Mighty Pups Stop the AB Geargolem Games

Start from the beginning

Everest: Why are you a few feet away from this scrap metal, it's harmless after all?

Mason: I'm just taking caution!

Everest: (nods) It's understandable! (walks over and gets to close)

(the pile of scrap metal comes to life and forms an Ice Geargolem)

Everest: (screams) What just happened!?

Mason: That's why they looked familiar, those were Geargolems playing possum!

Ice Geargolem: (low growl) (prepares to attack Everest)

Everest: (worried gulp) Uh oh!

(Mason notices then quickly jumps in at the line of fire when the Ice Geargolem fires three ice spears)

Mason: (gets hit in the chest by an ice spear when he uses his body to shield Everest then lands behind her) Oof!

Everest: (shouts) Pups, don't touch that scrap metal! Mason said it's something called a Geargolems!

Pups: (confused) Gear- what?

(the piles of scrap metal come to in the form of different Geargolems)

Pups: (startled) Whoa!

(Luna and Mirage grab Mason's arm with their mouths and gently pull him away)

Mirage: Everest, with us!

Everest: (follows the twosome)

Mayor Goodway: (shocked) My word! These things are far worse than scrap metal!

Mayor Humdinger: These things don't look that tough?

Sound: (cracking)

Mayor Humdinger: What was that sound?

(an Earth Geargolem burst out of the ground right below Mayor Humdinger sending him flying)

Others: (notices) (shocked) Whoa!

Mayor Humdinger: (screams the lands in a tree) (groans) I'm okay, but I've also been better!

Everest: (rushes over to Ryder) (worried) Ryder!

Ryder: What's wrong Everest?

Everest: (points at Mason who has an ice spear in his chest) Mason took a hit for me! That icy Geargolem looked like it was gonna end me but Mason took a hit for me!

Luna: These metal brutes are from a world called Skylands, nobody knows how they got here!

Marshall: (rushes over to Mason) (worried) Mason!

Mason: (reveals the dog and horse talismans in his hand) (coughs) I had preparations! (calmly and carefully removes the ice spear from his chest then tosses it aside) You can't lose me that easily!

(the horse talisman works its magic healing the damage done Mason by the ice spear excluding his shirt)

Marshall: I should give you a check up still!

Mason: (nods understandably)

Ryder: Pups, fall back! We'll need the Mighty Pups to handle these metal brutes!

Mayor Goodway: Good call Ryder, I'll try keeping everyone away!

Ryder: Mighty Pups, to the Lookout! Also Remember the ultimate fix-it truck!

Pups: Good call Ryder!

(scene changes to the Lookout where Rocky's ultimate rescue vehicle is put back into storage and his normal pup house emerges from where it went down with Rocky still in it)

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