Chapter 6 - Lady Sylvia

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Remington Leywin

"Hey Remi?" Art asked as he maintained his lead. Glancing back only to acknowledge my attention. "Why did you jump off to save me?"

"Your asking this now?" I commented before giving my response. "Well, we're brothers do I need more reason than that?"

"I want a logical reason, Remington." His intent leaking out slightly catching me by surprise. In the book, Art doesn't travel with anyone to meet Sylvia. Let alone with someone who has inherent knowledge surpassing his own. I couldn't blame him for his caution however, someone our age should never be able to think as we do. And yet, here we are, coexisting.

"Look, Arthur." I said apprehension in my voice. "I don't want to divulge anymore information than you do."

After all, it's not like I had much to tell him. I couldn't remember who I even was. Let alone tell him that this entire world is a story written by an author, that. . . I may have to take to my grave. His intent stopped as his steps fell out of the rhythm he maintained this entire journey. He sighed likely letting out all the tension he had built up. "Do you have any knowledge of two people by the names of Cecilia and Nico?"

'I can see where his thinking is going but unfortunately for him, I am not Nico nor am I Cecilia. Their vessels have already been decided.'

"No, I do not but if alright with you. I cherish our relationship as brothers, Arthur. So I think it's best if we both put a hold on this conversation until we are comfortable exposing our truths." I replied.

"Your right," he mused. "After all we share the same goal, right? Keeping our loved ones safe? Given that you leaped off that cliff to save me."

Chuckling we had arrived at the base of a small mountain. I scanned the face in front of us, while Art's confusion practically leaked out as he stared at the rock dumbfounded. "Nice to meet you uhh... Ma'am? Miss. Rocks?" He said gesturing with his hands. Meanwhile my hand grazed the wall as I walked along it. Noticing the crevice that Sylvia had mentioned in the novel and made my way to stand in front of the opening.

[Not to disappoint you young one but, I am not a rock nor a cluster of them. Your brother however, seems more intuitive than he lets on.] She chuckled. Art glanced towards me before following me into the crevice. [I would recommend using mana to reinforce your bodies.]

I looked towards Art waiting for him to go first. A few awkward moments later, he motioned for me to go. "What?! Isn't it the older brother's job to make sure something is safe before guiding the young?"

"Well, if we're playing those cards. Then as the older brother I order you to go first." Art retorted.

Cursing, I looked down into the hole. Man, I don't know how deep this is, well at least I don't have any extra weight to carry now. Jumping into the hole I waited until I saw light before using wind mana to slow my descent. It's a shame I couldn't use this same spell when Art and I were barreling to our deaths. All due to my own reckless abandonment, I exerted too much mana trying to fly. I mean it's stated that even silver core mages were unable to fly due to the concentration, control, and mana supply needed. Landing softly I called up to Art. Hearing his screams grow closer, I moved slightly out of the way before watching him land on his behind. "You could've warned me." He croaked. Chuckling, I offered a hand to Art. After he took it I pulled him up. Looking past me Art's face drained of blood. Raising a brow, I followed his gaze. My gaze landed on a towering, armor clad, figure stood from its position and stared down at us. The faint glowing red eyes locked onto Arthur as he fell back.

"Welcome, young ones." She said. Her eyes brightening and dimming as she spoke. "It's a joy to finally meet you, in person."

I looked back towards Art, disappointed. "You know, sometimes I question which one of us really is the older brother." I offered a hand once more. "You get telepathically contacted by some unknown being. Follow its directions practically to a tee. And once finally meeting them you fall on your ass?"

"You know Mom would be very upset at that kind of language." Art retorted.

"Touché." I conceded. A melody of laughter filled the cavern.

"You two are wonderful." Sylvia commented before motioning for us to come closer. Art and I began our walk, Art quickening his pace to get in front of me.

'Wow that comment about who's older really got to him.'

We stopped around 10 feet away from Sylvia.

"Well, as promised I will be sending you back to your parents. However, it will take sometime for me to fully open a portal. Until then, there are special roots that grow here. Those should sustain you." Arthur and I both bowed in gratitude.

"Thank you for everything. I can't think of anyway to repay you. I prom-" Art said before being cut off.

"Young one. While I appreciate the good mannerisms, especially for someone as young as yourselves. I am neither expecting any favors or gratitudes. You two were valiant in your own right." She mused a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"Uhm, apologies I don't mean this negatively but you do not look much like a lady. How should I address you?" Art asked.

"I suppose that it's true, in this form at least. My name is Sylvia~"

'Sylvia Indrath.' I interrupted in my mind.

"~a lady." She announced boldly. "I also know you two have a plethora of questions and I will answer them to the best of my abilities. But I must say I also have my share of them."

Just then a small figure moved out from the side of Sylvia's left leg. My blood ran cold as I took in her golden hair and jet black horns.

'But how she shouldn't have been born until Art unlocked the 1st stage in his beast will. Is that how much of a change my presence brought to this world?'

"Mom, who are they?" She said looking up at Sylvia

Sylvia looked down before responding. "They are guests, honey. I ask you to get along until they depart. Maybe they'll be your first friends."

Sylvie walked towards us and stopped a respectful distance away. With a small courtesy she spoke, "I am Sylvie Indrath, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

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