Chapter 4: Heroics Class

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Quick A/n: photo above is from Walli a wallpaper app. If you want this as your wallpaper for your phone/computer then you can take a screenshot or download the app. ☺️ Beginning the chapter now!

Emylee's POV
It's hero class with All Might. Or at least that's who I believe is teaching this class. Aizawa-Sensei doesn't seem like the one that they would want us teaching this part. Not when they hired All Might. I also feel and fear that with hiring him they are bringing both negative and positive results. Fans that want interviews or even villains that want him dead. I have a very bad feeling that won't leave me alone, and I've already let the Tsaritsa know about it. I shake my head sighing which catches Momo's attention. She turns to me with a questioning look and I assure her that everything is okay. I hear thundering footsteps coming to the class and mentally frown. 'Really All Might?' I think as he opens the door. "I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" He shouts in his buff form. "That wasn't normal at all." I mutter. Everyone around me except for Izuku starts to freak out that their Sensei or mentor is All Might the number one pro hero. Bakugo also seems to not be fanboying or freaking out. "Today we will be doing Battle Training. But you won't be complete without a hero suit, so go put on the suits that were made for you!" All Might says. I grab my case that has my archon clothes inside and leave for the locker room. I change quickly again and leave for the city he told us to meet him at. I sigh leaning against the wall of a building waiting for the others.

Izuku's POV
"Hey Midoriya! Look at this! The upper class men left us something good!" Mineta says as he removes a paper from the wall. It just looks like a hole though. "The ladies locker room is on the other side of this! Just think about it! Yaoyoruzu's luxurious boobs, Uraraka's curves, and Holland's goddess like body." He says drooling. I glare at him in disgust as he disrespects the girls especially Emylee. I knock him out and tell Yaomomo to fill in the wall. I change and go out to meet with Emylee. She's leaning against the wall of a building. I walk over to her and lean against it too. She looks over with just her eyes and raises an eyebrow. "You good Izuku?" Emylee asks. "I'm fine. Mineta was just saying some really disgusting things about you and the other girls." I say. "He what?" Emylee asks voice strained. The sky starts to darken and thunder can be heard. "Emylee! Calm down please! I've already dealt with him! The hole in the wall will be filled by the time we go to change back into our uniforms!" I say waving my hands frantically. She takes a deep breath before releasing it and repeating. The thunder and clouds go back to normal and she apologizes to All Might. "I wish Childe was here." I hear her mutter. I look at her confused since I don't know who that is.

(Childe: *sneezes* Who is thinking/talking about me?!)

The others come out and gawk at Emylee causing me to glare at Mineta and some of the other guys. Iida starts reprimanding Emylee on her hero suit. I guess he noticed it is the same thing she wore to the entrance exam. "Iida, this is my hero suit for a reason. It was made by my sister." Emylee says. "Oh, I'm sorry! Did something happen to your sister?" Iida asks. "I got separated from her by a villain. I don't know where she is and I hope to find her." Emylee says before winking at me. I shake my head at her as she only said that to make it more believable. No one would believe her if she said she was from another universe. "We will be conducting a 2v2 hero training. Villains have a bomb within a room of a building and the job of the heroes is to either capture the villains or secure the weapon. Now let's get started you bunch of newbies!" All Might says. He has us draw for our team, and since there is an odd number of students he told Emylee that she'll face him instead of her fellow classmates. I see Kacchan glare at her probably wishing that was him instead. 'He always thinks someone is either below him or looking down on him.' I think. Uraraka is on my team and we are facing Iida who is teamed up with Kacchan. I came up with a plan and told Uraraka. She nods determined and we both go inside the building. Like predicted Kacchan came to fight me and I had Uraraka go look for the bomb. I used some of my skills and bursts that I made for ameno and electro before going to punch his attack upwards which injured my arm pretty badly. I was sent to the nurses office to have it fixed which clearly made Emylee worried and upset since she can also heal people. I came back just in time to watch Emylee's battle with All Might. I look at the others to see them putting all their bets on All Might winning. "Can I place one?" I ask. They turn to me and nod. "I place mine on Emylee!" I say with confidence. Everyone laughs saying how I'll lose the bet.

Emylee's POV
I sneeze before puffing my chest. "Izuku you really do have to much faith in me." I mutter. 'Now if I were a villain I would hide my weapon where someone least expects it to be, but I would also station men outside of the building or go to take care of the heroes before they step foot inside. If All Might is as smart as he believes to be he would do this, but I have the upper hand and always will against mortals.' I think coming up with a strategy to find the bomb. "Begin!" A robot sounding voice says. I sigh and turn into both Electro and Cryo particles running into the building and straight to All Might. I was able to locate him easily since he was laughing so loud. I end my sprint once I got to him causing the particles to hit him causing a super-conduct effect to occur. "You should have stopped me before I entered the building villain." I say. I kick him in his abdomen sending him flying backwards into a wall. "Strike a pose!" I say snapping my fingers summoning three water dragons to attack All Might. He gets hit by them and I get an Electro attack ready. "You're in for a little shock." I say sending a ball of Electro at him. He gets hit and it triggers the Electro-charged effect. I run over to him hitting him and he hits the wall again destroying it and falling out of the building. I go over to the bomb touch it before going after All Might and using my glider once I got to him. We go to the observation room after my win was announced. "Ahem! Who was the MVP during this round?" All Might asks nervous. I look at him out of the corner of my eye. "I would have to say Holland-San! She was not only fast in obtaining the bomb, but also thought ahead and went to save the falling villain before they could injure themselves or die. She also made it to where the villain had no reaction time for her to get hurt or if she had a partner they would also not get hurt. She also probably thought about where the villain would place the bomb, and had this been real life; then she also thought about the possibility of someone coming to deal with the heroes or hero outside of the building to buy the other villains time to dectinate the bomb." Yaomomo says. "Correct! She was very thorough and cautious about everything." All Might says before dismissing us. I again change very quickly and go back to the classroom. Izuku and I caught up with one another after he received some money from the others in our class. "What was that all about?" I ask. "Oh, we made a bet on who would win between you and All Might. If I didn't know your true powers I would've said All Might, but he holds nothing against you as you're an Archon." He says getting quieter at the end. I hum and nod at his words. 'True. Had I not been turned into one then I wouldn't have been able to hold my own against some of the other Archons that wanted to cause harm to befall me before going into a deep slumber. Which was around the same time as the Archons destroying my nation.' I think. "Emylee!" Izuku shouts. I shake my head and turn to him. He is concerned and I look around to see I was about to walk into Uraraka without noticing. "Sorry Uraraka-Chan. I was deep in thought." I say. She says that it's fine and asks if we wanted to walk with her and Iida to the train station. Izuku and I nod and we all leave for it. We part ways once Izuku and I got to the stop we needed. Walking the rest of the way as we talk about random things. I go to sleep that night with a sinking feeling that something will happen tomorrow.

Me: more to come. 😅 slow updates though as I'm still working on somethings, and on what I want to do in the future with the characters.
Peace out ✌️
Emylee Marvel

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