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I would say that I feel guilty for drugging Karma, but that would be a lie. I would absolutely do it again if I needed to in order to keep her safe. I'm aware that she is fierce and a total badass now, but I'm also aware that if something were to happen to her again we would rip the world apart and everyone in it. It would destroy us worse than the last time she disappeared.

I carry her up to my room and place her on my bed. Axel grabs some restraints from the closet and starts to chain her left arm and right leg to the metal bed railings. I remove her jeans so she's not too uncomfortable laying there.

"Fuck." Jax breathes out as he looks at her. She's wearing his t-shirt and a red lace thong. Yeah, fuck is right. My cock immediately takes notice.

Jax grabs my black quilt and covers her legs so she doesn't get cold. We're all just standing here staring at the girl that has complete ownership of our hearts.

"Think she will run from us the first chance she gets?" Jax asks quietly.

"If she does, we'll follow her. We will hunt her down and drag her back by her hair if we have to." Axel responds with fierce determination.

"Yeah, but I would rather not have to do that. I want her to be happy and want to be with us." Jax says in a sigh.

"So you would just let her leave?" I scoff at him.

"Fuck no, I'll chain her up if it comes to that. I just want her to be happy." He looks conflicted for a moment before he speaks again in an almost whisper. "I just want her to love me again." I feel that in my bones. I want that too. We all do.

The thought of her not wanting us makes me furious. We can't have that. I grab my blade from my pocket and open it up.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Axel asks me in a tone you would use when speaking to a child. I just grunt. He'll figure it out soon enough.

I feel around on her arm until I can feel the tiny grain size lump. I delicately slice a small cut over it and pry the little device out of her skin.

"Grab me the stitch glue." I order one of them. Jax quickly runs to my bathroom and grabs it before rushing back in and handing it to me.

I fix up the little cut and kiss her flesh beside it in a small apology for hurting it. I pocket the little device for later when I can toss it out. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders now, it makes me sigh in happiness.

"What was that? What did you do?"

"He removed her birth control implant." Jax tells him.

"Clever." Axel says, with a tilt to his lips. "She's going to kick your ass when she finds out though." He laughs.

"Good, the makeup sex will be worth it. Especially when I put our baby in her." I goad him, already knowing where this is going.

"Neither one of you is putting a baby in her until I do." He scowls at me.

"Nah, pretty sure I'll be first. You haven't even sunk your cock inside her tight little pussy yet." His fists clench at his side as he stares me down. "Plus I'll make it my mission to have my cock buried in her 24/7. There won't be enough time for you."

His fist lands a hard hit right in my cheek, making my head whip to the side. I throw my head back and laugh. He's so fun to piss off.

"Enough, children. We have a job to do. I want to be back before she wakes so she doesn't have enough time to be pissed enough to kill us in our sleep." Jax chides us. But I see his cock bulging in his pants at the thought of one of us breeding her.

"He's right. Let's go."

"Aye aye, Cap'n." I salute Axel. Making him growl, I just laugh harder.

"You two make even me feel murderous. Karma will definitely end up killing one or both of you at some point." Jax grumbles.

"Nah. I have a feeling our little one will give us a run for our money with the shit she's going to pull." They both hum in agreement as we walk down the stairs with grins on our faces.

I can't wait to see what kind of trouble she gets us into in the future.

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