chapter 8

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25 years later, Moyong Ri became a respected elderly woman disciple and the first-ever greatest swordswoman in the Mount Hua Sect and China. Although she still adhered to her high beauty standards, she knew that her true value lay in her skill as a martial artist.

Meanwhile, Chung Myung had become one of the three great swordsmen, earning the title Plum Blossom Sword Saint. His popularity and success had drawn attention from all over China.

Despite his success, Chung Myung's personality had not changed much, and he still possessed a playful and carefree attitude that sometimes annoyed Moyong Ri.

Cheongmun, on the other hand, had become the leader of the Mount Hua Sect and was responsible for overseeing their growth and development. He had helped to turn the Mount Hua Sect into one of the top ten sects in China.

Moyong Ri found herself working alongside Cheongmun in discussions about teaching and training methods, but she still struggled to accept Chung Myung's presence.

His childish antics and constant jokes often frustrated her, but she had grown wiser over the years and had learned to control her anger. Nevertheless, she still viewed Chung Myung as a nuisance and hoped that one day, he would grow up and take their responsibilities more seriously.

 Moyong Ri and Cheongmun both looked up at Chung Myung with displeasure as he took his seat, Chung Myung holding a jar full of wine smiled sitting down, "What are you doing here?" Moyong Ri asked, her voice dripping with irritation.

Chung Myung smiled, taking a swig from the jug of wine as he poured some into his cup. "Just enjoying the fine company of my two most favorite seniors," he said, gesturing around the room.

Moyong Ri grunted, "You mean the one senior who can't stand you and the other who tolerates you for our sake."

Chung Myung chuckled, "Ah, I see you're still as grouchy as ever, Moyong Ri. You know, you could try lightening up a bit."

Moyong Ri scoffed, "I'd prefer to remain in a good mood, thank you."

Cheongmun chimed in, "She has a point, Chung Myung. You tend to annoy people with your antics."

Chung Myung shrugged, "I'm just trying to have some fun. Life's too short to be serious all the time."

Moyong Ri rolled her eyes, "You have a strange definition of fun."

Chung Myung smirked, "Well, I'm having fun, and that's all that matters. You two should try it sometime."

Moyong Ri shook her head, "We have more important things to worry about than having fun, Chung Myung. We're senior disciples of the Mount Hua Sect, and we have a duty to uphold."

Chung Myung laughed, "Duty? Duty is for peasants. I'm here to enjoy myself." 

Moyong Ri scoffed, "You are truly the most selfish person I've ever met."

Chung Myung grinned, "And proud of it. I'll take that as a compliment."

Despite her irritation, Moyong Ri had to admit that Chung Myung's constant joking and carefree personality made for an interesting contrast to her own serious nature. She knew that she needed people like him to help keep things light when the going got tough.

 And if she didn't learn to embrace a little bit of fun herself, she might end up becoming a grumpy old woman before her time.

Chung Myung laughed, sipping his wine. "You know... you're like a fine wine, Moyong Ri," he said, a hint of mockery in his voice. "You get better with age. But you're still no match for me."

Moyong Ri rolled her eyes, not finding humor in his joke. "I'm not here to listen to your cheap pickup lines, Chung Myung," she said. "I'm here to oversee the training of our junior disciples."

Cheongmun nodded, "And I'm helping her with the discussion matters of consequence within the Sect. So unless you have anything of value to add, Chung Myung, I suggest you leave us to our work." 

Chung Myung laughed again, standing up with the jug of wine. "I'm just playing. I know how to behave in serious situations," he said, a cocky smirk on his face. "I just find it a bit dull in here. The three of us sitting around talking about work? Doesn't that get boring? We're the elite of the sect, we deserve a little fun sometimes."

Moyong Ri sighed, "Fun is certainly important, Chung Myung, but the Mount Hua sect comes first."

Chung Myung took a sip of his wine, grinning cheekily. "Your temper will never disappear, will it?" he teased. "I wonder what man will ever marry you?"

His words caused the woman to gasp, unable to believe that he would dare to cross that line and talk about marriage in front of her. Her anger grew, her greyish-purple eyes turning into a menacing glare, her qi mixing with her anger and sending her into a full-blown rage.

Cheongmun could sense the danger and stepped in, saying, "Moyong Ri, calm down!" He saw the danger in the situation--Moyong Ri was a powerful warrior, and her anger could be dangerous if not controlled.

However, it seemed that Chung Myung had no intention of stopping his taunts. Instead, he only smirked, saying, "Aw... did I hit Sister Moyong Ri's weak spot?" He knew that his senior would not tolerate being disrespected.

She was determined to get her revenge, her hair flying in the air from the force of her qi and anger mixing together as she prepared to land a punch on Chung Myung's face.

But Chung Myung was ready, grabbing her wrist before the punch could land, "Phew, that was a close one. Don't want you ruining my handsome face now, do we?"

She glared at him, her anger simmering, "I'm going to kill you..."Despite her threats, Chung Myung only laughed, knowing that she was all bark and no bite. However, he was more than willing to keep pushing her buttons and testing her temper, knowing that he was one of the only people who could do so without fear of retaliation.

Moyong Ri's eyes narrowed, the anger still boiling within her. But before she could react, Cheongmun stepped in, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Sister Moyong Ri, please," he said gently, "Let's not allow our emotions to get the best of us. Chung Myung is only trying to rile you up." Cheongmun stood up quickly, placing himself between her and Chung Myung. "Chung Myung, that was unacceptable. You cannot speak to your senior in that way."

Chung Myung rolled his eyes, letting go of Moyong Ri's wrist. "Oh, please. I was just teasing. No need to get worked up over it."

"Teasing or not, you cannot talk about marriage in front of me," Moyong Ri said, her voice still filled with anger. "I am a senior in the sect, and I deserve respect."

Moyong Ri took a deep breath, composing herself. Cheongmun was right. Letting her anger control her was not the way of a disciple of Mount Hua. She took a few more deep breaths to calm herself, her qi calming as well.

Chung Myung, on the other hand, seemed completely unphased by the whole ordeal. He took a sip of his wine, still grinning cheekily. "You know, I think I quite enjoy getting a rise out of you." He raised his wine glass in a toast, his eyes meeting Moyong Ri's, "To our eternal rivalry."

 "Never gonna happen.." Moyong Ri crossed her arms, "And not at the expense of our principles. We have a responsibility to our students and to the Sect as a whole. We can't let things such as boredom or personal enjoyment cloud our judgment."

Chung Myung shrugged, "Well if that's how you want to live your life, that's your choice. I'll leave you to it." He walked out of the room, still laughing to himself.

Moyong Ri shook her head, turning to Cheongmun. "He's such a child. I don't know how he's managed to get this far in the Sect without learning some maturity."

Cheongmun nodded, "He's undeniably skilled in combat, but I agree. Sometimes his behavior can be a bit much."

Moyong Ri nodded, a hint of frustration in her voice. "But he's still a valuable member of the Sect, and we need him. I just wish he would take things more seriously."

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