After taking it all in, Kaelyn crossed her arms with a sigh.

"On one hand, I feel bad for you because Aveline was your daughter, but on the other hand, I kind of don't feel bad for you because you knew the consequences but allowed it to happen because you wanted Crimson's wealth. So tell me, what should I do with all this information?"

Patricia stepped forward and spoke with wide eyes.

"Run away from him before he kills you. I don't want what happened to my daughter to happen to you!"

Though Kaelyn was terrified about everything she had just been told, she forced a smile.

"Had you warned me about Crimson during my first few days, I would've definitely left immediately but it's not going to happen. He promised me he wouldn't kill me."

Despite saying those words, Kaelyn didn't fully believe them herself.

"You don't realize how serious the situation is! You're so pale and that means you don't have as much blood as before. He'll definitely kill you soon if you don't leave. I came this far to warn you because I knew he wouldn't be around today. He usually goes somewhere every Friday morning before sunrise."

Kaelyn furrowed her eyebrows. "May also mentioned something about him leaving before sunrise. Do you know where he goes?"

"No and that shouldn't matter. Please just leave that house as soon as possible. He's being nice to you right now but he'll definitely kill you. I have to go now. Take everything I've told you seriously. Save yourself, my dear!"

After her final words, Patricia headed in the other direction and Kaelyn stood still for a while with clenched fists. With her heart racing, she crouched down to stop panicking.

Her eyes then grew wide when she remembered that she needed to get back to the mansion before Crimson would return or she would have to face the consequences.

When she was back, she dropped herself on the living room floor with her heart racing. Her lip couldn't stop quivering because of the growing fear in her heart.

People keep warning me about Master. Should I believe them, or should I trust in his words? It doesn't matter how I truly feel about all this. I just need to make sure he doesn't know about Patricia.


When Crimson returned home, he came to Kaelyn's bedroom and found her in a sleeping position while facing the other side.

Unlike other times, she didn't sit up to look at him right away.

Though he wanted to immediately say something, he furrowed his eyebrows at how her heart pounded in her chest. He wondered what had happened while he was away.

To read her mind, he got closer and attempted to touch her shoulder as he spoke.

"Hello there, My Pretty One."

But as soon as he made contact with her shoulder, she flinched and fell off the bed.

As she got off the floor, he got closer again and placed his hand on her cheek.

"Master, you're h-here," she stuttered, barely looking up at him.

From what he could read, she was still scared of Demeena.

"Did you think I was Demeena?" he asked.

"Yes," she said. "I was just thinking about her and how she attacked me. I was so scared just thinking about it."

In his mind, it explained why her heart was pounding.

"Since you're still afraid of her, how about I tell you how to kill her?"

Though she had become more pale, he still wanted to keep her alive because of her blood, which was unlike anything else he had ever had. It was for this reason that he thought he would tell her about how to defend herself against Demeena so she could stay alive, if such a day ever came.

As Kaelyn fought hard to seem convincing that she was really thinking about Demeena, she did her best to calm down.

The moment he wrapped his arms around her waist, her shoulders tensed but she smiled at him.

When he sat on the bed, she sat in his lap and he explained to her how to kill Demeena if she would ever show up and attempt to attack her again.

"Will that really kill her?" she asked.

"Yes, my Pretty One."

Though his intention might've been to show her how to kill Demeena, she knew it wasn't limited only to her but other vampires as well.

To block out the thoughts that would get her in trouble, she switched to something else and it was something she had actually been meaning to ask him.

She rested her head on his shoulder with a sigh and hoped he had a convincing explanation.

"Master, why did you do that to me last night? Why did you make me pass out?"

"About that, I was so immersed in the pleasure of that moment that I was unable to control myself. Are you alright? I hope you're not in any pain."

Knowing that he was concerned made her feel slightly better, but it wasn't enough.

"Yes, I'm alright," she said, doing her best to hide how she truly felt.

"I'm glad to hear that," he whispered seductively.

He then moved her hair out of the way, then planted kisses on the side of her neck. The sensation instantly made her part her lips.

Judging by the tight grip around her waist and how impatient he seemed, she was certain they weren't about to make love and she was right.

She gasped at the sudden sensation of his fangs sinking into her neck as his other hand roamed around her thighs.

Though her eyes rolled back in pleasure, she knew she would only lose more blood but at that moment, it didn't matter because once again, that moment was special and intimate.

Completely surrendering to him in that moment, she could feel herself falling even deeper for him.


A few hours after Crimson drank Kaelyn's blood, she slowly made her way down the hallway while deep in thought.

It had been difficult to hide what she had been truly thinking about from him and she was glad she didn't have to pretend at that moment.

Ever since Patricia had warned her, she found herself conflicted.

Master cares about me, right? I really want to trust him completely but it just doesn't feel the same anymore.

As she continued to think about how he had killed Anabel and Aveline with no hesitation, she found herself standing by the set of stairs that led to the door that was forbidden.

I know I shouldn't, but what does he keep inside that room? I really want to know.

On one hand, she wanted to be the obedient girl she had always been for him, but on that day, it was as if her mind had different plans and she had felt it ever since she had woken up.

Since he had left home again, she thought she would check it out quickly. She had already learned about some dark secrets and didn't want anything else hidden from her.

After looking around one last time, she approached the door and tried to open it but it was still locked, causing her to grunt several times.

Why is he still keeping it locked? Now I'm even more curious about what's inside!

Not wanting to give up, she gave it a few more attempts with her heart racing.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Crimson suddenly yelled from behind her, causing her to flinch as she turned around.

When she looked into his raging eyes, she was so weak in the knees that she almost dropped to the floor in fear.

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