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"What the fuck are you doing here?" Immediately comes out of my mouth. This goddamn selfish whore of a cunt shows up now? After seven fucking years? No. Fuck her.

I don't know what kind of cruel cosmic joke the devil is playing on me right now, but fuck this.

"No, get someone else, not this bitch." I tell the tiny purple haired girl with the glasses. Emery, she said her name was. She narrows her eyes and looks at me like she wants to rip my insides out. I'd like to see her try.

"Um, no. She's our agency's best. If you want this case solved, she's the only one who can do it." She tells me. I hear her words, but they aren't fucking registering. How is Dani their best? How is she with them at all?

"This is a joke, right? Tell me this is a joke." I growl out, with my fists clenched at my sides, trying to stop myself from pinning Dani to the wall by her fucking neck.

I look at my brothers. Jax looks close to collapsing over and Hendrix looks five seconds from going on a murderous rampage. He's done it before. There's a reason his road name is Ripper. 

Dani destroyed us all, and we all came up with ways to deal with our hearts being shredded. I lost myself in taking care of this club, I know that's why my old man retired so soon. He knew I needed something to keep me busy before I ended up in prison or dead.

Jax lost himself in his art. He has tattoos on every part of his body. It's better than him cutting himself, which is what he was doing before me and Hendrix put a stop to it.

And Hendrix, Hendrix lost himself in women and fighting. At six foot seven and three hundred pounds of pure muscle, the guy does some damage. He's a fucking beast.

He's been banned from countless underground fights because he always kills his opponent. We have to keep a close fucking eye on him because once he loses his shit there's no reeling him in until he's finished ripping people or things apart.

"Karma, do you know these guys?" Emery asks the traitorous bitch.

"Yeah, they're the guys that ripped my heart out seven years ago." Dani tells her.

"You lying, cheating, cancerous bitch!" Hendrix yells. Ah fuck, here we go.

Hendrix jumps up out of his chair and makes it across the room to Dani. He goes to grab her throat but somehow she knocks his arm away and pulls a blade from out of fucking nowhere and has his big ass pinned to the conference table with the blade at his throat as she straddles him.

I don't know why I look, but I do, and I see he has a raging hard on now. Can't blame him. I hate the bitch, but fuck, she's always been the most beautiful women in the world, but put a blade in her hand and she's a fucking siren.

"Don't ever try to grab me again Hendrix, and no, not once have I lied to you. Someone did, but not me." She quietly tells him as she climbs off of him.

"What do you mean?" Jax speaks up for the first time. She looks at him with sadness in her eyes before a wall comes up over them.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter. Right now there are women in danger who need us, so let's focus on that and get this case solved."

"I agree." I say in a cold detached tone. I don't want to hear anything she has to say. I just want her to leave and never come back. It hurts too fucking much. The sooner we can find out who's targeting these women and bring them to justice the sooner the girl who ruined our lives can walk back out the door to wherever the hell she's been these past seven years. I just hope she doesn't cause any more damage than she already has.

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