chapter 11

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It was a special day for Moyong Jing, the third son and heir of the Moyong Family bloodline. He had just received his sect uniform that marked him as a third disciple student. Dressed in a white hanfu with black wrist straps, sporting the Moyong Family's insignia near his chest - a purple sword - he couldn't contain his excitement.

As he stood there, smiling from ear to ear, his younger cousin Moyong Yue couldn't help but clap her hands in delight. "Congratulations on graduating from basic learning at the age of 14! You must have worked so hard," she said before breaking into a proud smile.

Moyong Jing's smile faltered as he remembered the countless hours spent training under his sahyungs, while Moyong Yue had the luxury of being taught by their grandmother. "Hey, just because you were personally taught by grandmother doesn't mean you're higher than me!" he snapped at her, raising a finger in her direction.

Moyong Yue stuck out her tongue playfully, knowing that her cousin's pride would always make him defensive. But secretly, she was overjoyed for him. Moyong Jing's dedication had finally paid off. The boy who had entered the sect at the age of 9 was now considered a full-fledged disciple, and that was no small feat.

Moyong Yue couldn't help but smile at the sight of her cousin's excitement. She knew how hard he had worked to get to this point, and the fact that he had done it all without the guidance of their grandmother was even more impressive. "I'm so proud of you, Jing. Your sahyungs must be thrilled to have you as one of their disciples," she said, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

But Moyong Jing was still a bit annoyed. He had always felt like he had to work twice as hard to prove himself to his sahyungs, while Moyong Yue had the advantage of being the granddaughter of their grandmother. But he knew that she had suffered in her own way, growing up in the shadow of their grandmother's strict upbringing.

Moyong Yue saw the anger in her cousin's eyes and quickly changed the subject. "So what are your plans now that you're a full-fledged disciple?" she asked, hoping to steer the conversation in another direction.

Moyong Jing took a deep breath before answering. "I want to continue training with my sahyungs and become stronger. I want to make my grandmother proud and prove that I can be a worthy disciple," he said, determination in his voice.

Moyong Yue nodded in agreement, knowing that her cousin had always had a strong sense of determination. She had no doubt that he would reach his goals and make their grandmother proud. "Alright, let's go have some tea and celebrate your graduation," she said, taking her cousin's hand and leading him towards the tea room.

As they walked towards the tea room, Moyong Jing couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had worked hard for this moment and was finally being recognized for his efforts. Moyong Yue, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. She knew that her cousin had done something incredible, but a part of her couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to receive such recognition from their family.

As they entered the tea room, the other disciples noticed Moyong Jing's uniform and rushed over to congratulate him. Moyong Yue felt a sense of pride as she watched her cousin receive the attention he deserved. "Congratulations, Moyong Jing. Your sahyungs are lucky to have you as their disciple," one of them said, bowing respectfully.

Moyong Jing nodded in appreciation, feeling grateful for the recognition he was receiving. Moyong Yue could see the happiness in his eyes and felt a sense of joy herself. Despite their differences, they had always been close, and she knew their bond would only grow stronger as they continued supporting each other throughout their lives in the sect.

While Moyong Jing received the congratulations and praise of the other disciples, Moyong Yue stood off to the side, her eyes fixed on the ground. She knew the attention was reserved for him, as it always was, but she accepted that without hesitation. She was used to being pushed aside and ignored, having been abandoned and cursed by her bloodline.

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