Anakin the Limp Noodle | Thanksgiving Special

Start from the beginning

When she was satisfied, she made sure the burner was off and the pan of oil was cooling. Ahsoka took the dishes to the sink to clean them out. She dodged Satine, who was busy filling a pan with rolls so she could heat them in the oven.

"I'll do that, dear," Satine told Ahsoka. "Why don't you cover these and put them in the oven for a few minutes? I'm going to get Obi-Wan so he can carve the turkey, then I'll wash dishes."

"Sure," said Ahsoka. "Good luck rousing him from his grave."

Satine chuckled out a "thank you" as she left the kitchen and Ahsoka finished fitting all the different sizes of rolls in the pan. By the time Ahsoka fitted the top with aluminum foil, Satine returned to the kitchen with a groggy Obi-Wan waddling in behind her.

Padmé stepped away from the stove so Ahsoka could slip the pan of rolls in next to the yams that Satine had slipped in a few minutes ago. Ahsoka paused once she closed the oven to watch Padmé pour the casserole into the dish. Ahsoka turned to bring the pan of French fried oven to her, only to find Anakin trying to snatch another one.

"Anakin, you limp noodle! Stop taking my gorgeous onions!"

"But they're so good!" Anakin whined, high-tailing it out of the kitchen with a few onion rings in hand. Ahsoka grabbed the nearest dish towel and hurled it at him. It hit him in the back of the head.

"Did you just call him a limp noodle?"

"Yep," Ahsoka said. "He keeps taking my onions."

"What does that mean?" Satine asked.

"It means I'm angry and I want him to stop taking my onions," Ahsoka scoffed. "Here, put them on the casserole before he inhales all of them."

Padmé laughed and dumped the onions into the casserole dish, scattering them evenly about. She slid them into the oven and shut it.

There wasn't much for Ahsoka to do for a while, so she retreated to a stool on the counter to work on homework until dinner was ready.

Half an hour and a pot of gravy later, it was time to eat. Anakin was practically drooling, eyes wide with anticipation. But of course, Satine had everyone go around the table to state a few things they were grateful for, and then she said a lengthy prayer for all of them.

Anakin looked ready to inhale everything on the table by the time they all chorused amen after Satine. He almost did.


Ahsoka couldn't understand why anyone would stuff themselves to the popping point, but Anakin certainly didn't mind it. He finished with a satisfied groan and a rub over his round belly.

Ahsoka felt weighed down by the food, but far from popping. Just ready for a nap. But there was no time for napping, not with a table to clear, a floor to sweep, dishes to wash, and homework to complete.

It was a family tradition for their quaint, chaotic family to watch The Polar Express every Thanksgiving after their hefty lunch. Ahsoka squeezed onto one end of the couch beside Anakin while Padmé plopped down on the other side.

Anakin put his arms around both of them with a "lookie here, my two favorite girls in the whole world!"

Padmé giggled while Ahsoka rolled her eyes fondly, and Obi-Wan started the movie. Ahsoka opened her laptop to attempt another assignment.

Ahsoka didn't remember when, but at some point, she must've fallen asleep because she awoke to Anakin's warmth absent. Her laptop was shut and upturned on the floor and she was still sitting. Every muscle was sore from the position, and she stretched out with a groan.

From the kitchen, she could hear the scraping of metal on glass. They were eating again. Without her.

It was especially offensive since they had a few pieces of turkey for dinner, but mostly pie.

They were eating pie without her! What a crime, a great offense to her. Treason!

Ahsoka stumbled up from the couch, legs and feet still numb from sleep. She made her unceremonious way to the kitchen and burst in, still blinking bleariness from her eyes.

"Hey!" She said, and it came out rough and pitiful. All eyes turned to her. Satine was cutting into the pumpkin pie. She's already served the cherry to the boys. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Tried to," said Anakin through a crummy mouthful of pie. "You were dead."

"I was about to come to see if you'd wake up," Padmé added. "You were very tired. We thought you deserved the sleep."

"But pie..." Ahsoka whined.

"I've got some for you here," Satine encouraged, gesturing to the generous piece she served onto a paper plate. Padmé swirled a beautiful glob of whipped cream on the fattest part. "You don't even have to eat dinner. Just pie."

Ahsoka mentally debated the proposition, quickly concluding that it was a good deal. She took the pie and sat down to enjoy it.

Satine served Padmé, then herself, and set the pie on the table. She stood with her phone, scurried to the head of the table, and told them to all say cheese.

Obi-Wan looked pleasant, Ahsoka held up her pie for the camera, and Anakin grinned toothily with a mustache of pie filling and whipped cream.

They printed the picture and posted it on the wall, and it was forever a memory. 


Word Count: 1,392

Published: 23 November 2023.

Eyyy look at the date. 

Out of pure chaotic curiosity on my end, how old do I sound? I've been told I sound older than I am, but everyone who says that knows how old I am. So I'd like you guys to tell me, because I've always wondered about it. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas!

Hasta la vida, peoples!

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