There was once an I.D.E.A | Prologue

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30 years...

30 years had passed since humanity had developed a proper and stabilized fully functioning interdimensional rift system.

And for 30 years a lot, and I mean a lot had happened. 

It all started when several groups of ex-employees of various super secret world organizations, with the help of the Three Moons Initiative and an ex-overseer of the SCP Foundation itself formed a completely new, independent organization not bound to any government on Earth or pre-existing organization devoted to first contact and the establishment of relations to alternate versions of Earth itself. 

This organization was later called the: "Inter-Dimensional Earth Alliance".

Better known as the "I.D.E.A", unlike the predecessors of the organization this organization was completely public to every other Earth that isn't its home dimension or is another Earth with a variant of the SCP Foundation or UNGOC (Mostly due to the fact the veil of secrecy would be exposed leading secret organizations such as the GOC and the Foundation exposed to the public and result to a whole lot of chaos that would benefit hostile Groups of Interest.), the citizens of their home universe would have to wait a few more decades for the organization to be public, unfortunately.

So it is only natural for them to prefer having I.D.E.A's main headquarters in D-85G. The ex-overseer of the Foundation, now the director and practically the founder of I.D.E.A had taken a liking to 85G.

Unlike the other Earths they and their organization had encountered, 85G was relatively... tame. Sure there were mutant humanoid turtles with mystic shit going on in New York which just got invaded by the Kraang, a species that was basically the Flood from D-2001 but with a few extra steps and had giant mech suits. 

But compared to D-2001 where Humanity got jumped by several religious extra-terrestrial species and somehow still won and D-9419 where Earth got turned into a radioactive wasteland because the Chinese got a little too trigger-happy with the nukes, this was pretty tame.

It was... refreshing to say the least, yet somehow unsettling for the ex-overseer to get a breath of fresh air like this. 

The last major threat they faced was a rogue AI courtesy of the Broken God itself, Mekhane, which turned Earth and several other exoplanets in D-90MD to space dust after compressing the planetary cores into black holes or to the point they exploded, which was over a year ago. 

When this "Absolute Solver" was finally digitally lobotomized by a sentient angsty worker drone teen with the Solver's own powers. They felt something, something they hadn't felt for over trillions of years...


It was alien yet a satisfactory feeling they had longed for, for a long time. They yearned for it for eons, but deep inside they knew that they didn't deserve it.

In most of the [REDACTED] 140 trillion-year lifespan, all they had ever experienced was suffering,  pain, regret, and guilt. There were no words or maybe even human concepts in the Noosphere to describe the guilt they felt when they had over a trillion worlds burnt to the ground, the disgust they felt when universes fell to them, and the yearning for death when branches of the tree broke apart.

Although it wasn't their fault that they were brought to this world solely to be the harbinger and the ultimate gambit of the Crimson Khan itself.

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