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Fury like never before has taken control of every cell in my body as I peek inside the large abandoned building and see my guys restrained and kneeling on the ground with that psychopath pacing around in front of them. The only person who's allowed to tie them up and bring them to their knees is me.

The window is covered in dirt and grime so it's hard to see much else inside but it's not hard to assume that there are several guards roaming around inside with them. There were four outside that I already took care of. Time to get this shit over with so I can get my guys home and punish the shit out of them for drugging me and getting themselves caught.

I hold my fist up high to give Rogue the signal that it's go time. I quietly walk around to the front entry point and stand in front of the door. I grab my blades and hold one in each hand. I inhale a deep breath to calm my racing heart and allow the numbness I know I need right now to take over. Time to fuck shit up, Karma.

I lift my left leg and kick the door in. There's a loud bang from the door hitting the wall and I can hear several guns cocking. I can feel the malice directed at me in waves and it makes me feel fucking giddy. I feel a slow dark smile creep up my face and slowly walk inside.

The further I walk inside, the more I can see. Behind my guys are the rest of the club members tied up like calves in a rodeo. I see Emery unconscious on the ground. If she let herself get killed I'll drag her back from the underworld and kill her myself.

On one wall I can see several large cages with something inside them. The more my eyes adjust I can see that it's women crammed in them. The missing women, I bet. My lip curls at the stench of death inside this building of horrors. I'm going to make this fucker hurt.

"I knew you would show up, Dani." The asshole grins at me. I turn my eyes away from him, effectively dismissing him. This makes him angry. Good, an angry man is a thoughtless man. He'll be reckless and fuck up.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you!" He screams, like a petulant child. I just scoff.

"I thought your playthings aren't supposed to look you in the eye, hmm?" I goad him. I still don't look at him, acting completely disinterested. I lock eyes on Axel and he's shooting lasers at me with his eyes. I look at Jax next and he's trying to implore me to get out of here with his eyes. I look at Hendrix last and he's thrashing around trying to get out of his binds. He won't. I know from experience that monocle man is a master with rope.

"Ah, but Dani, you are so much more than just a simple plaything. I have big plans for you." He glides up to me and I finally look him in the eyes as he stands toe to toe with me. " It took years to finally find you. Imagine my surprise when my little pet turned out to join an assassins group. The same group who stole you from me." He sneers at me. He runs his finger down my cheek and I have to force my body not to revolt at his touch. I want to slit his throat and be done with it, get as far away from him and the memories his presence evokes, but I have to play this smart or innocent people will get killed in here. Instead of letting my emotions lash out I keep my body locked tight and a bored expression on my face.

"You've changed. They've changed you. You were always a stubborn thing, but I broke you once. I can break you again." He starts circling me like I'm an exhibit in a museum. "I came back to where it all began. Your father told me about your little life here before I put a bullet in his brain. I watched them for a while to see if you ever came back, but you didn't. Once I got word who you were working for, that's when I devised a plan to finally get my pet back. I started abducting women so your boss would take notice. Unfortunately it was taking longer than I anticipated for that to happen so I took a girl from that deviant gang you associated yourself with. That finally got the ball rolling!" He chuckles like a fucking maniac.

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