Chapter 6.4

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Lukotico entered an inn to request two rooms to sleep. The owner, Lola, very friendly, invited them, being newcomers to the inn, to a good plate of porridge with pieces of leek and tomato on top. After finishing, the three agreed to start the search for the second luminary. They were going to split up to cover more ground.

Lukotico began at the palace of a noble while Gonzalo started at the inns and lodges, and Berto at the market streets. Any indication of a chosen one had to be reported to Lukotico so that he could identify whether it was indeed a chosen one or a fraud.

Lukotico entered the palace posing as a bread delivery person, approaching each servant, letting Giorgi sniff them all. Unfortunately, while trying to leave the palace, the palace guard stopped him, asking for identification. Seeing he wasn't a servant, they locked him up in the dungeons. Lukotico took on his original form to attempt breaking the bars and escape.

Fortunately, a noble from the castle took a stroll through and spotted him in the dungeons. Almost immediately, Giorgi leaped out of the pocket and went straight to the noble, ending up receiving caresses from her. The noble, upon seeing Lukotico, whom he hadn't had time to transform, was frightened and amazed. Almost instantly, Lukotico emerged from the cage and covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream.

— Who are you?

— Before, I want to ask you, whom do you serve, the Antlers or the Whisperers?

— The Antlers.

— Well, I am Lukotico, of the Antlers. This creature is Giorgi, my pet, and who are you?

— I am Mafalda, a noble of the Trigueiros lineage.

— A pleasure. Do you know the legend of the chosen ones?

— Yes, six chosen ones must fight against the dictatorship, I wish they would come now.

— I must give you news; I am an Antler. I seek and gather the Antlers to fight together, and my pet is an astral animal capable of identifying the chosen ones. And by where Giorgi is now, you are a chosen one.

— I can't believe it. Throughout my life, nothing like this has ever happened to me, something as serious as being chosen. This is not something to joke about. Show me some proof to know that you are an Antler.

— Giorgi isn't enough? Have you ever seen a creature like him?

— You could have stolen it.

— Let me see. This might convince you.

Lukotico transformed into a Velociraptor, Giorgi increased in size, then quickly turned into a griffin and returned to its original form.

— Does this suffice?

— It does, but I need to speak with my family. I can't leave them alone.

— Alright.

Lukotico and Mafalda parted ways. Lukotico escaped the prison, passing through the wall as if there were no barrier. He went to find Gonzalo and Berto. Gonzalo was in an inn helping the people there with cleaning tasks, so Lukotico approached him.

— Gonzalo, I found her. She's a noble named Mafalda.

— Mafalda? The noble everyone talks about because she spends more time among the poor than among the rich?

— I suppose that's her.

— Well done. Did she want to come with us?

— She says she must first speak with her family; she can't leave them stranded, but I think she agreed.

— That's good. Oh, we almost forgot, we have to find Berto. I last saw him at the market buying some fruits and vegetables.

— Let's go there.

Gonzalo bid farewell to the people he had helped, and they left the inn together. They had left the elephants in a stable they had rented near the inn where they had stayed.

After several minutes of walking through the streets, they saw Berto. He was carrying several bags and walking toward the stable. Both reached him just as he was about to open the stable door.

— Good morning, brother. Lukotico has found her; her name is Mafalda. She's a noble who cares more for the less fortunate than for herself.

— Where is she now?

— She went to see her family to inform them.

— Okay, I was about to feed Charo and Avelino. Then I saw there was a pet shop in the market; I was going to check it out, we may not have money, but it's worth seeing what's there in this kingdom.

— Wait a moment, I think I can help you, let me check my book for a second. - said Lukotico

Lukotico pulled out a large book from his attire titled Ancestral Powers of the Antlers. He searched through the pages until he found one titled: Samiz Money. Lukotico recited the spell, and from his hands began to flow coins and coins of gold. To stop the spell, Lukotico closed his hands.

— I think this should be enough, right?

— With this, we can buy ourselves a palace if we want. — replied Berto.

— We have to be inconspicuous.

— Right. — said Gonzalo.

The three fed the elephants and together went to the market to the pet shop, where they saw that all the creatures were flying, making them different and special compared to other kingdoms.

The store was right next to the chicken slaughterhouse; that was the only meat that could be consumed in the kingdom of feathers. Upon arriving at the store, a very friendly man named Delma attended to them, guiding them through the entire store, showing them each animal and their uses. Then he asked how special they wanted their animal, and they mentioned that money was no problem. So, Delma took them to the back of the store and introduced them to the Sinomacrops.

Lukotico found it a unique and beautiful creature and bought it for a quite high price, five gold coins and three silver coins

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