The Wherabouts of Astoria Greengrass.

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Blood seems to be potent in my dreams. It is excruciatingly difficult to tell the difference between my own, and Astoria's.

I've had to continue my school lessons as normal, which is more difficult than I'd like to admit openly. Of course, it is. I come into potions, seeing an empty seat across the table.

There is speculation on Astoria's disappearance now. My stomach is not handling it well, people who were closely associated with Astoria are being questioned by Dumbledore.

We are all being picked off one by one. I need to talk to Harry.

I wait until breakfast to walk up to the Gryffindor table. Harry and I have had little to no history, Hermione has always been a close friend but we've grown apart in some time.

Unfortunately, Harry seemed to be in a rather important-looking conversation with Weasley. Great. Ron has never been a fan of me, and that feeling is strongly reciprocated.

Though, Hermione seems to acknowledge me first. "Jacky!" she exclaims joyfully, with a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Hey, Mione" I pull her into a deep hug, looking up to see if I can catch Harry's attention. Abnormally enough, he reaches up to his forehead and holds his fingers against his scar. His eyes snap to me.

I release Hermione and walk toward Harry. "Potter." I address.

"Jacky." He hums in response.

"Can we talk? It's rather urgent actually." I plead, noticing Weasley's disapproval. I sneer at him before Harry sits himself up from the table, following me out the corridor.

There are a couple of eyes on us as we walk out together.

"What is this?" Harry asks as soon as we are alone. I stand confused.

"What?" I ask

"My scar.." He falters, "Never mind. What was this urgent thing you're on about?"

"Dumbledore, I've heard rumors he can essentially tell if you're lying or not. Is this true?"

"Yes, I believe it is. Why would it matter to you?" Harry questions.

"Please Potter, I know you don't know me well nor trust me, but I'm begging you and Hermione best friend, to not ask questions about this." Harry nods before I continue, "Is there a way to avoid it?" I ask.

"I'm afraid not unless you were amazingly skilled in Occulemency. Are you in trouble..Jacky?" Green eyes stare into my own. I feel like I've known him forever somehow.

"Don't worry about it, thank you...Harry." I give him a nod of approval before heading back to the great hall.

On my way to my first class, which is potions, I spot Malfoy in the hall. After our encounter with Diggory, we've had a couple of rendezvous together. I smirk at him before letting myself into Snape's classroom.

"I quite simply do not have the capacity to deal with even the merest amount of stupidity, you have potion books for a reason, use them, and do not ask me for any help," Snape announces as his lesson for today.

Quite annoying that Snape is the most notoriously skilled Legilimens at Hogwarts. Now I have to walk up to him and ask a fucking question, which he just told us exactly not to do.

"Professor..." I peep quietly.

"What did I just say not to do, Callisto." He snidly responds.

"Sir this isn't about the Scintillation Solution, I have a question," I add

"Why should I care about your question exactly?" Snape dreadfully responds, slamming the book he was reading on his desk.

"You're skilled in Occulemency right?" I ask

"Skilled is an understatement, Callisto."

"Great, I need to learn everything there is by tonight," I say.

He almost laughs at this.

"Funny. Occulemency takes years to master." Snape adds, going back to his book.

"I'm partially self-taught professor." I almost regretfully mention.

He seems to hum in curiosity at this, "Meet me back here at ten o'clock Callisto, on the dot. We'll see exactly how 'self-taught' you claim to be." Snape goes back to his book.

I'll take this as a major win, but I am slightly concerned as to why Snape didn't even care to ask why I needed to master Occulemency by tommorow, and he as a professor, is most definitely aware of the current investigation about the whereabouts of Astoria Greengrass, which is dreadful.

If Snape is even slightly more intelligent than a complete moron, he must know that I'm guilty of something. Why else would someone need to so desperately be able to protect their mind? Why is he trying to protect me?

Draco POV

He's in my house again. I've been assigned a new task.

I have to kill Albus Dumbledore.


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