Chapter 6: USJ

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Emylee's POV
I woke up and got ready for school. I can't shake the feeling something bad will happen during a class that we will have. I shake my head and focus on getting to the classroom. I sit down and everyone else comes in. Iida tries to tell us all to sit down before I speak up. "Iida everyone else is sitting and you're the only one standing. Also you're not the president of the class. I need you to sit down." I say. He nods and sits down just as Aizawa comes inside with the Tsarista. "Today we will be going to the USJ, and no not Universal Studios Japan." Aizawa says looking very bored and tired. "You can go in your hero suits or gym uniform." The Tsarista says. I stand up once they opened the wall with our cases and grabbed mine before leaving for the locker room. I go out to where the bus is and sigh waiting for the others. Iida once again tries to tell the others what to do before I cough. "It's not the type of bus you are thinking about Iida. Everyone just sit wherever you want, but don't disturb Aizawa-Sensei or Cryo Queen." I say. Everyone boards the bus and I get on after them sitting next to the Tsaritsa. As we are going someone asked Izuku if his quirk and All Might's are the same. I turn my head to see how it will go, but someone mentions that he gets hurt too easily and All Might doesn't. I sigh and shake my head. 'Izuku just needs to train more with the quirk. Unlike all of you he started out with nothing before All Might and I came into his life.' I think. "If anyone has a hero quirk that is flashy it's got to be Holland-San!" Someone says. I turn to see them all talking about my quirk and I smirk at their foolishness. 'You will never know my true power or source of power. Same goes with my sister's girlfriend.' I think. I shake my head as Bakugo starts shouting at Tsuyu. "Bakugo that's enough. Sit down now." I say. He glares at me which I return and have a bit of electro mixed with pyro come to my hand. He sits down still glaring and I end the spell. I feel a nudge to my side and turn to the Tsaritsa or as everyone knows her here Cryo Queen. "You still feeling that uneasy feeling?" She asks. "Yes, and it's getting much stronger as we get closer to our destination." I whisper. She nods with a frown and we continue to talk with one another. "Wait, WHAT?!?! Midoriya how did you get so lucky?! Holland-Chan you can always stay with me at my place in my bed with me!!!" Mineta shouts. I tense up and look over with a disgusted look. "No thanks." I say. "Do not say that ever again to my girlfriend's sister." Cryo Queen says. "Y-yes ma'am!" Mineta says probably having peed his pants. I thank her and relax my tensed posture. The bus comes to a stop and we all get off. Thirteen goes on and on before we eventually enter the building. I noticed a purple vortex thing in the center before a bunch of people stepped out of it. "Oh? Has the training already begun? I thought it was supposed to be rescue training?" Kirishima asks. "Kirishima those are villains and they are real ones. Iida don't argue with me on this, but I need you to go warn the other teachers and faculty! Go now and don't waste any time! The rest of you be on guard!" I say. They nod and Iida starts running to the door before the purple mist guy comes over. Bakugo and Kirishima both attack him and Iida slips out of the door. Aizawa has already went to deal with the villains. I suddenly feel myself falling before deploying my wind glider and landing on a ship. I look around to see that Tsuyu, Izuku, and Mineta are with me. "We are going to die! They are here to kill All Might! Protect me goddess like body!" Mineta screams before trying to attach himself to me. I look over after hearing a thud to see Izuku had knocked him out. I sigh and use my powers to heal Mineta before waking him up. "We need to get out of here. We also need to help Aizawa-Sensei. Izuku use your quirk to create a whirlpool and Mineta use your quirk to stick the villains together. I will follow after you all." I say. They nod and carry out the plan. "Brace yourselves." I say before taking the wind current upwards and deploying my wind glider. I glide down to the others and watch in horror as this massive creature similar to the Lawachurls and Mitachurls slams Aizawa-Sensei into the ground. The main villain walks over and is about to hurt or kill Tsuyu when Izuku goes to attack him. His punch is blocked and I see the creature that was hurting Aizawa-Sensei is in front of us. I get out of the water and kick the creature away from us. "Nomu get her!" The man says. I simply send him a look before summoning a bow. I charge the arrow with Hydro and shoot it at the creature. I can hear voices from it asking for help and for someone to end its life. "Four mortals within one body given many powers? How cruel is this world to its own kind?" I mutter. I shake my head and go over to Aizawa-Sensei. "How brilliant." I mutter summoning an Oceanid that will heal him. I race over to the nomu summoning my sword. "Cool it!" I say freezing the creature in place. I back away making my sword disappear. "Strike!" I say which causes a lighting bolt to strike the nomu. I can feel the power surging through me as I can now preform my burst. I summon my sword that I use for the Electro burst that can turn people or things into ashes. Of course it comes out of my chest though and I won't hear the end of that from Mineta. I grab the hilt as it appears and take the rest of the sword out of my chest. "Your suffering ends here! Now, you shall perish!" I say slashing the nomu causing it pain. The nomu screeches at me and tries to attack, but I'm quicker and with just one quick and precise slash it turns to ashes.

(Me: *spoilers if you haven't gotten to Inazuma's Archon quest yet or don't play the game*
Like what happened with Signora. She is dead. 💀)

I turn to the blue haired man with a glare. "I would suggest turning yourselves in before that happens to you." I say. He glares back and starts running to attack me. However, he is shot in the hand and retreats as soon as he could. I put my sword away and go over to Aizawa-Sensei to check up on his condition. "Sensei, are you able to stand and walk?" I ask. He gets up with my help and walks around before turning to me. "Thank you kid." He says. I nod before turning and frowning. 'I'm a fucking immortal being that is over 2,000 years old. I can't exactly say that out loud though.' I think. We are all sent home and given two days off for what happened. 'Aether I hope your travels are going well.' I think before going to bed.

Me: agh! 😫 Slowly but surely.
Peace out ✌️
Emylee Marvel

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