Chapter 1

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I woke up as I put off the alarm on my phone. It was 6:13. I slightly slapped my right cheek as I yawned. "The great return..." I said to myself as I got up from my bed. I took the t-shirt that I left on my desk's chair and I looked at myself at the mirror on it. I did let the goatee grow as well as my beard, well, the start of it. I took a look at my hair and they were starting to grow longer than I normally let them. But oh well, time to start trying a new haircut.

I put on my shirt and I left my room. As I took the stairs to go to the kitchen I heard some noises. I looked at the source and it was the TV running as my dad was reading something on his phone, probably a text. 

"Hey dad." I said to my dad as I took my empty mug already on the table. Dad took his eyes off of his phone and looked at me, smiling slightly. "Good morning champ. I feel like you don't want to go to school." He said as I started to pour some milk in the mug. "I would be more surprised if I wanted to go to school." I said as I scoffed to myself. 

"Are you still on that ?" He asked, he knew damn well the answer. "How can you be so calm ?" I asked, I wasn't angry at him, just wanted to know how he managed it. 

"I still think of it daily, what's done is done, I'll do my best to honor her memories." He said, I gulped my milk in one go and made the tiny way towards the sink to put some water in the mug. "That's too much to ask." I said as I made my way towards my room to prepare myself. 

I took a classic Nike white t-shirt with some black jeans. Thanks Levi's for the 2-for-1 offer on them. Then I brought the clothes with me in the bathroom as I started to strip myself to take a shower. I had some sort of ritual. Morning showers were cold, night showers were hot. Simple as that.

Once I finished my shower, I dried myself as I put on my clothes, I felt happy with the flow I had so I exited the bathroom and started to make my way towards my room once again. This time I only took my phone which was charging and my school bag. Which only had a sole pen and some white sheets of paper. Yeah, I was that kind of student. 

I made my way downstairs as I saw my Dad finishing his breakfast. "Okay Dad, I'm off, see you later." I said as I quickly put on my shoes. "Don't put yourself in trouble." He said, smiling slightly once again. "Sure, I didn't forget about that." I said as I opened the door. "Have a good day !" He said happily as I waved at him. Once I closed the door, I sighed as I took the route towards the high-school of my town.

"Excuse me !" I heard a yelling female voice behind me. I looked behind as I was alone on this route. I saw that she was running and I saw another girl behind her, which wasn't running. "Do you go to Ebott High School ?" She asked, I only nodded as she smiled to me.

"Can you tell me where is it ? Me and my sister are trying to go there." She asked me with a sweet voice. I told her the address of the school and she said thanks while she ran towards the girl, who didn't move. "So they're coming to our school huh ?" I said to myself as I continued my way.

"What's up ?" My friend, Daniel, greeted me in the school yard, on the bench we usually put our asses on. "Meh, coming back is a pain." I said while I sighed. "Yeah, a pain in the ass." He said as he laughed silently. "Forget the ass, the pain is anywhere in my body." I said, sitting on the bench. "Just need to do 3 more months, then we graduate." He said, he seemed happy. I mean, 3 more months and we'll be out of this damned school. "Yeah, if we get those exams." I said as I looked at the main entrance of the school. "That's another story for another day dude." He said, both Daniel and I weren't the best student, but we had passing grades. 

"Talking about story, you will not believe who just asked the way for the school a few minutes ago." I said, trying to hype him up, I mean, talking about them is like talking about some sort of prodigy. Don't get me wrong, what they did is spectacular for the other species. But some humans treat them like they're goddesses. "Do tell me, you met some celebrity's child ?" He asked, slightly smiling. I scoffed a little as I saw them walking through the entrance's gate. "I mean, their parents are famous, but they're famous too." I said as I looked at them.

One of them had a purple sweatshirt with the monster's emblem incrusted at her heart. Dark brown, medium hair, half closed eyes, but the shimmering colors of them was visible from meters away. The monster's savior, Frisk Dreemurr.

The other had a dark green sweatshirt with the same emblem as her sister. Light brown, short hair. Eyes fully opened to let her crimson eyes watch every events occurring at her. Called by many as a demon because of her unfriendliness and eyes, Chara Dreemurr.

"The Dreemurr sisters asked you the way for this place ?" He asked, without enthusiasm. "Yeah." I only replied. He laughed a bit and then punched very slightly my right shoulder. "Yeah right." He said ironically. I just scoffed as I saw the savior herself pointing at me while talking to the infamously called demon. "To be honest, I don't know why they call her demon, besides of her anti-social antics." Daniel said while looking at his phone. "Just because she have an unusual eye color. You know as well as me that humans judge only on looks." I said as I smirked at him, knowing the future event. 

I taped his shoulder as I saw the sisters walking towards us, well. Frisk was the one walking towards us, Chara just followed her. Daniel looked at me and then looked ahead of us, seeing that they walked towards us, I could only smirk at him. "'Yeah right.' Was that your words ?" I asked him. He sighed and put his phone back in his sweatpants pocket. "Okay, next takeout is on me." He said, sounding defeated. I was happy with his response. 

"Hey, thanks for telling us the way !" Frisk happily exclaimed. "Wasn't much of an effort." I simply replied. Daniel scoffed as I heard the red-eyed human grunt a bit. "Still, thanks." Frisk said. I nodded to her as I made myself stand. "No problem, it was my first time helping the Savior after all." I said as I stretched my body. Frisk seemed shocked as for Chara, she seemed to be unbothered. "You knew it was us ?" She asked, a little louder than her previous tone. "Come on, you made the news for months years ago. Plus you're trending on Twitter whenever you make a political decision." I said as I waited for the school's alarm to go off any seconds. "You know, it's rude when you know our names but we don't know yours." She said, stomping softly the ground. 

Then, as I expected, the alarm was ringing.

"Sorry, we need to go to our classes now." I said as I taped Daniel's shoulder. I could hear a little whine from Frisk, but a even more subtle groan from Chara. "Good luck with school." I said as I made my way in the building with my friend.

"Why didn't you give your name ?" Daniel asked me. "Why giving your name to a person you'll only talk once in your life ?" I asked him back, he shrugged as he smiled a bit. "That's Y/N for them." He said to himself as we reached our classroom.

Without knowing why, I just knew that it would be the first of many interactions we'd have with the Dreemurr sisters.

Cursed. [Female!Chara x Male!Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant