chapter 18

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Moyong Peng, the current head of the Fujian Moyong Family, was walking with his elders to an important meeting. Moyong Meng, a devoted and loyal servant, was walking alongside him, anxious and worried about what could possibly go wrong.

As they walked, Moyong Meng tried to voice his concerns, but Moyong Peng raised his hand, silencing him. "Heed!" Moyong Peng ordered, his voice stern and forceful. "I don't want any noise!"

The elders all fell silent, looking down in submission. Moyong Meng, despite his usual cheerful and easygoing demeanor, felt a knot form in his stomach. He knew that Moyong Peng was capable of making decisions that could ruin the family's future, and he wanted to stop him before it was too late.

Moyong Meng, determined to do what he could to protect his family's legacy and future, mustered up the courage to speak again. "My Lord, you mustn't do that! For the sake of our future, I beg of you," he exclaimed, walking alongside the silent elders.

But Moyong Peng's intense glare made Moyong Meng go silent as well, and the elders all looked down, knowing that they couldn't do anything to stop their Lord. Moyong Meng could only watch as Moyong Peng, blinded by his own pride and ambition, walked straight into the unknown, taking their family's fate with him.

The Moyong elders watched in nervous silence as Moyong Peng stormed off, leaving them behind in a sea of conflicting emotions. They knew that their current head was prone to making rash decisions without considering the potential consequences, and they feared that this incident would be no different.

The eldest of the elders turned to Moyong Meng, the most trusted and respected advisor of the elders, and whispered nervously, "What should we do? This won't end well!"

Moyong Meng frowned deeply, feeling the weight of his responsibility as an advisor to the Moyong family. Despite his loyalty and devotion to the family, Moyong Peng had always been the headstrong and stubborn type, refusing to listen to any suggestions or guidance from the elders.

Moyong Ying spoke up, the youngest of the elders firming his lips, "Our lord has the right to make the decisions. That is what we have all taken an oath to."

Moyong Meng nodded solemnly, "Yes, that is true. But still, we must guide him to the right path. We vowed this to our Lady," he said with a mixture of sadness and concern in his voice.

The third elder interjected, "But Lord Moyong Peng refuses to listen. He won't listen to any of us."

The fourth elder nodded in agreement. "And that is why we must come up with a plan to change his mind. This is for the good of our family, our people, our future, and our Lady's legacy."

Moyong Meng and the elders whispered amongst themselves, trying to come up with a solution to their current predicament. As they continued to discuss the matter, Moyong Peng walked further away, the fate of the Moyong family hanging in the balance.

Moyong Meng's heart stirred in him, his loyalty and devotion to the family battling with his growing concern for the future. He knew that his words might not do much to change Moyong Peng's mind, but he had to at least try. With steady steps, he made his way towards Moyong Peng, determination burning in his eyes.

"My Lord, I implore you to reconsider your decision. It won't end well for the family, for our future, and for the legacy of Lady Moyong Ri," Moyong Meng said, his hand outstretched, trying to reason with Moyong Peng.

"My decision is final, Moyong Meng," Moyong Peng replied, a bitter smile on his face. "I don't need your approval or guidance anymore. I am the lord of the Moyong family, and I make the decisions." With that, he walked past Moyong Meng without a second glance, leaving the elder with a weight of concern and fear on his shoulders.

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