Chapter 15

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Chara's POV.

Y/N was the first one who wanted to be my friend, even if I wasn't friendly with him. He wasn't interested befriending the two people who were renowned to have freed the monsterkind. He didn't care at all for that.

So when I saw him fighting, and losing that much blood, and then fell unconscious, I couldn't die down that immense stress that grew in my mind.

"He lost a huge amount of blood." Sans said as he started to inspect his injuries. But to be honest, I didn't want HIM to heal Y/N. "Could you please teleport us back home ?!" I asked while yelling, Sans and Frisk seemed surprised as they never lose my cool.

I could swear that I saw some slight disgust towards me but he managed to overcome that easily. "Please Sans." I said in a calmer voice, but I was still stressed. Sans sighed and put his hands towards me and Frisk. "Grab him, I don't have three hands." He said, laughing a bit. I gently took Y/N's left arm and put it around my shoulder. 

Good thing we were almost equal in height. For once I was happy to be 1m84. "Got him." I said as I took Sans's hand. Frisk instantly followed. I saw her worried expression so I smiled at her. She smiled back, I knew that it wasn't a good smile, but she tried. "Here we go." Sans said as we closed our eyes.

Then I felt the teleportation, a magic trick he learned in the Underground. Capable of going where he wanted to be. But sometimes he would fail and fall. It happened quite rarely but when it happened, he would be grumpy for the rest of the day.

I felt that my feet touched the ground, so I opened my eyes and saw that I was home. Just near the couch. "Mom ! Please come quickly !" Frisk yelled as I gently put Y/N on the couch and put my hands on his biggest injury, trying to stop a bit his bleeding. 

"What's going ..." Mom said, trailing off as she saw us, I turned my head to her and I could see her shocked expression. Then I remembered that when I was stressed or anything like that. My face would rarely changed my eyes, replacing the white I had in my eyes to black.

A secondary effect of my complete resurrection. "Stand back." Mom said as she warmly put her hand on my shoulder, I nodded and let her perform her advanced healing magic.

I could see mom's face shifting from worry to slight pain. "What's going on Tori ?" Sans asked my mom. She shocked her head as she continued. "My healing is working, but it's not as efficient for him." Mom said in a stressed voice. That was weird, she did healed Y/N a few days ago. So why did her healing decreased ? 

The knife Owen launched at Y/N was colorless. He did not used his own magic to create it, if so the knife would have a color. Unless the colorless was a type of magic. "Sans, could you use your eye please ?" I asked the skeleton nicely. He looked at me, perplexed. "And why would I do that ?" He asked. For God's sake put your dislike of me aside for now. "Please, I think there's something blocking mom's healing." I said, earning the looks of surprise of everyone here.

Sans grunted but activated his infamous eye. A magical eye flashing blue and yellow, his eye did remind me of moments that I wished to forget. 'He's hurt because of you.' Shut up, I didn't choose to be in that spot. 'I know, but it happens to everyone who get to be close to you.' Just shut up, I don't need you.

I shook my head to concentrate on the events occurring before me. "The fuck ?" Sans suddenly said. Frisk and I looked at him. He returned our looks with an even more distressed look. "There's indeed something blocking Tori's healing." He said, looking once again at the now exposed shoulder of Y/N.

"But the magic blocking it... That's not natural." He said, which surprised us. "Colorless magic knife. That's what caused that wound." I said out loud, then it clicked. There's a colorless magic. But it didn't seem right.

"Colorless ? How's that possible ?" Frisk said, but I sighed as I couldn't not tell what I thought. "Monster's magic. He used monster's magic." I said, then I heard a grunt. I looked down to Y/N but his eyes were still closed. 

"How the fuck did that guy used monster's magic ?" Sans said, more to himself than us. But, for once, I agreed with him. How the fuck a human managed to use monster's magic ? That's too specific for one human to learn. Too complex. "Humans can't use monster's magic, as monsters can't use human's magic." I said out loud. 

"What's going on with that city ?" Sans muttered. I couldn't answer as I looked at Y/N's shoulder, and ... "What the fuck is that ?!" I exclaimed as I saw that the veins around were glowing in the same way that the colorless knife glowed. 

"Poison. His body cannot absorb the magic that the knife used." Mom said, and then I stressed even more. If that thing advanced in his body, moved towards his heart...

He would be dead.

I shook my head as I refused to let someone die because of me again. It happened too many time in the past. 'At least you know that you caused countless deaths.' I thought of ways to save him as I heard my inner self trying to piss me off.

"How can we save him ?" I asked, kneeling next to mom. She shook her head. "I don't know, sorry Chara." She said as she seemed to abandon the healing. "Don't stop please ! We'll find something !" I rapidly said as she quickly resumed her healing. I looked at Frisk and she shook her head. I looked at Sans and he shook his head as well.




"I know !" I said as an idea flashed through my mind. I created a small knife as I looked at Y/N's damaged shoulder. "My magic should eliminate the poison." I just said as I took a deep breath, I didn't want to stab my friend, but I had no choice to save him. 

I stabbed his already injured shoulder and I could see his face twisting in pain. "Sorry, Y/N. Bear with me for now." I muttered as I focused my magic to spread into his body.

I was once dead when Asriel assimilated my soul with his. I was part monster at that time, and my soul died while I was in that state. Which meant that my magic and body could tolerate monster's flow of magic. 

Then, I absorbed the colorless poison with my knife as I winced of pain, for Y/N, that magic could kill him. But for me, I already died with it. 

Once I saw that there wasn't any trace of that magic, I slowly took out my own knife from his shoulder and dissipated it. For once, I, maybe, saved a life. 

I saw mom healing Y/N as soon as I pulled out my knife, and it seemed that my trick worked because his wound closed up almost instantly. Then I saw Sans's eye activated again as he looked at Y/N's body. He disactivated his eye and looked at me.

"Good job, that was a good idea." Sans said, praising me. I nodded and smiled at him. While we weren't friends, him and I had no problem telling such things. It felt weird nonetheless. "That's my Chara." Frisk said, her voice wasn't as stressed as before. "Come on, it wasn't that big of a deal." I said, dismissing further praising. I wasn't accustomed to praising, so I didn't want to hear those.

"That was a big deal Chara. You saved Y/N's life." Mom said as soon as his injury was closed up, or at least, 99% closed up. "He saved me two times. That's the least I could do for him." I said as I felt myself being relieved big time. 

I did save his life. I couldn't help but to feel immensely happy. The stress I felt earlier wasn't completely gone, but it died down by a lot. 

"When will he wake up ?" I asked mom, she looked at me and smiled slightly. "I did my best to heal his injury, now that depends on him. He could wake up in a minute, or tomorrow." She said, I nodded as I understood that the only thing we needed to do was waiting.

Mom, Frisk and Sans made their way to the kitchen as I didn't move, still near Y/N's unconscious body.

I sighed of relief as I slowly sat down near Y/N's head, then a urge spawned into my mind. I didn't care about what Sans, Frisk, or even mom could think about that. I wanted to do it.

So I slightly and slowly lifted his head as I made my way closer. Then I slowly put his head down on my thighs. 

Then I chuckled to myself as I rubbed his hair, waiting for him to wake up soon.

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