Chapter 5 - The Leap

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'How unfortunate.'

I watched as a small entourage of humans we're nearing an ambush. I scanned the mana signatures of the victims to be. A hum of interest escaped me as I noticed the core levels of each person. Ah, all of them seem fairly skilled or adept in mana manipulation, but what's this. A dense concentration of mana caught my attention as my vision focused on two children that were riding in the carriage. But they're far too young, it's not possible. One was close to breaking into the dark red stage, while the other. The other was near the point of dark orange core. For a human this is, or was, surmised to be impossible. The fact that they already have mana cores was shocking enough but to have one be at peak red core? Taking a closer look his mana signature felt, familiar. Feeling a tap on my foot my attention returned to the cavern I currently resided in. Looking down I met the curious gaze of my daughter. Her golden hair draped down her back as onyx black horns protruded down and forward from her head. "Mom? You were spacing out again." I felt a wave of guilt and pain run through me. She sees me as her mother in this armor form I used to hide.

"It's okay Honey." I said my tone reassuring. "I was just monitoring the area is all."

She stared at me with her golden eyes before she nodded and went to go take a nap. The gears in my head began to churn as I started to connect dots.

'Sylvie shouldn't have been able to be born yet.' But upon feeling the mana signature from the abnormal child, it felt similar to the one I had felt when she hatched. 'Could it be his abnormal being was a catalyst for her birth? Or maybe it cause some kind of shift in our world.'

I needed to know before my time ran out. Touching the wound that spanned my midsection, I could only hope that I would get to speak to the boys.


I watched as the auburn haired boy flew off the cliff. A second figure following, his brother, I realized but why would he leap after. It must've been a move made out of desperation. Lastly, a larger figure had also followed after. One of the ambushers, could he be trying to escape after his comrades had fallen, no his movements are far too pleading. The dusty-brown haired boy embraced the other as wind mana began to circulate around the two. One heartbeat, two, and the mana dissipated before reforming into a bulkhead. They weren't going to survive like this. However, this does put them in position where they would be able to interact with me. And so I imbued mana onto them reinforcing their bodies as much as possible. As for the ambusher, I decided it would be best to not do anything. One less evil not present in the world.

'Unfortunately, due to the range of the spell it won't be extremely effective but it should help them survive.'


Remington Leywin

Breaking into a coughing fit, I stirred awake, my body pulsing in tremendous pain likely a combination of mana strain and the fall. Groaning, I rolled onto my arms managing to catch my breath before looking around at my surroundings. The body of the slave trader laid not to far from me, Art separating us. Art likely having gotten a nice good look at the corpse began to hurl, likely for the second time. After all, he should've woken up with no ability to move. I grimaced, feeling nauseous myself but looked away before it progressed any further. Inhaling deeply, I pushed up onto one knee before standing up, wobbling as I stood. Art coughed as he finished his fit behind me. "What are we gonna do now? Do you think everyone will be fine?"

I looked back at him, Art in a half crouched position wiped the vomit away as he looked at the body one last time. "For now I think we should find a way out of this forest. After all they're adventures I doubt a couple of bandits could best them." I said, with the most reassuring voice I could muster given my fatigue.

Art looked me his eyes tinged red, a heartbeat and a steel glare crossed his face. He usually does that when he's thinking so I wondered if Sylvia just spoke to him.

'No, that can't be. He responded out loud in the novel.'

I sighed hoping my presence would be able to help Arthur be more expressive. It would be nice to hear him share his thoughts as opposed to me already knowing them.

'Though, it should be anytime now tha-'

[Hello, young ones.] A warm calming voice said.

'Is this what it felt like to communicate mentally? I gotta say it is very uncomfortable now that I'm experiencing it firsthand.'

"Who are you? Did you save us?" Art said while looking at the corpse, knife in hand.  A melodic laugh filled our heads for a brief moment.

[Well. . . To start off I am not that corpse, you don't have to worry about that. In regards to your questions, yes I did save you two. As for the second, that's for you to find out.] Art and I exchanged a glance before nodding.

"So, where do you want us to go?" I asked out loud.

[If you look opposite the cliff and travel forward I will guide you. That is if you wish to see your family again.]

Art's face lit up as he collected his knapsack and marched onward. "Lead the way Mr. Voice." Art said as I followed close behind, after all he is the older brother.

[Its a bit rude to call a lady, "Mr."]

"My apologies Ma'am."


Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving feast yesterday or a great day if you don't celebrate thanksgiving!

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