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Now we understand what Imam Al-Hassan meant when he said: There is no day like your day, O Abu Abdullah. This is more correct than what is correct. What happened with Imam Al-Hussein had never happened to any human being. Who could go through something like what Imam Al-Hussein went through? Let's Begin


“Darkness came upon us, so they calmed down and slept. Tomorrow we travel, we have no shelter.”

"From the beginning of her life, they killed her grandfather, who was poisoned. A few months later, they killed her mother, crushed, beaten, and oppressed. Years later, they killed her father on the prayer prayer niche, struck on the head with a poisoned sword. A few years later, they killed her brother, who was poisoned from the pain of the poison. She vomited his liver. After a few months, she saw the corpses of her brothers’ sons, her sons, and her cousins. And all of her relatives were lying on the ground until the death of Badr Jamil, from her family, her nephew, Badr who is about to get married, also her nephew, Badr, a young infant with an arrow in his neck, her brother and her sponsor, whom she considered like her son, with his palms cut off, and her older brother who was crushed by horses and cut into pieces, all of them killed".

The horses that trampled on the body of Hussein are called “crooked,” and the German horse scientist Robert spoke about them. The crooked horseshoe weighs 65 kilograms. It is intended for crushing and grinding things. One of the horsemen who climbed onto Hussein's chest. The sound of Imam Hussein's bones breaking was audible.

They cut Al-Hussein into pieces so much that we thought they wanted to devour him. Where is Al-Hassan and where is Al-Hussein? Where are the sons of Al-Hussein? Saleh after righteous and honest after honest. Where is the path after the path? Where is the good after the good? Where are the rising suns?

They crushed him, destroyed him, killed him, beheaded him, pelted him with arrows and spears, and cut him down with swords. And you see the ignorant people saying: When you cry and beat yourselves over Al-Hussein, Al-Hussein will be in Paradise. Damn everyone who says this. Didn't you hear that when the Imam was born, the Messenger "Muhammad" went astray. When "Fatima Al-Zahra" asked him about the reason for his crying, he said: My son "Hussein" will be slaughtered in a land called Karbala. So Fatima Al-Zahraa asked him and said: Oh my father, will no one cry for him? The Messenger, "Muhammad," said: God will create for him "Shiites" who will mourn him, generation after generation.

In another narration, when the Messenger "Muhammad" was sitting with Imam "Ali," Lady "Fatima," and "Al-Hassan," Imam "Hussein" brought water for his grandfather, and the Messenger said while crying: O my son Hussein. You are the one who brings the water. Imam Hussein said: Yes. The Messenger of God said: Sit down, my son. So he sat him in his lap and said: You, my son Al-Hussein, will be killed in Karbala, and they will not allow you to drink water, and they will besiege you and kill you. Imam Hassan stood up and said: O father (meaning the Messenger of God, Muhammad), I will save my brother, and I will not allow anyone to kill him. The Messenger of God, Muhammad, said: O my son Al-Hasan. You will kill the poisoned person before him. My Lady Fatima said while crying: Father, will I see my flowers die while I am unable to do anything?

Then the Messenger of Muhammad said: O my daughter Fatima, you will not be there because they will kill you without any sin, and they will squeeze you, kill your fetus, and take Ali away from you and you will not be able to do anything.

The first person to cry and slap his cheek on Imam Hussein is the Prophet Muhammad. Why do the Shiites do this? Did you not hear the story of the Christian man when he heard about Imam Hussein, he became a Shiite, and when his father found out about that, he began to torture him and told him: If you do not leave Hussein, you will want to live longer. Fadl, his son, loves Imam Hussein and says to his father: Even if you kill me and torture me until my last breath, I will still love Imam Hussein because he sacrificed himself for the sake of God's religion. His father became angry, strangled him, and killed him. He loved Imam Hussein until the end of his life.

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