Chapter 3

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"Where are we going, Mr. Y/N and Mr. Daniel ?" Frisk said, in a sing song manner. Kinda childish, but it was funny how she wanted to say our names. "Okay, okay, I get it, you want us to introduce ourselves right ?" I asked Frisk, she nodded as Chara just rolled her eyes. "See, she always gets what she wants." Chara said, in a way that she was showing irritation. "It's just names, Chara. Besides we did introduced ourselves minutes ago." Frisk said as we started to walk outside the building.

"Well then, my name is Y/N L/N, pleased to meet you two." I said, smiling a bit. Then Daniel slapped my shoulder slightly. "Atta boy." He said, I only scoffed at his playful tease. "And you need to do it as well." Frisk said to Daniel, then it was my turn to slap his shoulder. "Daniel Brake. Let's hope we can be friends." He said, then I laughed a bit. "Atta boy." I said, and it seemed to make him sigh. "That wasn't difficult to say, right ?" Frisk said. Daniel laughed as I scoffed. "Sure, let's actually make you visit that school." I said as I opened the door, letting Frisk, Chara and Daniel to go outside.


"And with that, you basically visited all of the school." Daniel said as we were at the second courtyard, at the left of the school. "Didn't know it was that huge actually." Chara said, looking around. "It gets smaller and smaller when you're starting to have the habit to come here." I said, Frisk and Chara looked at me, looking like they didn't understand. "You don't like that school ?" Frisk asked. Daniel looked at me and I knew what he thought just by looking at his eyes. "That's ... more complicated than that." I said, not wanting to talk about it. "And why is that ?" Frisk asked once more. "Frisk, it's clear as day that he doesn't want to talk about it." Chara said, earning my surprise. "Thank you Chara." I thanked her, she just smiled a bit and nodded.

"First time I see you jumping in for someone else that's not family." Frisk said to Chara. Chara just sighed and looked at her. "Because you don't have enough tact about certain things." Chara said, putting her hand on her forehead. "Don't be mean." Frisk whined, which made Daniel laugh a bit.

"If I can ask that question, why did you start going to school now ?" I asked the sisters. Then the sisters exchanged a look and Chara sighed. "We were home-schooled since we got out of the Underground, and that girl right here wanted to go to high school at least once in her life." Chara explained, pointing at Frisk. "I wanted to see if High Schools were like the ones in the movies." She said, I scoffed a bit. "Well, how much is the resemblance ?" I asked her, and she could only sigh. "They're not similar visually, maybe the classes will be the same." She said, hyping herself up. "Don't expect too much." Daniel said to Frisk. Then I looked at the half-opened eyes of Frisk, and to my surprise, I didn't find that hint that made me hate that city. I didn't find any trace of that city's corruption.

I snapped back into reality and started to feel a little hungry, I looked at the time and saw that it was already 11:47. Good thing we took our sweet time. I saw Daniel looking at his phone and smiled a bit. "Cafeteria's already open. Want to eat ?" He asked the sisters, Frisk instantly nodded, as Chara seemed to be in thought. "Isn't it crowded ?" Chara asked, looking at me. Her look told me that she wanted to eat with nobody besides us. I shook my head to say no, and then she smiled a tiny bit. "Good, I'm down for it." She said, making Frisk smile a bit. "Well then, let's go." I said as I lead the way towards the destination.


"Let's eat !" Frisk exclaimed as she started to eat the noodles. The cafeteria is quite simple, today was noodles and a steak. Chara started to eat too as Daniel and I were simply watching them, waiting for their reaction. Frisk's face was starting to shift between happy and disgust. But Chara's expression remain calm, as if she didn't taste it. "Why doesn't it have taste." Frisk said as she took a sip from her glass of water. "Because it doesn't." Daniel said, laughing a bit. "Then how do you eat that ?" Frisk asked, scraping her tongue. "Come, I'll show you." He said, getting up and taking his plate with him. As Frisk did the same and followed him. I looked at Chara who was at my diagonal. Daniel was next to me and Frisk was next to Chara.

"Don't need anything ?" I asked her, but then she looked at me and her eyes seemed to be different. "Drop the act. Don't be friendly when you don't want to." She suddenly said. I just laughed a bit and it seemed to surprise her. "Why are you laughing ?" Chara said to me in a harsh tone. "I could say the same thing to you." I said as I took a fork of noodles, they did taste nothing. "You're saying that because you believe in those rumors about me ?" She said, eying me strongly. I sighed as I put down my fork.

"I don't care about rumors." I simply said as I looked at her right in the eyes. It was just like her sister, it was surprising to see someone in that city without that hint of corruption in their eyes. "Oh yeah." She asked, or just said, I didn't know. "Humans are like that, bad-mouthing someone just because that someone didn't show interest to them." I said, and it seemed to surprise her a bit. "I don't care if you don't show interest in me, that is as simple as that." I said to her, and she just laughed and smiled at me. "You are something else, normally when people said that to me, they had hope in their eyes, hoping that I would be interested in them. But not you, you seem to be telling the truth. I like that." She said, smiling a bit. Then I smiled a bit too. "Pleased to know that." I just said as I took a sip of my water.

"Sorry for my rudeness earlier." Chara suddenly apologized. "Already forgotten and forgiven. And I could see why you're rude to anybody but Frisk." I said, she tilted her head a little, I smiled a bit and once again looked at her in the eyes.

"You have a shared accomplishment with Frisk. While she's openly sociable, you, on the other hand, are wary. Like you don't want people near you who just want to be friends with the saviors." I said, then she seemed more surprised than earlier.

"Even if your eyes look dead, you surely pick up things quickly." She said, I could only laugh. "Well that's quite logical honestly." I said, then she laughed a bit, making me curious as of why. "Let me re-introduce myself then." She said as she stood up, extending her hand to me. "I am Chara Dreemurr, hope we can get along." She said, I looked once again in her eyes and decided something that surprised myself. I stood up and met her extended hand with my own. "I hope we can get along as well, Chara." I said, smiling. She nodded as she smiled as well.

For someone who wanted to build her reputation as someone cold, she was actually chill to talk to.

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