Chapter 7.1

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Lukotico, Gonzalo, and Berto had already been three days at the inn, waiting for Mafalda's response, whom they hadn't seen since Lukotico escaped from prison. Meanwhile, they had been learning about the incredible abilities of Sinomacrops. The creature had not left Lukotico's back since they freed it from the cage where it was kept.

Gradually, they taught it to grab objects and elevate them without letting go while in the air.

One day, it attempted to lift Lukotico, but he was too heavy, and it could only raise him a few centimeters off the ground. Berto and Gonzalo were left amazed at the scene.

They had been waiting for Mafalda for a week, and she still hadn't shown up. Impatient, Lukotico decided to return to the palace, heading straight to the dungeon and waiting for her there. After sharing his plan with the brothers, they offered to help, but Lukotico refused, saying they couldn't change shape, and they were too important to take on that task.

Leaving the inn, Lukotico retraced the path he had taken days before, but this time, he used his powers to change his appearance and go unnoticed. He walked through the market streets until he reached a path marked by perfectly placed and polished red stones, resembling a carpet, leading to the palace gates. Upon arrival, he beheld an impressive mostly white castle.

Lukotico decided to enter by camouflaging himself as a general. He transformed into a handsome, fair-skinned general named Nachojarito, wearing the same uniform as the guards but with a couple of stars and flags to indicate a high rank and prevent any questioning.

At the gate, the guards saluted him and without a single question, let him pass into the castle. Seeing how easily he had entered, Lukotico changed his original plan. He would wander the palace in his general guise, making it easier to find Mafalda.

And so he did. After several minutes walking through the long, towering castle corridors, he spotted Mafalda. She was signing papers with the court seal, looking very sad, almost on the verge of tears. He approached her.

"General," she said, raising her right hand to salute.

"Greetings, Mafalda," Lukotico replied, maintaining his character in case there was someone else in the room.

"What's the matter?" Lukotico continued.

"His Majesty has just stripped me of my noble title, dismissing me for the first time," she replied.

"Let's go somewhere private," Lukotico said. He knew that keeping up the act wasn't part of the plan; he wanted to end this conversation quickly.

"Sure, come with me," Mafalda replied, exhausted.

Together, they went to a room filled with books of all categories and genres; that must have been the library, Lukotico thought.

Mafalda was tired. She had just been expelled from the palace and didn't feel like talking to anyone. She now had to figure out what to do from that moment on; her life had drastically changed. For a moment, she considered joining Lukotico on his expedition, wondering if Lukotico was still waiting for her answer or if he had already left the kingdom. She quickly dismissed the idea; she had a family there. She couldn't just leave without making arrangements in her absence.

Seeing that the room was empty and the door closed, Lukotico transformed.

"Lukotico!" Mafalda exclaimed, surprised.

"What do you think? We're all waiting for you," Lukotico replied amiably, yet ironically.

"You know I can't," she told him.

"What ties you to this kingdom?" Lukotico asked.

"Uh, my family, for example," Mafalda replied hesitantly.

"I can easily take care of that," Lukotico assured her.

"How?" she asked.

"I'll pay someone to take care of your family," Lukotico proudly replied.

"It's too expensive," she said, concerned.

"Don't worry about the money," Lukotico said, noticing her worry.

Relieved, Mafalda finally accepted his request, and they left the castle together. To exit discreetly, Lukotico transformed back into the general

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