Chapter 1.1

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In a large silvery lake, under the red moon, an imposing and majestic being arose. Even though it was night, the moon illuminated its black body with fluorescent yellow figures running through it, forming a pattern used by the realms for war, as if they were war paintings. It had an oval dark head with a neck not longer than 3 mouse tails, showing no expression, as it seemed to have no face. Instead, a kind of crystal with hundreds of scattered luminous points crossed its "face." The being was about the height of 3 spinning tops, shorter than an elephant but taller than a lion. It glided across the lake toward them. The chosen ones had been awakened by the moonlight seconds after the being began to emerge from the depths of the lake. The six emperors had been sleeping there that night, hoping the night whisperers would hear their pleas. They were nervous because calling a whisperer was always a risk, as they held far more power than the emperors, and the power of the realms could be taken away if they became angry.

On the other hand, the Antler people were a peaceful realm with the sole purpose of aiding the Samiz in fulfilling their destiny and ensuring their survival. The last appearance of a robotic being had been three centuries ago in the same location. According to the prophecies of the spiritual leaders, a robotic being was created by the very Antler and came into the world just before a war to seek and find the luminaries who would lead the realms to victory. The last robotic, Thomix, was ambushed and destroyed shortly after emerging by the Teheritas, fanatics of the night whisperers. After that incident, no more robotic beings appeared, even though their appearance had been fervently requested by every inhabitant of the six realms in the middle of the ten-year Winter War. That's why the Samiz turned to the night whisperers as a last resort. The night whisperers were a clan composed of Antler exiles who always came when the Samiz called them. The six emperors gathered in formation, tense and alert. When the being was close enough, it spoke to them:

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