Chapter 4 - A Light Spar

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Arthur Leywin
The Night After Departing to Xyrus

"Hey, Arthur let's spar! Since your such a prodigy I bet you can at the very least last 2 minutes." Adam said, a prideful tone in his voice. Looking over at my parents and my brother they all looked at Adam with bewilderment, the embers from the campfire amplifying their expressions 10 fold.

'Why would he want to spar with a 3 year old.' Was written all over their faces at the bright red haired, veteran adventure.

"Uhm, I'm not so good at fighting by myself. Could I have Remi help? To even the odds." I said trying to worm my brother into the trouble I had found myself in. As much as I loved to test myself and push past my limits, I don't exactly think my small body could take much punishment. Remi practically glowed at the request for help. He immediately hopped off our mothers lap and stood next to me.

"Adam don't be ridiculous they're only 3 years old." Mother argued.

"It's only a little spar Alice." Adam countered. "Besides they are a pair of centennial prodigies."

"It sounds like fun!" Remi exclaimed and pointed at Adam. "But you better not complain if we beat you."

"Bold words kid, alright then. Let's go to that small clearing over there." He said pointing with two wooden training swords. "We'll be using these."

Remi and I stood 10 feet away from Adam waiting for the signal to begin. Jasmine, a petite raven haired girl, stood at the side her right arm raised in a chopping position. She looked at Adam to wordlessly confirm his confirmation. Then, turned to us to verify ours as well. Before I could answer however, Remi placed a hand on my shoulder and whispered. "I'll be supporting you with magic. As soon as she signals the start dash forward. I'll imbue a tailwind to accelerate your movement. After that it'll be in accordance with his the situation in the moment."

I looked at my brother his deep eyes reminding me of countless gallons of blood that I had spilled as King Grey. And yet he showed a cool, calm demeanor. One only achieved by years of warfare and survival. I nodded at him and then confirmed with Jasmine.

"Oh-ho. Look at the little brats trying to strategize right befo-" Adam was cut off by Jasmine cutting down the air with her arm. Pushing with my right foot I began my dash. The dash however was short lived as I felt Remi's mana touch the souls of my feet.

'Clever thinking brother.' I thought to myself, grinning as I arrived almost instantly at Adam's side. I jumped, my blade spun to slash at the back of his neck. I had hoped for a quick victory so I could get back to resting but that hope dwindled as Adam tucked and rolled forward. 'Too slow. Again.' As if on cue I felt the mana at my feet once more and shot to Adam who was just beginning to stand. Slashing vertically at his torso he barely lifted his sword in time to redirect the attack. Adam slashed downward as I used my small stature to slightly sidestep the swing. Using the momentum from the prior dash, I grabbed his wrist and pivoted my body to angle the ball of my heel towards his chin. Adam slightly surprised caught my leg and flung me towards Remi. As I flew through the air wind began to slow my fall and corrected my position so that I could skid to a stop upright.

Looking back at Remi he nodded. Just then I processed everything in the last two years. His early awakening, the strange intelligence, the abnormal combat abilities, could it be that he also is reincarnated?

'Nows not the time for this train of thoughts.'

Looking towards Adam once more I saw Durden and Helen scolding the adventure for having flung me 15 feet.

"LOOK LOOK," Adam pleaded. "It was reactionary, muscle memory, I didn't mean to I promise."

Suddenly a wave of murderous intent came from the direction of our parents. Looking towards them I saw mother, a hollow smile on her face, as she stared at Adam. "Adam we are going to have a word once we arrive at Xyrus." She said words as sharp as a dagger. Adam stood ramrod straight before nodding his head vigorously.

'Note to self. Never make mother angry.'

"But anyway what the he-. Let me rephrase that." Adam cut himself off. Before speaking again he cast a cautious glance at mother. "What have you been teaching them Rey, Art nearly left me without a jaw. That kid is a monster and Remi however didn't even do anything."

"I didn't teach him any of that." Father said as he glanced at me. "Where did you learn that Art?"

Scanning through a number of possible responses I settle on, "I read a lot of books on combat with swords and your entire body."

'But what did he mean Remi didn't do anything.'

Helen was next to speak up. "To the untrained eye it seemed like Remi did nothing but stand there but he played a big part in pinning you Adam."

Everyone turned to Helen before she began even Remi had sat down on mothers lap to listen, no doubt amused.

"From the very beginning he controlled the fight. While Arthur was doing the main fighting Remi gave him the speed to close distance with wind attribute mana. How exactly I have no idea but he also displayed his control by helping Art land after you so carelessly threw him. After all I doubt the human body would have been able to rotate in such a manner in mid-air." Adam cringed at the mention of the throw but everyone else sat in awe as the glanced at Remi and I.


- 11/22/23 -
I pray you all a happy thanksgiving, at least for all those who celebrate it.

If you don't celebrate it then have a great day nonetheless.

No update tomorrow I will see you all Friday.

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