After I pee in the cup and leave it in the little metal sliding door thing in the bathroom I wait in the exam room. I must have dozed off because there's a knock on the door that has me jolting up and blinking my tired eyes open. Doctor Ashley gives me a sympathetic look and takes a seat on the stool before opening my chart and facing me.

"Well, Karma. Your test was positive. You're pregnant." The words leave her mouth and my body freezes. I clear my dry throat.

"I have the implant. It's up to date. How is that possible? Your test is probably wrong or something." I ramble.

"Have you been using condoms while being intimate?" She asks.

"Umm... no?" I say as a question more than an answer, she just nods her head with a small understanding smile.

"Let me check where your implant is." I show her my arm where it's at. She feels around my arm with a small furrow to her brows. "You don't have an implant, Karma. There's a small scar here where it looks like it used to be though. Did you recently have it removed and just forgot about it?" She asks.

I look at the tiny scar she's talking about and the memory of waking up after the guys drugged me in their misguided attempt to keep me safe comes rushing back. I had a small bandage there but they told me I got a small cut from where they accidentally rubbed my arm around the wall and a loose nail was hanging out when they were carrying me to the room. Hendrix had a smug look on his face then.

"Those motherfuckers!" I yell. They are so dead!

The doctor jumps back at my outburst but I don't pay her any mind as I rush out the building and climb on my bike. Those assholes are going to pay!

I've been avoiding the guys the rest of the day, knowing I can't control my temper right now and needing everything to seem fine so my plan can go off without a hitch. It's the weekend and we have a club party going on. I grab three beers and walk up to the guys, handing them each one.

"Thanks, love." Jax says as he takes his beer and kisses my cheek. I smile and take a seat at the bar next to them. Hendrix comes up behind me and grabs my breast, squeezing gently and rubbing his thumb over my nipple.

"Do your boobs feel okay, Little one?" He asks the same question he's asked repeatedly for the last month. Now I know why. I turn and give him a fake contemplating look.

"You know, now that I think about it, they are pretty tender." I say. He beams at me and the happiness radiating from him makes me want to both hit him and kiss him.

He gives a secretive look to Axel and Jax and they all smile and clink their beers together before they drink them. Idiots.

Twenty minutes later the guys are stumbling around and to everyone else they just look drunk. Emery and Snake help me bring the guys to our room and deposit them face down on our big double king bed. Snake shakes his head and chuckles as he walks out. Emery full on laughs as she heads out the door. Before she leaves she looks back at me with a small smile.

"What they did was fucked up and they absolutely deserve what you're about to do but I also know you're happy with everything. I'm so happy for you Karma and you are going to be a kick ass mom." She leaves with that, making tears form in my eyes.

It's true. Being a mother used to be my biggest dream, the guys and I talked about it all the time. Then everything happened and I didn't think I would ever be ready for that. Even though a part of me is excited to be growing our little one, the guys still deserve their own brand of Karma. They took the choice from me and I can't just let them get away with it. I pull down their pants and underwear before pulling out my tattoo equipment.

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