to leave, her shoulders squared and head held high. As she walked away, she made a promise to herself to work harder than ever before, to become a warrior that her grandmother would be proud of.

As Moyong Yue wandered through the quiet courtyard, her thoughts were consumed with a single goal: to become the best swordsman in the world. She muttered to herself, "I need to prove myself. I need to become better than anyone else, and then, I'll be worthy enough to join the Mount Hua Sect, the most prestigious sect in the world."

"Join what?..."

Suddenly, she heard a voice behind her, a man's voice, a voice that sent chills down her spine. It was her uncle, Moyong Peng, and the elders followed him. She widened her blue eyes, seeing the dark brown and stern eyes that were staring straight at her. 

Other elders followed behind him, their expressions equally stern. Moyong Yue's heart raced as she bowed deeply, putting her hand over her fist as a sign of a respectful greeting. "G-Great Uncle," she managed to get out, feeling the weight of their gazes on her.

Moyong Peng's cold gaze remained fixed on her, his stern expression not changing. "Replicate your words," he demanded, his voice hard and unmoving.

Moyong Yue fiddled with her white hair, hesitant to speak. Mentioning joining another sect was a serious offense in the Moyong Family, and she knew that all too well. But the idea of becoming like her grandmother, who had left the family without a word and returned years later after being inducted into the Mount Hua Sect and becoming the first-ever great swordwoman, burned in her mind like a fire. 

After a moment's hesitation, Moyong Yue hesitantly whispered, "Join the Mount Hua sect..."She closed her eyes, expecting to be lectured by her uncle and the elders who accompanied him.

The elders gasped, their expressions a mix of shock and outrage. Moyong Peng, meanwhile, simply gazed down at his niece, a stern look on his face.

"Shame!" cried one of the elders, his voice ringing out across the courtyard. "How could you even think of leaving the Moyong Family to join the Mount Hua Sect? Do you not know the shame and disgrace that brings to our family name?" Moyong Yue felt as if the walls were closing in on her. She had never seen such anger and disappointment on her uncle's face before.

Moyong Yue flinched as her uncle, Moyong Peng, stared down at her with a cold gaze. She listened as one of the elders lectured her about the dangers of joining another sect, her heart racing with fear and shame. 

As the lecture came to an end, her uncle clicked his tongue and uttered a chilling warning. "To think my own mother would brainwash you... You're lucky that she's still here... otherwise, I would've immediately killed you," he said, his eyes never leaving hers, Moyong Yue froze in shock as she realized the severity of her mistake. Before she could say anything, her uncle and the elders walked past her.

Moyong Yue stood there, stunned and shaken. The weight of her uncle's words hung in the air, and she could feel the disapproval from the elders. Her heart ached, knowing that she had disappointed her family in this way. She was determined to prove herself, to become a capable swordsman, but she wasn't sure how to do it now that her uncle's words had been spoken. As she stood there, lost in thought, she heard a familiar voice call out to her. 

It was her grandmother, Moyong Ri, who had left the family in search of greater training and knowledge. Despite the tension in the air, Moyong Yue felt a surge of hope and determination rise within her. If her grandmother had been able to leave and become a powerful warrior, then so could she. Moyong Yue took a deep breath, determined to prove herself and make her grandmother proud. 

She knew that she had a long way to go, but she was going to take the first step by training harder than ever before.

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