By God, the pillars of guidance have been destroyed

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Hello brothers, how are you today? I hope you are well

Imam Ali when he was struck in the trench:
On the day of the Trench, when Amr bin Abdud struck him on the head, blood was flowing down his honorable face, so the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) stood up and pulled his wound and said to him: Where was I on the day the most wretched of others struck you on the head, and your beard was dyed with the blood from your head??

The Imam lived for a long time, and his life was about worshiping God. He loved orphans, fed them, and ate them, as well as the poor. He was known to often hide himself and go and give alms to people secretly, and only God knew about that. 

There was a person who was a supporter of the Imam, and a girl told him that Ali killed my father and my brother (because they killed him), so if you bring me his head, I will marry you. The first thing is that there is no man stronger than Imam Ali, and he killed the jinn who were considered stronger than humans and killed their king as well.

He had to understand how Imam Ali would be killed. The Imam knew that he would die, so it was the month of Ramadan, and this month is considered God's favorite, and for Laylat al-Qadr, which is also his favorite night. The Imam first went to the house of his eldest son, "Hassan," and after that he went to the house of His son, Hussein, had breakfast at his daughter Zainab's house. He ate very little food, so the rest of the food he took to the poor and orphans.

He prayed the night prayer, and he would wake up to pray, sleep for a few minutes, and then return to pray He left his daughter Zainab's house, but before he left the house, he was stopped by ducks and the ducks were screaming, and he was standing in the path of the Commander of the Faithful (he did not want the Imam to die, everyone loves him), but the Imam took another path, and then he opened the door and hung his belt on the door.

Imam Ali went out and it was dawn at that time, so he went out to the mosque and called the call to prayer and made the Muslims wake up

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Imam Ali went out and it was dawn at that time, so he went out to the mosque and called the call to prayer and made the Muslims wake up. Before he went to the mosque, Mrs. Zainab was afraid for him because she thought it was the last moments of his life because of the words he uttered: Tighten your belts for death, for death is sure to come. And do not be afraid of death if it comes to At your door, for the shield and the egg on the Day of Splendor are enough for you, just as time made you laugh, so will it make you cry. I know people Even if they are vagabonds, hastening to the aid of the oppressed in need.

Mrs. Zainab was afraid for him because he was waking up and not sleeping and was repeating those words while he gathered his children and said: “I see the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, he gestures to me with his hand: O Ali, come to us, for what we have is better for you.”

When they heard his words, they started crying and wailing and wailing, so he swore to them to be silent, so they remained silent, then he came to them, advising them and ordering them to do good and forbidding them from evil. Umm Kulthum said: That night my father remained standing, sitting, kneeling, and prostrating, and then he would go out hour after hour, turning his eyes in the sky and looking at the stars while saying: :By God, I have not lied nor lied, and it is the night that I promised. Then he returns to his place of prayer and says: Oh God, bless my death.

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