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How did we not see this coming? How did I not see it? My road name is Ace because I'm the best at coming up with plans and seeing all the details. I lead my club with precision and since taking over from my pops I've brought the club to an all new height in trading arms. What I somehow didn't see coming, even though it should have been painfully obvious? This was a trap.

"Where is she!?" The psychopath standing in front of us screams.

I keep my mouth shut because what he doesn't know is that we drugged Karma and left her tied up at the club. Specifically to keep her safe and out of trouble.

After we left Karma in Hendrix's bed we gathered the patched members we could spare and headed here, where the coordinates told us. Imagine our surprise when we were hit with a large gas bomb and knocked off our asses. Long enough to be tied up and dragged inside the large dilapidated building.

"Answer me, boy!" He snarls in my face. When I still don't respond he throws his hands in the air and starts pacing back and forth in front of us. The guy is off his rocker. He looks like an old timey aristocrat with his weird western mustache. At first glance it's hard to imagine this guy could do some of the atrocious things he's done to women. But being in his presence for longer than five minutes I'm able to see the crazy in his eyes.

I take the opportunity to look around at our surroundings. Me, Jax, and Hendrix are on our knees with our hands tied behind our backs. Along one of the walls are a long row of large dog cages with women locked inside. From where I'm at it's hard to see who these women are but I'm guessing it's all the women that have gone missing from our area this past year. I'm praying Taylor is one of the ones alive. From the stench alone I can tell there are at least a few dead women in some of those cages. Moving my eyes away from that area, not wanting to let myself stray to those dark thoughts right now, I look to the other side and see Emery laying on the floor with blood pooled around her head. I don't know if she's alive or not. I know the rest of my men that came with us are behind the three of us.

I angle my head slightly to see if I can see what type of condition they are in without alerting the aristocrat wannabe to my movements. Out of the corner of my eye I see Scoot staring at the cages with the women in them. I bet he's looking for Taylor. He has his hands and legs tied up and tape covering his mouth. It's a safe bet that the rest of my men are in similar positions.

We brought six patched members with us. That makes a total of nine of us. The asshole has twelve guards with him from what I can see so far. We're slightly outnumbered but I know if we can get unbound we can easily take them out.

I'm pulled from my internal thoughts when there's a loud bang from the door being thrown open and hitting the wall. The guards go on alert and raise their weapons, pointing them at the door. When I look to see who just entered, my heart sinks. Jax whispers a quiet and defeated "no." Hendrix growls and starts thrashing around.

This is a fucking nightmare.

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