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"Are you excited about tonight, Dani girl?" Amanda, my pseudo aunt, asks as she helps me finish curling my long blonde hair. I look at her through the reflection in the mirror and she must see the happiness shining in my eyes because she kisses the top of my head. "Right, stupid question."

"Excited isn't a big enough word to encompass how I'm feeling right now. I'm just... God, I don't know, Mandy." I laugh at my lack of words and she squeezes my shoulders while smiling at me.

"You're going to be an amazing Old Lady to those three boys of yours. This club has watched the four of you fall in love and we are all just as excited for it to be official now." I see tears shining in her eyes but she blinks them away before they can fall. "You, my sweet girl, deserve all the happiness in the world, and I know those boys will bend over backwards to make it happen. The circumstances that brought you into our lives weren't ideal, but this is where you were always meant to be."

I've called the Devil's Disciples club home for eight years now, ever since my sperm donor of a father abandoned me at a gas station when I was only ten years old, and told me I'm old enough to fend for myself.

A lot of bad could have happened to me back then, but I was fortunate enough to be found by Snake, the club's president. He put me on the back of his bike and brought me to the club, giving me a family, and a real future in the process.

Snake's son, Axel, and his two best friends, Jax and Hendrix, quickly became my everything. I got to grow up being a spoiled club princess with my three best friends.

To absolutely no one's surprise, our platonic friendship changed into so much more the older we got. If I'm honest with myself, I've been in love with them since the moment we met.

Snake was surprisingly happy for us, but he demanded we not take our relationship further until after I graduated school and turned eighteen. I won't lie, it's been frustrating keeping our hands to ourselves for two years, but tonight is finally the night we've been waiting for.

Tonight Axel, Jax, and Hendrix are being officially patched in and I'm being named as their Old Lady. I graduated a month ago and my eighteenth birthday was last week. It's time.

Hendrix, my big softy, wanted us to all wait to be intimate until after everything was officially recognized by the club. Something about 'The biker version of making an honest woman out of me.' Axel wanted to punch him in the face for being a cock blocker, but eventually relented because, in his words, I'm worth the wait.

"I'm going to head out, hun. I need to make sure everything is in order for tonight at the club." Mandy says, while grabbing her purse to leave. "The ceremony starts in about an hour, don't be late." She gives me a stern look, knowing I would be late to my own funeral if possible.

"Trust me, tonight is the one night I'll definitely be on time for." I grin at her. She shakes her head in amusement.

"We'll see. Taylor drew you a picture as a keepsake for tonight. When she gives it to you, act like it's the best artwork you've ever seen. She worked hard on it for her favorite person."

Taylor is Mandy and Scoot's nine year old daughter, and my little shadow. She's like a little sister to me, and she's the sweetest little girl there is. She's also very coddled since Mandy and Scoot struggled with infertility for years before conceiving her. She's their little miracle baby and a bright spot in the club's lives.

"You know I'll love whatever it is she drew. She's my mini me." I say proudly. Mandy laughs as she opens the door to walk out.

"Just keep that in mind when you see it. She tried to draw a butterfly but it looks more like a woman's crotch." I choke out a laugh.

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