I'm sad for my father

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Hello brothers, how are you today? I'm in a hurry, honestly, so let's get started
After the martyrdom of the Messenger, the person who was most sad about the Messenger was his daughter, Fatima. She could not live for a single day without her father, and she loved him the most.

The people wanted to take the caliphate from Imam Ali, including Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, and Khalid, the cursed ones.

Before the death of Prophet Muhammad, he told Imam Ali to go out and ask people to support him and be with him. If there were 40 people with him, he would demand his rights.

So Imam Ali went out with his wife, Mrs. Fatima Al-Zahra, and with her were her sons, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein. They knocked on people’s doors, and there were 40 people with them, as the Messenger of God, Muhammad, said. Imam Ali demanded their rights (i.e., the rights of the people of His house) and told them to cut their hair. No one cut his hair except 4 or 3 people betrayed them and no one stood with them except a few

During this time, none of the Prophet’s companions were present at his death, and they were fighting over who would take the caliphate from Imam Ali, but at the same time Imam Ali was preoccupied with the death of the Prophet and was very sad about him, and even the narrations of those people say the same thing, even in their books it is said. Omar, Abu Bakr, and Aisha, none of them came after the death of the Messenger

After the death of the Prophet, he had a daughter called "Fatima." In a previous episode, she was very sad about the death of her father

So that she went to her father's grave and was crying, and when she returned to her home, she was sitting with her four sons, "Zainab Umm Kulthum Hassan Hussein," and she had a fetus in her womb that was going to be born, and they wanted to name him "Mohsen," but there was a strong knock on Fatima's door. "Al-Zahra"

Fatima was behind the door when she heard someone screaming and saying: "Ali," get out of your house. Ali was outside the house and was praying in the mosque. Al-Zahraa Fatima said: Ali is outside the house. "Abu Bakr" ordered him to go to "Ali." Omar said in a spiteful and angry voice: "O Zahraa, if you do not leave Ali, we will destroy your house."

Al-Zahraa said: Aren't you ashamed to enter the house of your Prophet's daughter and break down its door? So "Omar" burned the house and broke the door, and more than three hundred people were outside the house to attack "Ali" (they know that he is very strong and they will not be able to kill him), and "Omar" squeezed "Al-Zahraa Fatima" in the door.

He broke Al-Zahra's rib and killed her fetus while hitting Al-Zahra, and the Messenger had previously said to them (Fatima is a part of me. Whoever harms her has harmed me) and (God is satisfied with Fatima's approval and angry with her anger.)

So, "Ali" came to the house after the prayer had ended, and he saw this scene, so he picked up "Omar" with one hand, strangled him, and threw him to the ground

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So, "Ali" came to the house after the prayer had ended, and he saw this scene, so he picked up "Omar" with one hand, strangled him, and threw him to the ground. With one look from "Ali," they all fled, and everyone left "Omar," but "Ali" remembered the Messenger's commandment not to Omar was killed so that he would have a mention of Ali in this world and the hereafter and that the oppressor would be known from the oppressed

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