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As we ride out towards the spot we claimed as ours over a decade ago, a sense of peace flows through my veins. When we were children we found a small hidden waterfall and we would spend almost every weekend during the summer there. Just the four of us. As we got older and more involved with club business our time spent together at our secret spot became less frequent.

Jax, Hendrix, and I had all decided that when it was finally time for us to claim Dani and make her ours, we would do it at our favorite place. Then she disappeared and all of our plans blew up in smoke.

Knowing that this dream we all had is one that we can finally make real, calms the storm raging internally from everything that just happened. I feel like a failure for allowing my men and I to be ambushed the way we were. I'm man enough to admit that had Karma still been tied up at home the way she was supposed to be, none of us would be alive right now. Those bombs would still be active and I would have been the cause of death to everyone. I wanted to keep her safe and away from potential danger. Instead she came barreling in like some Valkyrie. She faced down her own personal nightmare without so much as a tremble, even laughing in his face at his own failure, and saved us all. She's so much stronger than any of us gave her credit for. I'll never underestimate her again.

We pull off the road and slowly drive down an overgrown trail. When we get to the spot where the trail ends and the trees block any further path, we park our bikes. Karma parks her sexy as fuck bike next to mine and watching her thighs straddle the beast makes my cock impossibly hard.

I consider the woman in front of me now. The complete opposite of the girl we all fell in love with all those years ago. Our biggest issue back then was how we were going to balance the darkness being involved in the club entails while also protecting Dani from the many threats being associated with it would bring. Dani was soft and gentle. I had always known that eventually it would have taken its toll on her delicate soul and twisted it in some way. Our foolish teen minds had assumed we could protect her in every way, but as men we now know that was a stupid assumption. We had never allowed her to see the darkness we were involved in. Whenever we left for club business it always ended in murder and violence. We would come home to Dani and pretend none of it ever happened. We used her beaming sunshine to wash away the darkness of our souls. That's why we vowed to never touch her with our blood stained hands in any sexual way until after we made her our old lady, because then she would be ours completely and there would be no way out. We were selfish and we would have ruined her. So at the time when we read what we thought was her letter, telling us the club life wasn't for her, we had foolishly believed it.

Now the woman standing in front of me is darkness in its most primal form. She can withstand everything the club will inevitably throw at her and handle it with ease. Someone else tainted her soul and like a sick bastard I'm envious. Her soul belongs to us and it was ours to taint. But we don't deserve that honor because we failed to protect her. We allowed our own insecurities to tear us apart and hand delivered her to pure evil without any form of protection. We don't deserve the strong and fierce woman she is now, but like the assholes we are we're going to fucking take her anyway. She is ours and the only way she's leaving us again is with all four of us dead. Even then she will be ours in hell.

I grab her hand after she removes her helmet and places it on her bike. I don't even turn back to check if Jax and Hendrix are following as I drag her by the hand into the trees towards the waterfall. It's been too damn long since we've had her here and I can't find it in me to wait another fucking moment. Those assholes have already had a taste of her, I need to feel her wrapped around me. To feel our souls intertwined and become one.

As we draw nearer to the water the rushing sounds of the waterfall meets our ears. None of us have been back here since she disappeared. The memory of her is so embedded here that it would have been too painful. It feels just as magical as it did back then.

I'm so lost in the feeling of being back here that I don't even realize Karma has dropped my hand and stripped her clothes off until she's running into the water.

"Hurry up slow pokes! Or are you going to make me swim naked all by myself?" She goads us, knowing there's no way we would ever resist being near her naked flesh.

Hendrix chuckles at her playfulness as the three of us remove our clothing and make our way into the water towards her with a predatory focus.

"I hope you're ready for us, love." Jax says as he pulls her back flush to his front and kisses her neck, eliciting a moan from deep in her throat.

Her arm goes back and around his neck, leaving her breasts at the perfect angle for Hendrix to suck one of her nipples into her mouth. I can see Jax's fingers playing with her pussy through the clarity in the water.

"Do you know what's about to happen, baby girl?" I ask her gently as I approach her side and cup her delicate face in my palm. She nestles it against my hand like she can't get enough of my touch.

"I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't, Axel." She whispers with hooded eyes and a slackened jaw from how turned on she is.

"There's no going back after this." I tell her fiercely. I won't allow her to leave after she's ours completely. She laughs softly as she locks her eyes on mine with a small smirk lifting the corner of her lips.

"There was no going back after the moment I stepped foot back inside the club and we all know it."

"Very true. But I have to at least give you the illusion you have a choice, don't I?" I tell her with a smirk of my own but her face becomes serious and she moves away from Jax and Hendrix to approach me head on.

"I have always been the three of yours. It was never a choice for any of us. It was destiny, it's how it was always meant to be. I always knew that when not if I finally returned to the three of you, there would be no more running. No more pretending. I'm sorry I stayed away for so long. But Axel, I will never leave again." The steel in her voice as she tells me the words I didn't realize I needed to hear her say until this very moment, eases the tight band wrapped around my heart and snaps the thinly held restraint I was clutching onto.

I grab her hips and lift her up as she wraps her legs around my torso. I stare into her eyes and walk the short distance to the water's edge. I lay her down on the ground with her legs still touching the water, not caring in the slightest about the sand that's soon to be covering us.

I grab the back of her neck in one hand while the other trails down her flat stomach until I reach the apex between her thighs. I kiss her with every bit of possessiveness I feel as my fingers glide through her wetness. I circle her clit, making her arch into me more, and then slide two fingers deep inside her without an ounce of resistance. I angle my fingers to stimulate her g-spot and use my thumb to rub her clit. She breaks away from our kiss and I trail my lips down her slender neck until my mouth reaches her right breast. I suck a nipple into my mouth and bite down gently, pushing her over the edge. She moans her release as her legs tighten around me and her stomach muscles clench with the intensity of her orgasm.

I bring my lips back to hers and give her a light kiss before I look deep into her beautiful eyes. Without waiting another moment, I sink my cock all the way inside of her and groan at how fucking perfect she feels.

This... this is home.

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