IDEA Ground Troops, Vehicles and Equipment | Information Section #1

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Standard Infantry: The Backbone of the IDEA offense and defense division. They are the most abundant and numerous in the IDEA.

IDEA Operatives - They specialize in various classes of weaponry from rifles to snipers depending on the mission/objective. They are equipped with standard weapons from any class and a light-medium class exo-suit.

Man-power: 500,000,000

IDEA Cloaker - Equipped with advanced stealth exo-suits that can cloak one's body from the visible light spectrum and increase strength tenfold. (Note: for some god-damn reason, there is a division worth of Cloakers that prefer de-cloaking within close-quarters proximity with the enemy and then dropkicking them with the stealth exo-suits)

Man-power: 10,000,000

IDEA Juggernauts - Equipped with an advanced heavy exoskeleton and body armor that allows them to carry heavier weaponry with little to no effect to their selves, usually negating the recoil and the slow speed problem. The S-JG armor can tank up to 120mm HEAT shells and AP shells from tanks and Autocannons from emplacements or Hovercrafts.

Man-power: 50,000,000

 Specialists: A special class usually grouped in small numbers, up to a platoon at most for special missions. Each Specialist platoon or squad member has an important task to maintain designated as sub-classes. Specialists are outfitted with experimental and highly advanced weaponry that combines anomalous and Xeno tech, akin to the famous MTF from the SCP Foundation "Tau-5".


1. Spear - The most abundant of the Specialists. The Spear prioritizes dealing the most damage in the least amount of time. Spears are utilized in both field operations and infiltration operations. Spears are equipped with Photon Dischargers, light exo-suits, and a lighter variant of the S-JG armor. Spears are a balance of both fast and deadly.

2. Shield - The 2nd most abundant sub-class. The Shield is equivalent to a walking Tank and is even more durable than the Juggernauts, Shields are equipped with heavy weaponry and are never seen with regular chemical propellant weapons, instead, they prefer using Photon cannons, Magnetic accelerators, or Energy Pulse weaponry. Their Phalanx-T armor can help its user survive even the harshest conditions, it can convert toxic air into breathable air through a hyper-advanced filter, block intense temperatures, and prevent kinetic energy from liquefying the user inside. The plating of the Armour also houses millions of nanites that can repair the armor if damaged enough and cancel out other nanites.

3. Assassin - An infiltration unit, trained specifically to hijack enemy information or to terminate or capture precious targets. Assassins are equipped with numerous infiltration-related gear and are rarely seen on the field. Their gear includes a cloaking device, EMP shock charge, multi-purpose Nanites, Stealth Exo-suits, etc.

4. Staff - The least abundant of the classes. Little is known about them aside from the fact they are all Thaumaturges.

Manpower: [REDACTED]

Unmanned Ground Units: Composed entirely of drones and automated machinery. These make up 30% of the IDEA's military. The UGU specializes in taking on harsh threats or accomplishing mundane tasks that would give standard humans a much higher fatality risk than usual, examples of which would be Sarkics cultists, Bio-hazards, universes with SCP-001 "When Day breaks" and much more. UGUs can also be grouped with Standard Infantry for maximum efficiency.

1. Anti-Personnel Sentinels

- Derived, confiscated, and reverse-engineered from JCJenson's Anti-Drone Sentinels from D-90MD. Anti-personnel Sentinels are mechanical dromaeosaurid theropods designed to be stealthy assassins equipped with cloaking tech, Solver-based matter reconstruction/regeneration, and various visual sensors (thermal, night-vision, etc.). Anti-personnel sentinels are also equipped with a memetic-inducing Basilisk-like gaze in which the Sentinel's optic sensors flash a memetic agent at a target, this results in the target being frozen in place for at least a minute. Sentinels can also be used on the field and act as security for important locations of the IDEA.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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