Small Scholar

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Hello, how are you, brothers? I hope to God that you are well
Let's Begin


He is: Muhammad bin Ali bin Musa bin Jaafar bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Murra bin Kaab bin Luay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr, grandfather of Quraysh bin Kinana. Ibn Khuzaymah Ibn Mudrikah Ibn Ilyas Ibn Mudar Ibn Nizar Ibn Maad Ibn Adnan. His mother is: Sabika the Nubian, and among the names by which she was also known: Khayzaran, and it is said that Al-Rida was the one who gave her this name, Dorra, and Rayhana, and it was said: Sakina the Nubian. As for her nickname, she is called Umm al-Hassan. Al-Kulayni mentioned in Al-Kafi that she was from the family of Maria the Coptic, saying: "She is called: Nubian alloy, and it was also said: Her name was Khaizuran, and it was narrated that she was from the family of Maria, the mother of Abraham, son of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family." As for Al-Majlisi, he mentioned in Al-Bihar the following: "His mother, Umm Walad, was called Sabika, and was called Durrat. Then Al-Rida, peace be upon him, called her Khaizuran, and she was Nubian." According to the Shiites, she is a woman of great standing and high status because she is the wife of an infallible Imam and the mother of an infallible Imam. They believe that she is one of the best women of her time. They even narrate that the Prophet Muhammad praised her and gave good tidings about her before she was born. He said, as it was narrated in Kashf Al-Ghumma: "By my father, the son of the best female slaves." "The good Nubian." In Al-Kafi's narration there is an addition, where Al-Kulayni narrates the same narration and adds at the end: "She has a good mouth and produces a womb."

His children are the descendants of Muhammad Al-Jawad. Ali bin Muhammad Al-Hadi, who assumed the imamate after his father, according to the Twelver Shiite belief, and his mother was Samana. Musa Al-Mubarqa': One of the agreed upon sons of Muhammad Al-Jawad. He was born in Medina in the year 214 AH. He migrated from Medina to Kufa, then migrated from there to the city of Qom in the year 256 AH. He died in the year 296 AH, and was buried in Qom, and his shrine there is famous. He was called the muqarqa because, as it was said, he was beautiful and resembled the Prophet Joseph due to his beauty and good looks. People used to crowd the roads and markets because they were attracted to his beauty, which forced him to put a cloth on his face, and that is why he was called the muqarqa. Historians and researchers differed in identifying the other sons of Muhammad al-Jawad. This Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Nu'man, known as Sheikh al-Mufid, says: "The children of Imam al-Jawad were Imam al-Hadi, Musa, Fatima, and Umamah." Ibn Shahr Ashub al-Mazandarani narrates on the authority of Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi that al-Jawad's daughters were Hakima, Khadija, and Umm Kulthum. The author of the book Umdat al-Muttalib says: "His children are Ali, peace be upon him, Musa, Al-Hassan, Hakima, Bariha, Umamah, and Fatima." There is also a grave attributed to one of Muhammad Al-Jawad's sons, whose name is Fadel, and it is located inside a large mosque in the village of Bayhand, in the Iranian province of Qom. Hakima: She is one of the daughters of Muhammad Al-Jawad, and she has a high status among the Twelver Shiites, and they trust what she narrates. She died in the city of Samarra in Iraq, and was buried next to Ali bin Muhammad Al-Hadi and Al-Hassan bin Ali Al-Askari.

He has known about his intelligence and wisdom since he was young. One day he was talking to children who were the same age as him, and the king entered the street where he and the children were, and all the children fled and only Imam Al-Jawad remained. When the king asked him why he did not run away, Imam Al-Jawad said: I did not initiate anything Bad work so I can escape from you. Secondly, the place is large and you did not do anything to us so that I could escape. The king was impressed by his knowledge and intelligence from his young age

He used to debate powerful people when he was young, and they were bigger than him, and he always defeated them, and none of his competitors defeated him in religion, science, or morals

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He used to debate powerful people when he was young, and they were bigger than him, and he always defeated them, and none of his competitors defeated him in religion, science, or morals.

Umm al-Fadl is the daughter of al-Mamun and the husband of Imam al-Jawad. Al-Ma'mun was one of the Abbasid caliphs and a contemporary of Imam Al-Rida . Al-Ma'mun married his daughter Umm Al-Fadl in the year 202 AH, to Imam Al-Jawad when Imam Al-Rida was alive. Some narrated that Imam Al-Rida When he was in Khorasan, his son, Al-Jawad , went to meet him. In the same meeting, Al-Ma'mun made a contract with Al-Jawad for his daughter. According to the opinion of Al-Masoudi, the Shiite historian from the fourth century AH, the marriage took place after the martyrdom of Imam Al-Rida

Al-Ma'mun was fascinated by the morals, knowledge and literature of Muhammad bin Ali Al-Jawad. That is why the marriage took place at the request of Al-Ma'mun himself. Imam Al-Jawad appointed his grandmother Fatima Al-Zahra's dowry (500 dirhams). Some of Al-Ma'mun's courtiers objected to this marriage because they feared the transfer of the caliphate from the Abbasids to the Alawites. Umm al-Fadl did not give birth to a son for Imam al-Jawad

One day, Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali Al-Jawad was sitting in his house while fasting, and when he finished his prayer, he wanted to eat his dinner (we have in Islam that fasting ends after the Maghrib prayer, that is, he breaks his fast after it). Imam Al-Jawad loved lemon juice and preferred it, so he asked Umm Al-Fadl to prepare juice for him. Lemon, so she prepared lemon juice for him, but with poison, as she wanted to kill him

So Imam Al-Jawad drank the poison or the juice, and when he drank it, his intestines burned and he felt severe pain while he was screaming and moaning in pain, so he said to Umm Al-Fadl: I... I want water. Umm al-Fadl refused while laughing, left the house and locked the door on him so that he would not leave

He started screaming and moaning in pain and wanted water because the poison was burning his entire body. He saw a water well on the first floor, so he started crawling until he reached it. When he reached it after a long time, he grabbed the bucket, and when he wanted to drink, he remembered his grandfather, Imam Hussein, so he left the water and remembered how he had died. He did not drink water for three days (the worst days for imams are the days of Muharram) until he fell and died there and remained on the ground. This is what Al-Ma'mun's family wanted, so when they heard that Its smell became the most beautiful smell, which is the smell of musk. He ordered him to be buried next to his grandfather, Imam Al-Kadhim, while he was young man and only 25 years old.

Before his burial, when Imam Al-Jawad was killed, the Shiites did not know that he had been killed, so they went to his house and knocked on the door, but to no avail

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Before his burial, when Imam Al-Jawad was killed, the Shiites did not know that he had been killed, so they went to his house and knocked on the door, but to no avail. No one answered them, especially since there was no one in the house other than Imam Al-Jawad, who was killed, and he remained in his house for three days. Moreover, the Shiites were not accustomed to the absence of the Imam until That limit

The knowledge of the Shiites that the imams of Ahl al-Bayt love them will prevent them from departing from the Shiites, especially their love for them, considering that God created the Ahl al-Bayt before everything else and then created the Shiites from them, so the Shiites are like the children of the Ahl al-Bayt.

When the Shiites saw the pigeons climbing to the roof of Imam Al-Jawad’s house, they brought a ladder so that they could climb up and see what was inside the house. They saw Imam Al-Jawad lying on the ground and they all began to cry for their Imam. Then they buried him next to his grandfather, Imam Al-Kadhim, because of the distance between him and his father, Imam Al-Rida. Who was in Tus.

Al-Mu'tasim and Jaafar bin Al-Ma'mun (who were Umm Al-Fadl's brothers) were always conspiring to kill Imam Al-Jawad . In the end, when the Imam was brought from Medina to Baghdad by order of Al-Mu'tasim Al-Abbasi, Jaafar took the initiative to incite Umm Al-Fadl to poison lemonade and offer them to the Imam, as that poisoned food was the reason for his martyrdom.


I hope to God that we meet in another episode. Goodbye

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