Father of scholars

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Hello, how are you today? I hope you are well. Today our story is about the best scientist in history, and he is... Let's start first.


The birth of Imam Al-Sadiq was in Medina in the year 83 AH, on the 17th of the month of Rabi' al-Awwal, which is the same date on which the Messenger of God, Muhammad, was born in the year of the Elephant. His pure mother's name was Umm Farwa, daughter of Al-Qasim, daughter of Muhammad bin (the dreaded Abu bamn )

The maid hurried to inform his father, Imam al-Baqir, of his birth, but she did not find him in the house, so she informed his grandfather, Imam al-Sajjad, of his birth and congratulated him. Imam al-Sajjad hurried and hugged his grandson and kissed him, and joy entered the entire house because they knew that this newborn had a role in the future in which he would revive Islam and the Sunnah of his grandfather, the Messenger of God, Muhammad, then he came. His father, Imam al-Baqir, embraced him, and the happiness was complete, and Imam al-Sadiq began to grow in the arms of two great imams, Al-Sajjad and Al-Baqir.

Imam Al-Sadiq lived with his grandfather, Imam Al-Sajjad, for 12 years and with his father, Imam Al-Baqir, for 19 years. After the martyrdom of his father Al-Baqir, he continued the mission of leading the Islamic nation, establishing schools of knowledge, taking advantage of the period of the Umayyad rulers' preoccupation with power and the decline of their state. Its demise is near, and Imam al-Sadiq is considered the founder of the Ahl al-Bayt School of Sciences

More than four thousand scholars, jurists, and students of knowledge studied with him and learned Islamic knowledge from him. He is the original source of knowledge of the Qur'an and the noble Sunnah of the Prophet.

Imam al-Sadiq's knowledge of all these sciences and languages ​​is one of the secrets of the Imamate and infallibility that God Almighty has deposited in the descendants of the Messenger of God Muhammad from his twelve infallible household. Imam al-Sadiq is the sixth Imam of the Imams of infallibility and purity.

Imam al-Sadiq's knowledge of all these sciences and languages ​​is one of the secrets of the Imamate and infallibility that God Almighty has deposited in the descendants of the Messenger of God Muhammad from his twelve infallible household. Imam al-Sadiq is the sixth Imam of the Imams of infallibility and purity.

Imam Jaafar bin Muhammad Al-Sadiq and his loyal "Shiites" faced the religious deviation that the Umayyad rulers had perpetuated the nation with, and sects of sorcery, deviation, and skepticism of the Holy Qur'an and its verses appeared.

Controversy and deviant ideas increased, and people became in great strife and did not know the truth from the error in their beliefs, so Imam Al-Sadiq clarified the correct path and true beliefs and invalidated all rumors and deviant ideas. Among this group who were among those deviants was "Abu Hanifa" and He is a person who has lied to many people up to the present day

Imam Al-Sadiq corrected the beliefs of the Islamic nation and saved many from misguidance and hell. He also warned many of the sects and their men who distorted Islam, the Qur'an, and the Sunnah of the Messenger.

Many of the Alawite and "Shiite" revolutions took place in the face of the oppressive Umayyad rule that disdained religion, people, and taboos. Among the most important of these revolutions was the revolution of Zaid the martyr, son of Imam al-Sajjad and uncle of Imam al-Sadiq. He rose up in Kufa, as well as the revolution of Yahya bin Zaid in Khorasan.

And many other revolutions, and Imam Al-Sadiq secretly supported these wealth with money and many things and what was needed in confronting the oppressive and deviant Umayyads. He also took care of the families of the martyrs and their orphans and gave them money.

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