Chapter 40

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"What's a good place, Y/N ?" He said as he was smiling, flickering his magical pressure on and off, just like that thing, in that morning. The simple thought of that made me wanna rush at him and use a bit of my magic to burn him internally. 

"A good place is where you wouldn't be seen." I said as I did control myself and all of my needs to make him as roasted as a steak. He must've felt that as he raised his hands up, showing me his palms. 

"Calm down, I'm not here to fight or whatever." He said, even though I wanted to search for the tiniest bit of lies in his words and voice, I couldn't find it. 

So I took a deep breath, calming myself down as pain rushed through my right hand, looking at it, I could see that my nails left quite the mark in my own palm.

"What do you want then ?" I asked, looking at him. He smiled and approached us, I could feel Daniel preparing his magic, shielding Frisk at the same time. As for me, I put my arm towards Chara as she was at my side. I could feel something from her, anger, hate, I didn't know. But all I knew was that she was ready to jump in.

"I'm sure your friends wanted to talk with their fists striking my face. As well as you. But I'm not here for that." He said as he paused, right ahead of me. My left hand was shaking a bit too much as my right hand was tightened to the point that I could make myself bleed. 

"I'm here to give you a warning, a genuine warning. If you continue to battle against Merged, we'll be forced to use... Let's say, a little gift." He said, his voice was genuine and his words weren't laced with slyness. 

"And what if I still beat up your meaningless friends ?" I asked, taunting up to see if it was a false impression. 

"Then you'll be sorry for the rest of your life. That warning extends to all of you." He said as he looked at everyone. 

Why his mere presence makes me wanna throw a fist at his fucking smile ?

"That's all I wanted to say, enjoy the rest of your day. You'll need it." He said as he walked away, while flickering his pression. 

Now that I could compare those two, his was complete, had a signature thing to make his magic recognizable. But that thing from that morning, it was irregular, incomplete, and lacked identity.

There weren't a single person with magic that didn't have that recognizable trait to it. Even the weakest monster or human could be identified just by their magic. 

So that could only mean one thing, that thing wasn't natural, it and its magic.

Just what the hell is going on here ? 

"You alright ?" Daniel asked me while looking at my tightened fist. I winced of pain and realized that I cut myself open with my nails. "Yeah." I said in a neutral voice, I was too focused by that thing. 

"It must've cost every bit of mental strength to not fight him." Chara said while taking my bleeding hand with both of her hands. "It looked like I wanted to ?" I asked, Chara nodded. "Dude, if eyes could kill, then he would be just a pool of blood." Daniel said, smiling a bit, but I could feel some worry from him.

"I didn't know your eyes could look at someone like that." Frisk said, a bit surprised. I looked at her and tilted my head a bit. "What do you mean ?" I asked, curious. "Basically, your everyday Y/N would have dead or bored eyes. But with Owen ? Dear god your eyes looked alive and angry." She explained, I nodded as I didn't know, after all I can't look at myself.

"Does your hand hurt ?" Chara said, shifting my attention at her. "A bit, it'll go off soon enough." I said as I completely didn't care about that.

"How could we treat those wounds ?" Chara asked to herself. "Chara, I'm fine, I just need something to wipe the blood." I said as I didn't want my friends to be worried about something that little. 

"Follow me." Chara said as we were walking towards the snack place. She did say follow me, but she's just walking ahead of me while grabbing my hand. I sighed a bit. "Guess I don't have a choice." I said lowly. "Not on that matter, the wound could still be infected" She said with a strong voice.

When we entered the snack, the cashier looked at us and smiled. "You're back for some food ?" She asked nicely. "Sorry but no, do you have something to clean up a wound ?" Chara asked while showing the two cuts at the opposite in my palm. "Oh, sure, let me get the First Aid Kit." She said as she crouched, then got up with the said First Aid Kit. 

"Would you like me to clean your cuts ?" The cashier asked nicely. Then Chara forcefully took the First Aid Kit from her. "I will do it." She said harshly as she dragged me on a table near us. 

She skillfully treated my cuts without being too harsh on the pressing. But why did she react like that ? I mean, I kinda knew that Chara wasn't a big fan of people, but reacting like that to an innocent worker that helped us. That's just mean.

"Make sure to apologize to her." I said as she was cleaning the last cut. "Why ?" She asked, her voice was harsh but not at the same level as before. "She helped us, giving the kit. And you talked to her as if she wanted to kill me." I said. Okay maybe that was too much.

"Don't care, I want to heal you." She said, focused. I sighed as I knew that she was stubborn. "And I wanted you to heal me, so there was no need to talk like that." I simply said as I looked at Chara. Then her focused face turned into a smile and a slight blush. When she was done healing me, she quickly put the stuff back into the kit and grabbed it. She got up and brought the kit to the cashier, I could hear a 'Sorry' from Chara.

I sighed to myself as I got up and joined with Chara. "Thanks for letting us use that." I expressed my thanks to the cashier. She looked at me, and at Chara. And for whatever reason, she gasped a bit and smiled. "Don't worry, I'm glad your wounds are treated." She said with a smile. "Thanks again, goodbye." I said as I dragged Chara out of the place.

"Thanks for healing me, means a lot." I said to Chara as I smiled at her. "Come on, it wasn't such a big deal." She said, trying to be humble. "Maybe to you, but it is for me." I said as I looked at Daniel and Frisk, waiting on a nearby bench. "Come on, let's join with the other." I said as I walked towards our waiting friends.

"It was quick." Daniel said, Frisk nodded but smiled. "Chara's just that skilled." I said as I smiled a bit. "I'm actually good at everything, what can you do." Chara said, striking a dramatic pose while exaggerating her act. I couldn't help but to admire her beauty for a second, then laughed.

"I can do better than you." I said jokingly, I'm sure that she was better than me in everything, expect magic maybe. "I can't wait until the day that you prove that to me." She said, then laughed a bit.

"Okay, enough with you drama act. What do you want to do now ?" Frisk asked, and to be honest, I didn't plan anything. "How about just chilling somewhere in the city ?" Daniel proposed his idea. "Sounds good." Which I immediately agreed on. "We can go to the Nice-Cream guy." Chara said, with stars in her eyes. 

"The thought of his ice-creams makes me wanna rush there." Frisk said, drooling a bit. "Sounds like we know where to go now." I said, Daniel nodded. "Let's go to that Ice-Cream guy." Daniel said as he started to walk ahead of us. "Do you know where it is ?" I asked to him. "Not at all." He replied quite fast but continued to walk. Which made me laugh a bit.

"Come on, let's follow him." Frisk said as she was catching up with him. I looked at Chara and nodded to her. "Come on Cherry, let's go." I said as I brushed a bit of her hairs near her right eye. "Yeah, let's go." She said as if she was brought out of some trance. Then we started to walk to join our friends.



And that feeling of being observed didn't quit me one bit.

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