Chapter 3: First Day of UA

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Emylee's POV
It's the first day and I'm already dressed in the uniform waiting on Izuku. Tsarista is waiting next to me. She's also questioned why I finally gave a vision to a mortal. I explained that he had a lot of ambitions to become a hero and has not let what others told him get him down. He may seem anti-social, but that's just because of the bullying from his peers. Izuku comes over to us and puts his shoes on and we all leave for the school. We find the classroom and I look at the door. "I'm guessing this is for those with giant quirks?" I ask. "Yeah, I can see that being a reason." Izuku says. He opens the door and I stare at the chaos happening inside with a stoic face. I sit down in the back next to a black haired girl. "Hello, I'm Yaoyorozu Momo! You can just call me Yaomomo though." Momo says. I smile at her and shake hands with her. "Hello Yaomomo. My name is Holland Emylee. I hope that we can get along well." I say. She smiles and nods before going back to whatever she was doing before I sat down next to her. The others are still being too loud. I sigh pinching my nose as I felt the wind change letting me know our main teacher has arrived. "If you are just here to make friends then you can leave. You are wasting time and with those 8 seconds you could've been training or rescuing someone." He says coming out of a sleeping bag. I stare at him in bewilderment before going to get the pe uniform. I go and quickly change before going to the field to stand near Cryo Queen. "Why are you the only one?" She asks. "You know how insecure I can be. Plus Aizawa seems like the type you don't want to get on the bad side of. And he's right about wasting time. They are probably all talking with one another." I say. She nods pinching her nose. It's one of her biggest pet peeves with the Fatui. The others finally come and get scolded for being slow. He calls for Bakugo to go first on the ball throw. "Die!!" Bakugo shouts. I blink in surprise and turn to Izuku. "Is he always like this?" I whisper. Izuku nods and I sigh feeling like if Bakugo were to meet Klee then he would taint her. I see that he got a score of 705.2 meters. People started saying how this is fun and that we get to use our quirks. I facepalm as I know they just doomed whoever would place last. Aizawa threatens to expel last place and goes on to say how the world isn't fair. I did some research on him and found out he expelled his last class and I mean all of them.

Results for all tests:

50-meter dash:
Emylee- 0.00001 second
Izuku: 2.02 seconds
(Rest canon)

Grip strength:

Standing Long Jump:
Emylee- Cleared it
Izuku- Landed within sandbox

Repeated side steps:
Emylee- came in second place after Mineta
Izuku: came in fourth after Bakugo

Distance run:
Emylee- was asked to stop running
Izuku- was asked to stop running

Seated toe-touch:
Emylee- reached past toes
Izuku- made it to ankles

Sit ups:
Emylee- asked to stop
Izuku- also asked to stop

It's Izuku's turn this time for the ball throw as I will be going last. Uraraka managed to get infinity on hers. Izuku's first attempt was stopped and I frown at Aizawa. Izuku has been doing well. But I think he noticed that Izuku still gets hurt from OFA. Izuku now seems even more determined and throws it scoring a 900.67 meters. Bakugo got angry at that and went to attack, but he was quickly frozen by Cryo Queen and also stopped by Aizawa's scarf. Izuku mentions that he is Eraserhead. I sigh as I walk up to the circle and catch the ball. I look at it frowning. 'Should I really be using my full strength and power? Eh fuck it, I'll deal with the consequences later.' I think. I chuck it using the wind to get it higher before bringing my bow out. "Think you can get away?" I ask releasing the burst which creates a black hole sucking the ball towards it. I then use Pryo and Electro together to send the ball through it. The black hole disappears and I turn to Aizawa who shows that it says infinity. I go over to Izuku and congratulate him with his scores and he does the same to me. "I wonder if that will hit someone. Even if it said infinity, it could always end up in another universe." I say. Izuku nods and nudges me laughing. "What?" I ask. "What if it hits your sister or someone who likes you?" He asks. "Oh my archons! That would be hilarious!" I say laughing. "Okay here are all the results!" Aizawa says.

1st place: Holland Emylee
2nd place: Yoayorozu Momo
3rd place: Shoto Todoroki
4th place: Midoriya Izuku
5th place: Bakugo Katsuki
21st place: Minoru Mineta

"I lied about expelling someone. It was a logical ruse to get you all to try your hardest." Aizawa says. Minoru cries saying how he'll be able to look at the females in his class and get a feel for them still. I look at him in disgust. 'If Childe was here he wouldn't get away with saying that.' I think. I go back to the locker rooms to change and go back to the classroom.

Meanwhile in Teyvet
Childe's POV
I sneezed all of a sudden and Scaramouche turns to me glaring. "Sorry, but someone must be thinking about me." I say. He rolls his eyes and Eleanor turned to glare at both of us. Her sister must mean a lot to her. Top that off with the Tsaritsa going missing and she's gone from upset to furious, worried, and slightly depressed. She's suddenly hit in the head by something. I go over and pick it up before gasping. This looks like the damage that Emylee causes when fighting enemies. "Eleanor!!" I shout. She stops and turns to me and I chuck the baseball at her. She catches it and gasps. "This was hit by my sister's elemental skills and bursts. But where did it come from?" She says. "I don't know it just suddenly hit you in the head." I say. Scaramouche laughs at Eleanor's stunned face. I myself try to hold back my laughter. She instantly ran off probably to talk with that Alchemist in Mondstat. Scaramouche and I go there to see if they could find out where it came from. They even took part of the ball apart finding a tracking device. "What is this?" Eleanor asks. "It seems to be a tracking device. I doubt it's from Sumeru though as it looks to advanced. This looks like something that a person in the future made." Albedo says. Scaramouche grumbles in annoyance as we couldn't find any clues from the ball. 'Please be okay Emylee.' I think.

Back in MHA
Emylee's POV
I sneeze on the walk back to the Midoriya residence. "Huh? Who's thinking about me? Hmm must be someone close to me from my world. I hope I can find a way back someday for the Tsaritsa and myself." I mutter. When we got back to the apartment we told Miss Midoriya everything that happened while at school. She even made dinner for us which consisted of Ramen, Kastudon, and a cold soba. We enjoyed the meals together along with a movie night before heading to bed.

Me: more to come. Just working on school work, and also the skills, attacks, bursts and other things for Eleanor, and Izuku.
Peace out
Emylee Marvel

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