Epilogue, Karma

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Two months later

The last few weeks I've been feeling like shit. I can hardly keep my eyes open and everything makes me nauseous. I'm on my way to the doctor's now to see if I've caught a stomach virus or food poisoning. I can't keep feeling like this. It's been hard trying to hide it from the guys, they'll just panic and smother me until I'm better. If they knew I was sick they wouldn't let me out of bed. Plus Hendrix has been acting weird lately. He keeps caressing my breasts and asking if they feel okay, he keeps track of how much I'm eating, and now he's trying to make me take 'special' vitamins. He's always been the one to care for us as a group, making sure we're healthy, but it's solely focused on me right now. If he knew I was sick he would wrap me in a plastic bubble for the rest of my life. If he tries to force me to take one more fucking vitamin I'm likely to shoot him in the foot.

Too much is going on right now, so I can't afford to be sick. We finally gave Brent's body a proper burial, complete with a ridiculously fancy headstone he would have loved. I buried him under a gorgeous cherry blossom tree, so I can sit by his grave in the shade when I visit him. Sometimes I like to sit and talk to him about my life. I can picture his infectious laugh at some of the antics I get up to.

Emery is helping us track down Scarlet and Digit so we can make them pay for betraying the club when they placed bombs around the compound. We found out the kidnapping asshole's real name was Arthur Burton. After I killed him Emery was able to hack into his phone and computer, where we found several links to more missing women. Boss lady sent teams in and they were able to recover 114 women. We also found out that Scarlet had been on his payroll since the very beginning, when I was abducted. Her brother worked as a guard for him, which is how she got involved. She helped my sperm donor concoct the plan to get me abducted. She's been the eyes and ears for years and no one saw it coming. When we finally find her I'm going to make her suffer. She will beg for death by the time I'm through with her.

Last month we finally made me being the guy's Old Lady official. We had a ceremony where I received my custom leather vest with Property of Ace, Ink, and Ripper stitched onto the back. Of course I made them get a patch saying Property of Karma on it. Fairness and all that Jazz.

I walk into the doctor's office and sign in, ignoring the judgmental looks from the receptionists. I'm wearing my usual look of black ripped jeans, a white crop top, and my leather cut that pairs perfectly with my black biker boots. People are always going to cast judgment but it's people like me who protect them from people just like themselves.

"Karma Daniels?" A nurse calls my name and I get up to follow her back.

"Pee in this cup for a urine sample, please." She says as she hands me a clear plastic cup with a white screw top lid. I look at her like she's crazy.

"What do you need a urine sample for?"

"A pregnancy test, dear." She looks at me with confusion as to why that isn't obvious.

"I have a birth control implant. Pregnancy isn't a concern." I tell her with a roll of my eyes as I try to hand the cup back to her.

"Your chart has you down with symptoms of nausea, fatigue, and sporadic lightheadedness correct?" She lists as she reads the paperwork I filled out.

"Yes but it's because of a stomach bug or something. I'm just here to get some medicine."

"Mmhmm. Just pee in the cup please. The doctor will be in shortly." She pushes the cup back into my hand and walks off. Whatever, cunt. It's not my resources I'm wasting.

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