Chapter 16

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Y/N's POV.

I woke up without opening my eyes, weird trick that I knew. I felt weird, I knew that I got stabbed at my right shoulder, but I felt little to no pain in that area. Which meant that I was healed. Soon enough, I once again felt a familiar warmth, the same as their house. I didn't know why, but the warmth of their house was close to something. But I couldn't put my finger on that something.

I sighed mentally as I was in a pickle. I didn't want them to see my magic, even less my soul. But I did show them my magic, and if they're not dumb, they could guess what was my traits. And then, they would question about my magic, and I truly didn't felt like it.

Then I sensed that, as I used a good amount of magic, the anger, the remorse was enhanced. I could feel my left hand very slightly trembling. So I tried to calm myself as I didn't want to feel that.

"Is he crying ?" I suddenly heard a voice really close to me, I recognized her voice as it was easy to. Firm, gentle. Chara's voice.

Then I decided to fake my awakening as I slowly opened my eyes. Then I saw Chara's face. Or at least a part of it because ... her boobs blocked the view. "You're awake !" Chara exclaimed and whispered at the same time. I tried to look around me but it seemed that my head was on her thighs.

Not a bad way to wake up from blood loss, not at all.

I grunted as I tried to lift myself up, but then my own body refused to do that task. So I let myself fall on Chara's tights as I sighed. 

"How long was I out ?" I asked, my voice was gravely but I didn't care. "For 1 hour and 38 minutes." Chara said, smiling a bit at me. I rubbed my eyes and felt that my left hand got a tiny wet. I once again wiped my left eye and it seemed that she was right, I was crying.

"Counting the seconds too ?" I said, laughing a bit. She laughed a bit as well. "Too lazy to do that." She said, I nodded as I understood her completely. "How are you feeling ?" Chara said, then I felt her hand playing with my hair. "Honestly, feel like shit." I said as I couldn't wash off the pleasant feeling of her playing with my hair. It'd be a lie if I said that it didn't recomfort me.

"I expected that." She said as she played more with my hair. Then I looked at my left only to see that there was Frisk, Toriel and the skeleton named Sans in the kitchen. "Won't they say something if they saw us like that ?" I asked Chara, then she scoffed. "From Sans, nothing. But from Mom and Frisk, they would tease me to no end." She said, smiling. I scoffed as I found that scene funny.

"Thanks, for saving us today Y/N." Chara said, I could feel a bit of disappointment in her voice. I got up with difficulty and rested my back to the couch. "Those guys are complete bastards. You couldn't know." I said angrily, but then I smiled as I remembered that they got their asses kicked by me.

"What did they do to you to make you hate them ?" She said, then pieces and pieces of that fight came into my mind, but now, I needed to tell them. "I'll tell you when Frisk will be there." I said, then I heard quick stomps on the floor.

"You're awake !" Frisk happily exclaimed, and then Toriel and Sans followed her. "How are you feeling, Y/N ?" Toriel kindly asked. "He did say to me that he felt like shit." Chara said, smiling at me. I could hear Toriel laugh as Sans scoffed.

"Truly an act of Magic Control you did there." Sans said, smiling. The truth was that I felt that it wasn't a actual smile, more like he got used to it. "Well, you saw my magic, so might as well tell you why I dislike those guys." I said, then Sans got surprised. "You knew them ?" Sans asked, I nodded but I felt that my smile faltered. 

"Yeah, and it wasn't a good relation from the beginning." I said, then I felt regret spewing on my face as I looked down. Then I felt a hand on my back, I looked at my left and saw Chara smiling at me gently.

"You don't have to talk about it." She said, I sighed as I looked into her eyes. I didn't see curiosity, I saw concern. "That's kind of you, but I'd prefer to get this out of the way now." I said as I cleared my throat.

"Back where you released the monsters, 7 years ago, me and Daniel were in 6th grade. People soon discovered magic and were excited about it. I was excited too as well as Daniel." I said as I smiled, remembering our words on it. "We'd say 'imagine if we can create a dinosaur!'. Things that 6th graders wanted to do." I said, then I sighed. "But not all the 6th graders thought that. One being Owen." I paused as I could feel anger spiking once again. "He wanted to know what magic could do to a human. And so, Toby and Jude became friends with him because they were interested as well." I paused once again. I looked around and saw that everybody was listening.

"Daniel and I didn't awoke our magic at that time, but the 3 others did. Then, one day, they started to bully Daniel but not me. I didn't understand at first." I said, putting my elbows on my knees and put my hands on my face. "One day, when Daniel waited for me. He got pulled by those 3 bastards, and then, in a recluse spot in the middle school, they beat him." I said, I could hear gasps but I scoffed. "Once I was at the spot he waited for me, he wasn't there, so I searched around. Several minutes later, I saw him. Face bloodied, on the ground crying. In fetal position to take less important hits." I paused as I felt regret spiking too.

"I immediately rushed towards them, but one 11 years old boy against three of them. I didn't have a single chance." I said, and then I smiled. "All the anger I felt, all the regret, it was so strong, so strong that I could've knock them out if it was weaponized." I closed my eyes and I continued. "And then, my magic awakened. I didn't want Daniel to suffer anymore, so I used my magic to put the three of them unconscious." I said, looking up.

"I did have trouble with the school, even more when Jude's mother is an important figure politically. Since that day, I only had Daniel as a friend. Because all humans were disgusting to me." I finished as I sighed.

"I feel a bit guilty to say that without Daniel here." I said, scoffing. I could feel a tear falling down on my cheek, but I didn't care.

"My magic's awakening also revealed to me my soul. And it was as if life wanted me to suffer even more." I said as I showed my soul. 

They all gasped and looked at it, they were stunned. After all, you can't see a Determination and Perseverance soul every day. 

"A Dual-Trait ? I thought they were rarer than Determination." Frisk said while looking at my soul. Then I saw Sans's right eye flashing a bright orange and light blue color. But it stopped almost instantly. "They are, even more when Determination is one of the two traits." I said, I despawned it as I grunted. "But they come with a inconvenience." I said, then Chara seemed in thought. 

"A one trait soul knows its principle. A human with a Bravery soul is stronger when he's brave enough to accept adversity. It cannot be lost on the way." She started, I listened carefully. "But a two traits soul is different. One side of you doesn't want to give up, as the other side wants to complete the objective." She followed. "But I can't see what's the inconvenience." Chara said, I nodded as it was tricky to know.

"If I truly want to complete my objective, but I want to give up, my Perseverance can overpower my Determination, creating an unbalance. And that unbalance can cause a simple but clear corruption of the overpowered trait. Causing that trait to lose his way." I explained, then I got up. 

"I'm sorry if I bothered you with all that talking." I said as I bowed to all of them. Then I scoffed to myself. I didn't talk that much in a long time. "Don't say that, Y/N L/N." Chara said firmly, I looked at her and I could only see Determination in her eyes.

"You shared your past with us, you shared your soul with us. Yes, your very nature could corrupt itself. Yes your soul is a special one, but who fucking cares ?!" She yelled, I could see Toriel wanting to say something, but she let her adopted daughter talk. "You did not chose that. Did not chose that Awakening, did not chose your soul. There's nothing you can do to change that." She said, then I laughed. 

I laughed as I was relieved to hear those words. I didn't know but I was actually scared of their reaction. But seeing her like that, it wiped almost every worries I had. 

"Chara's right, Y/N. Even if your soul is complicated, even if you can lose yourself to it. You're you. You're Y/N, a kind, caring friend of ours." Frisk said, I smiled brightly as I let out a chuckle.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it." I said while I was thinking something.

I was glad to consider them friends. 

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