Chapter 3.1

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Lukotico went to the stable where Francisco and Barvara were. He found it curious and strange that an adult elephant could be kept as a pet. Upon reaching the stable, he greeted them.--- Good morning, how are you? How are things? Do you need help? I'm interested in getting to know elephants a bit more; where I come from, we don't have elephants, let alone domesticated ones, --- Lukotico offered.Francisco was contemplating, and cutting through the thoughts, Barvara responded.--- Of course, my Francisco will teach you how to care for elephants; he's the best at it, you'll see, --- she affirmed.--- Thank you very much. When do we start? --- asked Lukotico.--- Now, if you want, --- she said.--- Perfect, --- affirmed Lukotico.--- Come, I'll teach you the theory first. Elephants are animals that require a lot of care when handling them. First, we need to spray them with a bit of cold water to keep them from getting too hot in this almost desert-like climate. Secondly, we need to give them some fruit to allow us to handle them without frightening them. After that, we take the brush and some soap and start brushing their entire bodies. Once finished, we give them another spray of cold water to remove all the soap, and you must give them another piece of fruit to calm their nerves. Have you understood everything? --- she asked.--- Completely, but for riding them, is this process done before or after? --- asked Lukotico.--- Always before, so they are clean before leaving home. Although if they return very dirty, we give them a bath only with water to clean them thoroughly, and in the morning, we wash them with soap, --- explained Francisco.--- Perfect, thanks, --- I thanked for the explanation.--- Now let's try for you to climb up; the first thing to do is to put on the carriage, --- explained Francisco.

Francisco approached an apple to the elephant's mouth, which energetically ate it. The elephant reacted by lying down on the ground, preparing for Francisco to put on the carriage. Once finished, Francisco invited Lukotico to join him for a ride.Francisco and Lukotico walked through the main streets mounted on the animal. Lukotico noticed that many more people, if not almost everyone, had an adult or young elephant. People decorated them with different ornaments; for example, those in security had their creatures with lights on the tips of their horns and the rest of the body covered with highly advanced steel armor, all of which were black, including the security officer's armor. He carried an energy charge rifle, very characteristic of security officers from the six kingdoms that shared security attire.

After several hours on the animal, Lukotico saw a man giving a basket of apples to a child dressed in a worn-out outfit, indicating to Lukotico that the child lacked resources for both clothing and food as he seemed very emaciated. After the man handed over the basket, Lukotico saw the child walk away to a shelter where he noticed a group of severely malnourished children. He distributed the apples to the children without tasting a single one. Mentally, Lukotico promised himself that when he could, he should speak to that child, as he could be a luminary.

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