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Having her in my arms again was staggering. I forgot how good she feels and now that I've had a taste, I never want to lose it again. We should hate her, we should want her gone and back out of our lives for all the pain she's caused us. But not a single one of us can deny how much we crave her.

Axel sneaks into her room every night just to watch her sleep. Hendrix fucks his fist multiple times a day muttering about breeding her so she can't leave again. As for me? I have to stop myself from letting my intrusive thoughts take over. I want to tattoo her silky skin with my name like a brand. I want to implant a tracker under her flesh so she can never disappear again. I want to tie her up and demand answers about why we weren't good enough for her. Why I wasn't good enough? More than anything, I want to beg her to love me again.

It's so fucking obvious that something awful happened to her and we can all sense it. It's like a visible shadow in this room, looming over us. The way she fell apart in my arms scared the shit out of me, but the way she looked up at me and said my name with such reverence, like I single-handedly slayed her demons...that was a heady fucking feeling.

I want to slay all your demons, baby. Just let me in, love.

"You've always been a fucking coward. Seven years ago, instead of telling us to our faces that you were leaving us, you wrote a goddamn note and left pictures of you riding Brent's cock like you were in the Kentucky fucking Derby. You betrayed this entire club, not just us. Most of the members here treated you as one of their own and you just up and abandoned them without so much as a fucking post card. Little Taylor cried for weeks after you left. The first night you showed back up, the whole club wanted you punished. Severely. You can't blame them either. You've hurt every single person here. So tell me, baby girl, was Brent worth it? Was he worth throwing your family away?" Axel asks her. It's questions we've always wanted answers to but never thought we would get the chance.

Instead of answering, she just walks out. "Typical fucking coward." Hendrix scoffs. I saw the tears in her eyes though, I have a gut feeling that whatever she's hiding is a lot worse than anything we thought.

"Just a tip boys, if you want answers to all of your questions...Don't be a fucking dick to her." Emery says as she stands up from her computer and follows after Karma.

"Fuck! I just want to know why!" Axel screams as he throws his coffee cup at the wall shattering it and spilling coffee everywhere.

"We're going to have to make her talk. We also need to tell her about Taylor." I tell them. They both nod letting me know they're on the same page.

"We need to call church so we can discuss our newest shipments too, no sense in letting business fall behind. I'll go round everyone up." I say as I get up and signal to our brothers that church is starting.

"Brake, where are we at with the gun shipment for Gianni?" Axel asks our club brother who's in charge of the guns for the Italian Mafia leader. Gianni Morino is the head of the Italians and one of our most trusted contacts. We've been in business together for four years now and have grown a great partnership with him. The dude is almost as crazy as Hendrix is but his loyalty is something we respect. We make most of our profits in the gun trade which is not so legal and in security which is mostly legal, depending on who our client is. With security some clients only need some protection when going to and from court, such as abuse victims, and guarding at events, other clients need us to take out a target or extract information from someone who is less than willing to give it under normal circumstances.

"Everything went smoothly, his partner told me to let you know that Gianni wants to set up an in person meeting with you soon to discuss a new business venture. He wouldn't give me any details, said it's best to be kept under wraps for now while they handle some rats in their house." Interesting.

KarmaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora